The Saline County Standard, 1 July 1890, published in Friend, Saline County, Nebraska. W. H. Stout. Page 3 Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL A.S. PADDOCK, U. S. Senator..Beatrice G. F. MANDERSON, ..Omaha G. L. LEWIS, Congressman.Red Willow Co. STATE (Omitted by transcriber) JUDICIARY Ama?? COBB, Chief JusticeLincoln Samuel MAXWELL, Associate??Fremont T. I. NORVAL FIFTH DISTRICT W. H. MORRIS, Judge COUNTY J. N. VAN DUYN, county Clerk??Wilber F. J. SADILEK, Treasurer????..Wilber J. W. SHESTAK, Register of Deeds?Wilber N. R? HAYDES, county judge???.Wilber G. H. HASTINGS, County Attorney?.Crete John BARTON, Sheriff??????.Wilber A.N. DODSON, Clerk Dist. Court?. Wilber Wm. FARRAND, Supt Public Inst??Wilber D.D. LYNN, Surveyor??????.Dorchester Dr. SHELL, Coroner???????Tobias Herschell SMITH, Michael AHL, R. VANCE, Commisioners The windmill business is booming these days. Sunday last was the warmest day of the season. The weather became a little cooler Tuesday evening. Mr. A. J. NELSON lost one of his ponies last week. Frank JONES is enjoying a visit in Denver this week. Esquire ELLSWORTH has been appointed police judge. Friend school district has 433 children of school age. John KINTNER took in the Beatrice assembly Sunday. Miss M. OBITZ and Miss Alice BURLEY visited Lincoln Tuesday. Cash will be paid for some vegetables if brought to this office. Two new members were added to the K. P. lodge Monday night. Several of our people went to Crete last week to hear Miss WILLARD. Charlie SANDERS will occupy Mrs. BURLEY?s house while she is away. Rev. BARKER and wife returned from the Beatrice assembly Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph GILMORE left for a visit at her old home in Minn., Monday. ?Sam SMALL is a greater man than TALMAGE? in some peoples estimation. Miss Belle McKAY has returned from a few days visit with friends in Wilber. Vergil REED, of DeWitt, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. S. S. STOREY, last week. Mrs. H. BURLEY and son, started Tuesday for Boston, where they will spend the summer. Fred GUND, of Wilber, spent several days in friend last week visiting ye editor's family. Al HURLBURT will put up a hundred barrel tank at the wire factory to be used in case of fire. Mr. WARNER?s people, living near the school house, lost a five months old child last Friday. Miss Bell McKAY and Miss Maude VAN DUYN favored this office with a very pleasant call Tuesday. Drouth and dust is the weather in this section. John JACK, of Lincoln precinct, was in town last week. John VAN DUYN of, Wilber, spent a short time at the reunion last week. Brigadier General GRIERSON has been placed on the retired list of the army. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. TALLEY have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their babe. Mr. PILLSBURY, of DeWitt, expects to have business in Friend quite often this summer. Miss Minnie DECKER, WHO HAS BEEN SPENDING SEVERAL MONTHS IN Friend, left for Illinois Sunday. A Mr. BELDEN and a young lady from Iowa were married Tuesday evening by Rev. BARKER. The general impression is that WEBSTER has been too much for Samuel SMALL in their debate. kGeo. HAVENS lost the dinner he bet with Mr. ALLSMAN on the price of hogs, but when is the dinner? Markets are off and farmers are not receiving as much for their stock as they expected at this time. Don't say anything more about that silverware Eddie, for Mr. and Mrs. WOLFE are very much pleased with it. Mr. KISELER has bought J. D. FRENCH?es residence and will soon move his family to our city. We understand Mr. FRENCH will move to Tobias. On the 19th and 20th of this month J. E. REMSBURG will deliver three lectures. Mr. R. is an unbeliever in divine inspiration and invites all to hear him. L. E. SOUTHWICE and wife and B. F. RENGLER and wife attended the Beatrice assembly this week. Host WALKER, of the Coronado hotel, treated the band boys to a first class dinner on Saturday last. Women who served as army nurses during the war sill probably soon receive pensions of $12 a month. One hundred people were poisoned at Tobias on the fourth from drinking lemonade. No deaths have been reported. The show is now over and those holding unused comps are requested to leave them with Jigadier Brindle STOREY. The HUFFMAN barb wire factory has put in three new machines and will soon be manufacturing wire by the car load. L.P. GESSELL, of Holdridge, made the STANDARD office a very pleasant call while in town last week celebrating the fourth. The dirty faces of some of the celebrators last Saturday reminded the old soldiers of the old times they had among the southern negroes. The Republican caucus of Lincoln precinct will be held at the residence of C. W. HURD, Saturday July 19th 1890 at 4 p.m. C. W. HURD Char. Several couples of our citizens spent Sunday last in the woods. The weather was a little warm, but they went prepared for any thing that might happen. Some unknown person tried to enter the residence of Mr. McKINZIE Monday night, but was met by the gentleman of the house who gave him a minute to 'get'. Andrew MOFFATT, of Dorchester, gave a few orders down at camp last Saturday, and did more grumbling an fault finding than all the rest of the old soldiers combined. Mr. LEWIS, the obliging B. 7 M. agent at this place, informs us that 115 tickets were sold Wednesday to persons who attended the Crete assembly to listen to TALMAGE. Host WALKER and wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. O'MALLEY drove to Crete Wednesday. Mr. O?MALLEY has just been taking unto himself a new wife and she is his traveling companion. Mr. H. P. KING and daughter, Miss Maud, started yesterday for Wisconsin, where they expect to remain fro some time visiting relatives and friends. Mr. KING accompanied them as far as Omaha. Sam SMALL is nearly as bad off in Nebraska as he was when the Yankees were chasing him around in the south. The greatest trouble with Same is, he is on the wrong side, the same as he was in the sixties. === Copyright © 2006 Sue Thomas Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project