Snippets - Friend Telegraph, April 23, 1890 Pg two Several cases of diphtheria reported in Lincoln 1589 US Army desertions between 7/1/89 7 3/1/90 Crete - Mr. Sawyer's body was found in the river after disappearing Sunday. His is the second disappearance in Crete the past two years. The B & M has reduced its scheduled time between Chicago & Denver to 28 1/2 hours. This is said to be the fastest long distance time in the US. (note @985 mi this is 35 mph, not bad for steam with many stops, The Zephyr used to make it in under 15 hrs and few stops) The Lincoln & Western is looking into building by way of Milford, Beaver Crossing, McCool etc to keep the Missouri Pacific out of the thriving towns along the B &M west of Crete. A track is already constructed west of Harvard. Tom Kennard is heading the project. An editorial on abuses in the Nebraska insurance laws indicating that the number of fires have doubled since the new law was enacted. Ohio passed a similar law that has been repealed. No details given on the law. Pg 3 - City Talk Starkey's has the best tea and cider in town as well as high five cigars and pure maple sugar (15 cents/lb) Pages has oranges, lemons and apples as well as cigars; Pratt's hair restorative is for sale at Parke's and Hewitt's has wallpaper for 10 cents/bolt upwards. W O Southwick visited Lincoln; N H Voorhees put up a new sign; The James Rules had a son; R M Proudfit is building an addition to the McKinnie house;the Chas Swansons had a new daughter; C W Warner started for Colorado yesterday where he will plant a tree claim; Mrs H M Smiths aunt has been visiting from Beatrice. Mrs McDougall, T C Callahan and C M Saunders were shopping in Lincoln last Monday. On Tuesday evening Nick Deinas son got lye in his mouth and was severely burned. Dr Doty has him under care and he is recovering. Direct quote - George Havens went over to Mulligan last Monday to sell his horse. Imbibed some tangle foot (??), a horse fell on him or a railroad train ran over him or all Mulligan jumped on him, at any rate George was very badly injured about the chest. Dr. Hewit was called. Some rivalry has existed between Joe Cowperthwaite and Joe Widick as to when to begin corn planting. This week Widick got ready to plant on Wednesday but Cowperthwaite had begun on Tuesday. Widick will begin on Good Friday next year. All the barbers of Friend have agreed not to open shop on Sundays. Parties who do not care to wear their beards over Sunday better govern themselves accordingly. Mrs S I Alexander, Milliner will discount any hat price quoted in Saline County. B & M RR fares, Friend to Chicago - $11, to Denver of Cheyenne - $7.50 Warning by Hacker Brothers to avoid buying wrought iron stoves from traveling peddlers when they have steel stoves and will be here for years to come to cover guarantee. John Pratt left a will bequeathing has possessions to his son George. Will Goodwin's oven (brick?) fell in last Tuesday morning but Will began at once to rebuild it. The barbed wire machine is grinding wire out at a 2:40 rate, and the boys are happy. Married, at Uma, CO, April 12th 1890 Alex Myers of Uma and Belle McInroy of Friend. J W Stevenson came up from Ohiowa on Tuesday and rented a house. He is engaged in McKay's elevator. Mrs Hunt, mother of Charles, and Edgar Hunt arrived from Bushnell, Ill. on Wednesday and is visiting her children. Pages Grocery beats 'em all with its Hebron flour. Fine white light bread only $1 per sack. Can't be beat anywhere! Mr & Mrs Frank Aldritt began housekeeping on Tuesday and the boys thought it proper to give them a little serenade in the evening. Would be saloon keepers in Dorchester have failed to secure the legal number of petitions in that city. Emerson's Boston Stars will perform at Band's Opera House April 29th. Walt Emerson is acknowledged to be the finest cornet player in the world. He is not second best but stands at the head, having been cornet soloist with Gilmore's Band. Admission only 75 cents. - E D Stebbins, Manager Bands Opera House, Crete, Neb. Mrs Cox lost some paper patterns and embroidery designs between the city and Andrews cemetery. The finder will confirm a favor by leaving them at the PO. The temperance lecture of Mr. Kreider, the Iowa editor at the ME Church last Sunday was well attended. The lecturer was much pleased with our city and may conclude to make it his home in the future. After suffering horribly for years from serofula in its worst form, a young son of Mr. R L King, of Richmond, VA, was recently cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. No other medicine can approach this preparation as a cleanser of the blood. Miss Lowell entertained at the opera house last Friday. Attendance was very good. Many of the readings were rocky. Miss Almena Parker, a thorough Nebraska girl who can more than double discount Miss Lowell any day in the week, came to this city not long ago and only a half dozen turned out to hear her. Last Tuesday while John Scott who resides of the Jones farm NW of town was burning stubble near his barn, the fire got the advantage of him and burned his stable and granary together with some harness, robes and a saddle. There was no insurance on the buildings but the contents were insured to the amount of fifty dollars. The city board began to hear the evidence on the remonstrance of John Cone against George Gale on Wednesday. Mr. Sloan of Fairmont represented Mr Gale and Hon. E S Abbott of Crete, Mr Cone. While the council had adjourned for supper, the parties got together and settled the matter by Pierce & Jones buying out Gales fixtures and all remonstrance was withdrawn. (New deal on flour, see above) L H Page has laid in a carload of the celebrated Hebron flour which it is offering at 90 cents/sack. We have tried this flour and know whereof we speak when we say it is the best we have had in our house for more than two years. Every sack is warranted. King's new discovery for consumption is available at H W Hewit's drug store. Numerous testimonies of its efficacy are available from other states. A Chattel Mortgage sale will take place in front of the First National Bank of Friend on at one o'clock on May 2, 1890. W W Cherry owes Charity F. Stone $150.00 in default. Auctioned to satisfy the debt will be one sorrel horse, 6 yrs old, one two horse wagon, Moline rake; one double set harness; also all the crops grown on the east half of the SW quarter of section eight, town seven, range two east of Saline County. === Copyright © 2006 George B. Cobel Permission to Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project