Saline County Standard, 1 August 1890, published in Friend, NE. Published every Friday by W. H. STOUT LOCAL SIFTINGS, page 3 Wait for the Friend fair, August 27th to 29th. Considerable sickness is reported in this vicinity J. PALMER went to Wilber Monday on legal business. Dogs are not so plentiful as they were two weeks ago. Esquire ELLSWORTH tried a case at Cordova last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. JUSTICE have gone to housekeeping. Miss Ella WOLF contemplates making a western visit soon. Mrs. JOHNSON has been reported on the sick list this week. W. O. SOUTHWICK started yesterday for an outing in Wisconsin. Rain prospects all vanish much to the disappointment of every body. Mrs. M. J. WALKER has been somewhat under the weather this week. Miss Julia JOHNSON, sister of J. R. JOHNSON, Crete, died On Saturday last. A.E. MOELER has sold $15,000 real estate in this place and Lincoln this week. Miss Sarah TRUMBLE, of Lincoln, was visiting friends in our city this week. J.D. POPE is in Wyoming this week visiting friends. Mr. O. WEEKS, of Lincoln visited the CROWLEY family at This place this week. Miss L. AMEY has been at Beaver Crossing several days Visiting friends. Bro. WHITCOMB went out to Hastings Wednesday to Take in the convention. A large amount of damage has been done near Grant this week by prarie fire. The sidewalk west of D. GILMORE’s property has been Raised and put in good condition. We had the pleasure of sampleing some fine Fruit that W. H. GRAVES got in this week. John JACK and wife, of Lincoln precinct, were in our city Tuesday doing some trading. The social given at the Congregational church Tuesday evening was quite well attended. Mr. Fred GREEN was called to Chicago by telegram Monday to visit the sick bed of his mother. The new cigar factory is located south of ARNOLD’s meat market and will soon be in full blast. Hugh HITCHCOCK, live stock commission merchant of South Omaha was in our city last Saturday. A large number of old soldiers are sending their pension applications in under the new act of congress. It is said that the champion liar ALLEY took an active part in the Alliance convention the other day. Job HATHAWAY of Hemingford Neb. And a staunch republican, was on the east bound train Tuesday noon. Hugh McLEAN who left these parts some time time ago for Scotland has returned for a visit with old friends. J.A. WILD, of the Wilber “Republican,” and wife spent Sunday last in our city visiting the family of ye editor. The “Free Press” stated last week that it was going to change hands. We have not learned of a sale taking place. H.T. CLARK has purchased the Omaha Republican and will pay Mr. WILCOX, debts out of the purchase money. W.C. FAULKNER writes from Illinois to have the STANDARD sent to his address, knowing that we print the news. The hot winds which have been blowing for the past few days have been very damaging to crops in this vicinity. James SMITH and Donald AKIN went to Hastings Monday as delegates to the peoples congressional convention. Found:--On the street in Friend, a lap robe, which the owner can have by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Dr. BEGHTOL, T.C. CALLAHAM, Wm. WHITCOMB, and A.J. JUSTICE were delegates to the Hastings convention Wednesday. L.L.GAHOGEN has sold his farm, crop and stock and has bought a stock of drugs in Lincoln. F. OMINBY is to be his pharmacist. Some of the alliance men think this a good year to go into politics, as crops are short and they will have but little to do at home. John TALLEY came to town Thursday with 117 bushel of flax on one wagon and drawn by two horses. The load was a monster. Eddie STEWART an orphan boy who has been in Friend for some time left Tuesday for Ill. Where his sister lives, he leaves hosts of friends. John BURKE, who resides a few miles south of town was severely kicked by a horse this week. We understand he is recovering rapidly. The passengers on one of the F.E.&M. V. trains were robbed near Valentine Tuesday, by two men who went through the train with cocked revolvers. The following is the Friend grain and stock market at the time of going to press: Wheat, 65 cts; corn, 32cts; oats, 25cts; flax, $.10; hogs, $3.10; cattle, $3.50. Bro. WHITCOMB was at the state convention (on the outside) with a dagger drawn at Hastings. As a wager, Ed is quite a wag, but his dagger didn’t dag.—“Vidette.” The barb wire company have not done much in the past week as they are waiting for their engine to arrive when they will commence business with four machines. The republican central committee is called to meet at the Willard hotel Omaha, Aug 5th, for the purpose of completing the organization before entering upon the campaign. Jerry WILLIAMS is again at work at his trade. He is now located one door north of Ed. LEONARD’s office, and he has an entire new set of tools. He invites all his old customers to call. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. R.D. WALKER desire to extend their thanks to neighbors and friends for assistance rendered during the sickness of their little Dolores. James GAVEN started Wednesday for Washington, where he will probably make his future home. At Hastings he met John McDONALD and family who accompanied him to his new home. The little child that Mr. and Mrs. R.D. WALKER took a few months ago to raise, died on Monday of summer complaint. All that loving hands could do was done for the little one but it was called, and had to go. Prof. J.D. FRENCH commenced moving his household property to Tobias Wednesday. Mr. FRENCH has been a resident of Friend for some eight years and his many friends here dislike to have himself and family leave our city. Morgan HURLBERTSON who has had considerable domestic trouble of late came to town Monday, and as his wife, accompanied by her two children, was going to the depot to take the train, HURLBERTSON rushed up, took the children and placing them in a wagon drove out of town. What the outcome of this family row will be is hard to conjecture. The general opinion seems to be that both parties are to blame. At the farmers’ alliance convention held last Saturday, the following ticket was nominated, Ed. TURNER, of Brush Creek, State Senator. James SMITH, of Friend and S.J. HERMAN, of Wilber, representatives. M.A. BOGGS, of DeWitt, County Commissioner. W.G. HASTINGS, of Wilber, County Attorney. Trelot is a mathematical game to be played with men on a checker board. It is a happy combination of amusement and instruction. While it is fascinating as a game, it begets skill in calculation which long and persistent school room drill often fails to supply. The independent congressional convention for the first district was held in Lincoln immediately after the state convention adjourned and C.H. VAN WYCK was nominated for congress. The poor old political hack must have an office, and if he can’t be governor he will take anything he can get. Farmers who have been holding their hogs for a better market, have given up all hope of a raise and now the hogs must go. Mr. JUSTICE sold a fine lot on Monday, and yesterday George HAVENS shipped one hundred and fifty head to Omaha, himself and George DE LONG going with the stock. The SAUNDERMAN Undertakers played the return game with the Cordova’s Monday, resulting in a score of 13 to 14 in favor of the undertakers. Quite a number of our citizens went over to witness the game and all pronounce it the best of the season. Everything passed off quietly and the boys are happy. ATTENTION, FARMERS If you want to borrow any money on your land, apply to me direct, in person. I will save you a commission. In other words, give you the advantage of all that the local Agents might make. I will make a 6 per cent rate for the next thirty days. F.I. FOSS, Crete, Nebr. Uncle Joe WIDICK saw our request in the STANDARD for vegetables and on Wednesday brought us one car of corn. It was field corn and a very large ear, it being enough for our entire family of seven a mess. The corn is from the field that COWPERTHWAITE tried to make the people believe had been taken by the weeds. When farmers can raise such corn in dry times what is the use of an alliance. Mr. A.J. JUSTICE, one of the substantial farmers of this vicinity, sold his hogs Tuesday to J. COWPERTHWAIT and the buyer acknowledge this as being the finest lot he has bought of any one man this year. The number was 36 at $3.25 per hundred average 333?. And amount received $391.30. Mr. JUSTICE still has 100 pigs and 35 sows, from which he will probably realize one year hence as much cash as a great many farmers will from their entire crop of corn. === Copyright © 2006 Sue Thomas Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project