Page 3 The Saline County Standard, 18 July 1890, Friend, NE. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAR, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY W. H. STOUT Circus tonight. Did your dog die? A glorious rain came just in time to save the corn. Jas. BURLEIGH is in Lincoln this week. Prairie chickens will be ripe about Sept. 1st. What has become of the water works question. Frank JONES has returned from his visit to Denver. Mrs. C.M. PARKE is visiting in Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. PHILLIPS spent Sunday in Dorchester. Judge ABBOTT, of Crete, was on our streets Saturday. Mrs. Dr. MEGHTOL has returned from her visit to Illinois. A large number of good horses are being sold in this vicinity. Hon. Geo. H. HASTINGS, of Crete, was in our city on Monday. The barb wire factory will soon be ready to do a big business. Our butchers don?t seem to buy SEIBERT's stock very readily. Friend will soon have an organized ball club that will play ball. Marshal SEIBERT is busy slaying dogs. He is doing good service. HEWIT made a power of a fight but Eddie kept shady and you see the result. The Hon. J. D. POPE returned Monday from a two week?s visit at Chicago. Mr. J. H. WATERMAN has been helping us out with a big lot of job work this week. Wm CALDWELL, of Tobias, was in our city on Tuesday shaking hands with friends. As soon as the new engine arrives the barb wire factory will do a rushing business. Miss HOLLAND gave a party at her home. Thursday evening. A.E. MOELLER hade a business trip to Lincoln Wednesday. A sociable is talked of which will be given in the near future. The train from the east was several hours late Wednesday. The democratic central committee will meet at Wilber July 21st. The Alliance county convention will be held at Wilber July 26th. Bro. WHITCOMB was at the depot yesterday when the train came in. Mrs. J. CLYNE started yesterday for a visit of a few weeks with her parents in Illinois. That ice cream freezer question is settled, and as it is a family matter it is nobody's business. A recent letter from VanALLER & McLEAN state that they are in Col. and having a good time. Major FRANKLIN, of Omaha was in our city Monday representing the Sun Vapor Street Light Co. of Canton, Ohio. The register at the Coronado hotel shows that a large number of transient people have been in our town during the past week. STEIDLE's pharmacy club play pretty well but it is no credit to down a pick up nine. Wait for our club and we will play you again. Wm TYSON, of Dorchester, who has been sticking shoepegs in the Gorilla's office, left Monday to look for a job in an office where they print their paper with type. A team belonging to a man named PERDUE made things lively Tuesday evening. They ran several blocks, broke two wagon tongues and hurt one of the horses quite severely. Geo. CHANDLER, W. W. COCHRAN, and E. SCHWARTZ came over from Wilber last Monday to bet on the ball game. We did not learn how much the boys lost, but we learned it was quite a sum. The dependent pension bill is now a law having been signed by President HARRISON, June 27th. Pension agents are getting their work in and every old soldier in the land is sending blanks to be filled out. Make out your own papers boys, and you will get your pension just as soon and you will save a fee of $10.00. The Institute "Herald" published at Tobias by J. M. WHITE, of the "Tribune" is on our table. The "Herald" is a semi-weekly and will be issued during the session. The paper is well edited and also well filled with advertisements which goes to show that Bro. WHITE's enterprise is appreciated by the business men in the town. John L. McMAHAN, late of the inebriate asylum, Chicago, delivered two very interesting temperance lectures in our city this week. Mr. McMAHAN is a good speaker and makes many good points without abusing those who have views not exactly as his own. If the temperance people will draw off their cranks and put such men as McMAHAN in the field, the cause will receive more attention. === Copyright © 2006 Sue Thomas Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project