Saline County
NEGenWeb Project

Immigrant Issue - Dorchester

Copyright © 2011 
Saline Co.,  NEGenWeb Project 


Immigrant Issue 
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887
This special edition was intended to promote Nebraska as a state and provide the towns of with an opportunity to advertise their status and attract new residents. Located in Saline county, on the Burlington and Missouri Railroad. Twenty eight miles from Lincoln. Population one thousand. This town is pleasantly located in the northern part of Saline county on the line of the B and M railroad about eight miles west of Crete. The situation is an attractive one, being on the level prairie land about midway between the West Blue River and Turkey Creek. 

The first named is about three miles north and the latter about the same distance south of town. It is in the center of rich agricultural district and supported by a thriving and industrious class of farmers who are settling on all sides of this village. The population numbers about 1000 and is made up of substantial and progressive class of citizens who are moral and industrious. The schools are among the best and the churches active and well organized. The business interests of the town are represented by three banks, four dry goods stores, seven groceries, two hardware firms, three clothing stores, two drug stores, four boot and shoe dealers, three hotels, two lumber yards, two coal dealers, four general merchandise firms, one furniture store, one newspaper and three agricultural implement dealers. 

There is also a jewelry store, a livery stable, a flouring mill and an excellent brick yard. The aggregate business done last year amounted to $300,000. Dorchester is a shipping point of considerable importance. The freight record for last year shows that 652 car loads of grain and 112 of stock were marketed form this place. The receipts for this same time were 54 cars of lumber and 93 cars of merchandise. 

The following story was common for newspapers to tell in the 1890's; It is related of old Johnny Ripple who died in Ogle township Pennsylvania a few days ago at the age of eighty seven, that in his prime he could kick anywhere from a store ceiling, eleven feet above the floor. Once when rafting on the Monongahela river the raft was wrecked and he escaped by jumping by jumping over 25 feet to a rock. he would place four or five hogsheads in a row jump out of the first into the second and so on to the last, then jump backwards to the first with apparent ease.