Date unknown
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebraska
Unknown dateComstock a Pioneer
Andy Comstock, resident of Nebraska for sixty-three years, came up from his farm, near Gretna, last Friday, to celebrate his 72 birth anniversary with his daughter, Miss Martha Bingham, 508 South Nineteenth street.
Buffalo Bill got more publicity, but his stage coach and Indian fighting adventures probably were no greater than those of Comstock, who drove stage for nearly thirty years between Nebraska City and Denver. Comstock went to Nebraska City in 1854 from Wisconsin. He reached Omaha in 1860, traveling on a steamboat, and found a town of a few houses and a "hotel".
For many years Comstock was a "freighter" across the Nebraska plains, driving eighteen oxen, whose best speed was sixteen miles a day. Comstock walked. The route was through the camps of hostile Cheyenne and Sioux Indians. ---- Omaha World-Herald
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Friday, April 29, 1904 (partial listing)
Mr. Lapp, of Peru, came to the city last evening and was taken to the hospital to undergo a surgical operation.
G. L. Bradley, wife, daughter and son, of Omaha, who have been in the city for several days returned home last evening.
John Lechner reports that he lost two fine steers last Sunday during the storm. The got into a low place and were drowned.
William Drake, who has been confined to the house by illness for the past five months, was able to be out today for the first time.
George Whitlow is night ticket agent at the Missouri Pacific passenger depot in place of Harry Thomas, who has resigned and gone south for this health.
Lem Lincoln, of Plattsburg, Mo., who has been here attending the funeral of the late Marshall Bradley, returned home last evening.
Mrs. Fred Kidd, of Omaha, who has been in the city on a visit with her mother, Mrs. C.G. Fischer, returned home last evening.A MODEL HOME
John Wirth, who lives two miles west of town has begun work on a new residence on the old home place and when completed will have one of the finest and most complete homes in Otoe county. It will contain enough rooms to accommodate nearly all his relatives and will have all the modern conveniences. Louis Meyer is doing the carpenter work. The building will be heated by hot water, lighted with gas, and hot and cold water in each room. J. Maher has the contract for the plumbing. The water will be piped from a spring which is higher than the house so there will be running water through the house at all times.
Source: Nebraska City News, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr. Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1904.
The Otoe Union
Unadilla, Otoe Co., Nebraska
Friday, May 5, 1905
75 cts. a year if paid in advance
Vo. IX. No. 28B. & M. Depot Burned
Monday afternoon about five o’clock the B. & M. depot at Syracuse, was discovered on fire by Florence VanHorn who at once notified her father, the station agent. An alarm was given and quickly responded to by the department.
The fire was caused by sparks from an engine which fell near the freight door where the wood was well saturated with oil. The fire when once started spread over the whole building between the siding and rafters, and but for the coolness and steady work of John Metzgar and Chas. Bennett pipemen on line one the building would have been a total loss, the second line men and the Hooks done their full share. Some citizens that assisted deserves credit for their help.
The freight, express matter, and all stuff of any value was saved. Mr. VanHorn lost some household goods that was stored up stairs in the building to the value of nearly $100. The building looks as it stands as though it could easily be repaired, but upon close investigation it is badly gutted and damaged. What the railroad officials will do in regard to rebuilding has not yet been learned.
This is the first fire Syracuse has had for nearly three years, it is hoped that the same length of time will again pass before the department is called out to fight fire. The goods taken from the depot were stored in the vacant room next to the Democrat office until other arrangements can be made. Telegraphic business was interrupted until Tuesday about noon.---Syracuse Democratic.
Had His Jaw Broken
Will Cook who lives south of Syracuse, had the misfortune to have the bone in his left jaw fractured Monday.While currying a horse it raised its foot and Mr. Cook was struck by the hock with such a force as to cause the above results. He came to town and had his face dressed and he will use the sign language for a time as the physician has forbid him talking.
Unadilla Notes:
Wanted, a girl, at the Kime Hotel.1904 Flour is the Best for the price.
C. H. Wilson was in Lincoln, Monday.
L. D. Finigan was in Syracuse Tuesday.Otoe Flour makes fine bread.
See Abbott Bro’s high wheel lawn mowers.
H. P. Farnsworth is not so well this week.
J. J. Holt and family were in Syracuse, Monday.
G. W. Brandt was a Palmyra Visitor Wednesday.
I. H. Stewarts now occupy Mrs. Kirk’s property.
Chas. Schroeder of Syracuse, was in town Monday.
Mr. John Hayden returned from Sterling Saturday.
Abbott Brothers have some extra heavy machine oil.
Miss Sarah McCarty was a Syracuse visitor Monday.
For millinery and neckwear call on Mrs. Mina DuBois.
Miss Emma and Will Hahn were in Syracuse Sunday.
Henry Hahn and Wm. Harman were in Syracuse Saturday.Ask for Golden Grain flour.
John Alexander visited his parents at Syracuse, Sunday.
Mr. Fred Kastens was the guest of Henry Hahn Sunday.
N. G. Ziegler has some nice couches at the furniture store.
Mrs. W. T. Coffman and son Horace, arrived home this week.
Henry Hahn and brother Willie were at Palmyra Friday.Unadilla flour has the best flavor of any flour on the market.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swarfman were the guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Hahn Sunday.
For something new in Neck wear call on Mrs. Mina Dubois.
Elmer Calfee and Miss Nettie Russell were in Syracuse, Sunday.
Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kramer, Friday, April 28, 1905.
Mrs. N. G. Ziegler was visiting her parents in Bennett this week.
Wm. Harman has been visiting at Henry Hahn’s the past week.
Mrs. W. C. Farrand spent several days in Lincoln last week.
Little Leona Hanway dislocated her left arm Thursday of last week.
Miss Emma Hahn was a passenger to Syracuse, Tuesday afternoon.
For ice cream, summer drinks, nuts, fruit Sundae’s at call Mrs. Kirk’s.
Miss Catherine Butt visited her mother at Nebraska City, over Sunday.
The Farmer’s elevator company shipped hogs to Nebraska City, Tuesday.
Baby Helen Duncan and Rosa Callaway were under the doctor’s care last week.
Uncle Ben Mohler who is getting quite feeble, is reported among the sick.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Botsford, who had been sick, is reported better.
This section was visited by a fine rain Wednesday afternoon.Extra copies of the Union can be obtained at Mrs. Kirk’s at 5 cents per copy.
Mrs. Jessie Ohler of Lincoln, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Kirk, and friends.
John Dunn came in from Nebraska City the first of the week for a few days visit.
Clerk of the District Court, E. H. Finigan, visited his parents here Monday.
Harry DuBois was a prize winner at the Syracuse skating contest Saturday night.Ask for Golden Grain Flour.
A new crossing has been laid across the street in front of J. R Kime’s lumber yard.
A nice little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stillwell, Friday, April 28, 1905.
Taylor Graham was a passenger to Lincoln, Monday, returning home Tuesday afternoon.
If you like the Union subscribe for it, at 75 cents a year you can’t afford to be without it.
Mrs. T. Thomahlen of Nebraska City, came in Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Kramer.
Misses Mead, Nellie Pell, Mabel Luff, Ada Dubois and Fay Farrand were in Syracuse, Saturday evening.
George West and Ludlow Bryant were quite badly poisoned with ivy poison last week, but have recovered.
Frank Farnsworth came in from Lincoln, Saturday, to spend a few days at home, returning Wednesday.
The M. E. church of this place and the Paisley church, have recently sent in a contribution of forty dozen eggs to the M. E. hospital at Omaha.
The Paisley church collection for Home Missions, was very liberal indeed. The resident of Paisley are well known to all as most generous and liberal people.
There are altogether to many windows broken in this town by the careless throwing of missels in the hands of boys. The large glass in the door of the lumber office was shattered in this manner last week.
Deputy County Recorder Chas. H. Schminke has resigned his position in the recorder’s office to take effect next Saturday. Mr. Brant will appoint a successor to Mr. Schminke, but will do the work himself -- N. C. Tribune.Nebraska City would like to have their old depot moved to Syracuse to take the place of the one so badly damaged by fire last Monday, so they can have a new one. It is more than likely Syracuse will get a new depot.
Syracuse boasts of having two of the oldest men in the county. One is Isaac Anabel, aged 96, and the other is W. H. Page, aged 92. Both are seemingly in the best of health and promise to live for many years to come.—N. C. News.
A complete and very enjoyable surprise party occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Willard last Friday evening, when a number of their friends came in upon them most unceremoniously and announced that their purpose was to add a fitting finish to the celebration of Mr. Willard’s birthday. The host and hostess soon recovered from their surprise and entertained the guests in a most hospitable manner. The guests came well laden with delicious refreshments which were very daintily served, and altogether it was an evening which will long be remembered by Mr. Willard as a very pleasant mark for that mile-stone in his life.
School Notes:
There is no graduating class this year. The school closes on Friday May 19. In the morning of that day the intermediate room and high school will meet together from 9:30 to 11:30 and have review recitations which will cover the years work. It is hoped that parents will witness this work. In the afternoon the school will gather in the primary room and render a brief program. There are a half dozen or more pupils who have not been absent nor tardy during the year. At this time they will receive certificates to this effect signed by the county superintendent and the teachers. Supt. King will be invited to be present and present these certificates.
South Russell Dots (same paper,same page):
Verily, verily the wind doth blow.
Farmers of South Russell are busy planting corn.
Lu, Zula and Franis Arnold visited at Victor VanHorns Sunday.
W. E. Crownover and family visited at Douglas Sunday.
Don and Zula Arnold visited at the home of their grandmother Mrs. Arnold. Thursday and Friday of last week.
Mr. Ephe Holt left last Wednesday, April 26, for Ottowa, Kansas where he will visit with friends and relatives at that place.
Dr. McIntyre was called to Douglas to see Mrs. Sabin who has been very sick, but is reported to be some better at this writing.
Little Ray Lyons had the misfortune to fall Sunday and cut a large gash in his knee cap which will render him unable to walk for some time.
Turtle school which was taught by Miss Farmer, closed Friday, April 29. A good program was given by the scholars after which an excellent dinner was served and all report a good time.North Russell (same paper, same page):
T. Rodawav lost a cow this week.
Alph Wallen lost a colt last week.
Those on the sick list are convalesing.
Chicken pox in the neighborhood again.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Stillwell a son, April 28.
Byron Morgan wife and baby visited at J. M. Morgans Sunday.
Miss Mina Morgan is visiting her brother near Douglas this week.
Mrs. F. A. Stutt closed her school for a summer’s vacation last Friday.
Miss Zula Arnold and brother Don were visiting in North Russell Thursday.
George Kramer came over to visit his son Charles and see his new grandson.
Mrs. Theo Dann and family of near Berlin visited Will Rodaways Tuesday.
Corn planting is in order now and all play out well, for we reap what we sow.
Born to C. F. Kramer and wife a 9 pound boy on April 28. All parties concerned doing well.
H. G. Palmer and family visited his brother Emery and family of Palmyra the first of the week.
Did you hang a May basket for some one. Do all the good we can when an opportunity presents itself.
Windy, windy again. Blew so hard every body was holding to trees and fences to steady themselves Monday.Syracuse Notes (Same Paper):
E. B. Souders of Nebraska City was in town Saturday.
H. Larson and daughter Ella were in Lincoln, Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. Henry returned from Seward Friday evening.
Rev. P. Ph. Tester was the guest of Rev. Schueler the first of the week.
S. H. Buck and Mr. Stanley of Berlin were Syracuse visitors Tuesday.
E. H. Haas of Cook was in town Wednesday visiting his brother E. (?.) Haas.
Frank Howe and wife left Monday evening for a days visit at Nebraska City.
M. Todd is building a neat cottage on his fathers land in the north part of town.
L. Hoebel of Lincoln was in town the first of the week looking after some business matters.
Joe Powell and wife of Berlin, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell Sunday.
Uncle Billy Doman reports that he has killed fifty rats around his place during the past month.
Mrs. Frank Holt came in from Omaha, Friday, for a few days visit with Mrs. James Holt and friends.
The F. H. Pierson Grain Company have re-opened an office in the room just west of Turp Hill’s barber shop.
L. A. White left Saturday for Omaha, where he will serve on the federal grand jury for the Nebraska district.
Alexander & Beyette shipped four car loads of hogs to Nebraska City last week and one car Monday morning this week.
Mrs. W. J. Loder and children visited her sister Mrs. W. E. Hillis, over Sunday returning to her home in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rose left Monday afternoon for their new home in St. Joe, Mo. They have a large circle of friends who are sorry to see them go.
Mrs. Bert Shoemaker of Lincoln, came in last Friday for a visit with Mrs. G. W. Warner, but was called home Saturday to sign papers to close a real estate deal.A partition has been put in the building recently bought by Beil& Newman, one side to be used for a harness shop by Bell & Newman and the other by Jas. Melville.
James Rivett, the B & M. division superintendent of building construction was in town Wednesday inspecting the burned depot. He cannot see how the department ever saved so much of the building as it did.
Mesdames Eda E. Armstrong and M. A. Baker, are in Lincoln this week attending the Grand Chapter session of the order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Armstrong’s daughter and mother, Mrs. Conger, accompanied them.
The second nine from Palmyra played ball here Monday with the second nine. The game was suddenly terminated by the depot on fire in the last half of the fifth inning. The score was 13 to 3 in favor of Syracuse.
Saturday, B. Fitzpatrick had the misfortune to have the second finger on his left hand cut to the bone and the second knuckle almost sawed away, by a circular saw. It makes a very bad cut, but it is hoped that member may be saved. Dr. Hillis dressed the wound.
Fred Wellensick who left two weeks ago for the Pacific coast, to look up a location returned home Monday not very well pleased. He reports that Wm. Risser and another party had gone into business, for themselves and the Knabes and Beckmans were doing nicely.
At the adjourned meeting of the village board Monday night Wm. Stanbro was re-appointed water and light commissioner, J. E. Case Marshall, and Mrs. Chas. Wood was appointed a member of the Library board to fill the unexpired term of Miss Manning. The Chief of the Fire Department called the attention of the board to the necessity of either extending the water mains or buying more hose to protect residence out side the water limits.
Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Oct. 1917
Leo Lechner, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner, residing southwest of the city, is reported as being seriously ill and a trained nurse has been called to attend him.Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., December 11 & 21, 1917 (partial)
Jean, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wade, who underwent a surgical operation at the Nebraska City Hospital, is doing nicely as could be expected and hopes to be out in the near future.Rev. W. K. Schultz, of the Bethel Evangelical church was called to Berlin Saturday to conduct the funeral services of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young, residing near that place, who died after a brief illness.
G. O. Meyer says one does not really feel the cold weather unless they are out in an open auto and for a ride of twenty miles. He tried it with Roy Goldin and Chester Proper in a trip to Berlin and back a few evenings since, when it was real frosty.
R. W. Snyder, of St. Joseph, Mo., is the new agent for the Wells-Fargo and Adams express companies here. C. S. Jessup who came here some time since, came with the understanding he was to be here but a short time, or until some one could be found to look after the business. Mr. Jessup returned to Aurora, Neb., where he has been for a number of years.
Personal Items:
George McFadden of Avoca, Nebraska, was a pleasant News office caller today.
F. M. Cook returned Saturday evening from a visit at Lincoln on business.
Miss Madge Seely is home from a visit at Hamburg.
Mose Goldberg and wife went to Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Louise Mattes is home from a visit at Omaha.
Edison Sprague was in Omaha Sunday taking an examination for the aviation service of the government.
Miss Lulu Bischof, who has been visiting for some time in Chicago, is expected home to spend Christmas with her sisters and brothers.
Mrs. Harmon Westland of Canada, is here on a visit with her sister.
Ralph Bosworth, Don Kregel and Richard Oschner (?) have gone to Ft. Logan, Colo., to enlist in the government service.
Mrs. C. H. Korff is in Omaha on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Butt.
Miss Freda Butterbaugh is home from a visit with relatives in Omaha.
Mark Kregel leaves tomorrow for Berkley, Colo., where he will enter the aviation service of the government.
F. W. Stahlhut and Fred Lechner went to St. Joseph, Mo., this morning on business.Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Date: 1925
A birthday surprise party was given Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner in honor of Mr. Lechner’s Fifty-third birthday. Mrs. Vitus Brandt was in charge of the affair. About thirty guests attended. The children and other relatives brought refreshments in baskets and a feature of the dinner was a birthday cake. The afternoon was spent in music, cards and other games. The guests ____ Mr. and Mrs. Vitus Brandt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gottwald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner and _____, Mrs. Mary Boerner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Max Brandt and family.Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co. Nebr., August 1926
Observes Birth Anniversary
A surprise party was given at the family home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner Sunday in honor of their son, Otto, who observed the twenty-first anniversary of his birth at that time. A birthday dinner was served during the day, one of the features of which was a large birthday cake which was used for a center piece for the table. Otto received many handsome gifts, among them a new Ford coupe, a gift from his parents. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tretter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gress, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitzner and sons, Rev. Rudolph Stoltz and the Misses Edith Stahl and Christina Gress and Vitus Brandt.Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., January 1928
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner entertained at a family dinner at their home southwest of the city Monday afternoon in honor of the 12 birth anniversary of their daughter, Philomena.Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., June 1928
Stork Parties
Twin Girls were born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lechner.
(Note: Elsie and Evelyne Lechner, born May 31, 1928, daughters of Theodore and Agnes (Kuhlman) Lechner)1919
Robert Frank Lechner
A birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lechner Sunday in honor of their son Robert, who celebrated his 21st birthday. Fifty guests were present and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Robert received many gifts and one was a Ford car from his father.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Oct. 19191923
Observe Birthday Anniversary
Vitus Brandt
Sunday was the sixty-fifth birthday anniversary of Veters (Vitus) Brandt, of Paul and a number of relatives and friends including some from this city, gathered at his home to help observe the event. A delicious dinner was served during the day, one of the features which was the large birthday cake that was baked by his youngest daughter, and which decorated the center of the table. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stocker, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Heinztleman, Mrs. Funke, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kreifels, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner and family of Kearney addition, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leedner (Lechner) , Mr. and Mrs. Max Brandt and family, ____Fred Market, John Stocker, Joseph Schmitz, Alton Heinztleman, ___Market, Otto Lechner, and Fred Lechner and the Misses Hilda Heinztleman, Colletta Kreifels, Leota Lechner, Clementine Kreifels, and Philomena Lechner.
Newspaper: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: May 1923Country Home is Robbed
Thieves Enter Home of Robert Lechner and Carry Away Loot
Sheriff Carl Ryder was notified last evening that the farm of Robert Lechner, west of the city, had been entered during the absence of the family yesterday afternoon and a revolver, duck coat and some small change taken. Entrance to the house had been made through a window which the thief or thieves had broken.
The family were in the field during the greater part of the afternoon and when they returned to the house about six o’clock discovered the house in a torn up condition. Drawers to dressers were found open and papers scattered about the floor and upon investigation it was found that a box in which Mr. Lechner kept private papers had been broken open and the contents scattered about the floor. Upon investigation it was found that a large window had been broken through which entrance to the house had been made.
Sheriff Ryder stated last night that he expected to make an arrest in connection with the robbery within a short time.
Source: Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: 19231925
Birthday Surprise
The children and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vitus Brandt Sunday and gave an agreeable surprise in honor of Mrs. Brandt's sixty-first birthday and also in honor of Ralph Boerner's second birthday, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner. The children and relatives arrived with well filled baskets. The feature of the dinner was the two birthday cakes. The afternoon was spent at music, games and cards. Thirty-two were present to help celebrate the big event. (Note: Mrs. Brandt is Josephine (Dietrich) Brandt)
Source: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Feb. 1925Birthday Surprise
Vitus Brandt well known resident of Paul will always have occasion to remember his sixty-seventh birth anniversary which is Sunday. The relatives and friends came with well filled baskets and gave Mr. Brandt an agreeable surprise on this occasion. The afternoon was spent at a most enjoyable time. It was a big surprise for Mr. Brandt a well known farmer in eastern Otoe County.
Refreshments were served later in the afternoon and all departed wishing Mr. Brandt more such pleasant birthdays to follow. Those present are the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner and family
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner and son
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Max Brandt and family
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gottwald
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Gottwald and daughter, Bertha
Mr. Raymond Gress
Miss Mary and Ann Schmitz, and Mrs. Joseph Schmitz
Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: May 19251927
Caroline Lechner, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner of south of the city underwent a tonsil operation, Monday.
Source: Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr., Date: 1927BIRTHDAY
Ralph Boerner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner, 618 Fourth Terrace, will be four years old, Friday' February 11, but he feels quite grown-up because of his "first" long trousers. The custom begins earlier in life than it once did, but the pride is the same whether four or 14, judging from the expression Ralph wears. Ralph has sandy hair and brown eyes that twinkle, and lots of energy. This is the reason he likes to make long visits to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner, a short distance southwest of the city. "The farm's the place," says Ralph. Animals and barns and chickens are all very interesting, he thinks. His chief ambition is to learn to drive an automobile so his mother and daddy can sit in the back seat and he can make the "automobile" go.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: 1927
Fire Failed to Burn, So "Gas" Was Thrown on Flames
When a fire she had started in the dooryard of her home to heat water for the family washing failed to respond to ordinary efforts Monday morning, Miss Helena Brandt, 21, daughter of Vitus Brandt, farmer, threw a cup filled with gasoline on the blaze.
The volatile liquid exploded and flames enveloped the body of the girl seriously burning her body and arms. Her sister, Adela, 19, was burned about the hands while trying to extinguish the flames which threatened her sister.
The young women were alone at the time, but a brother, working in a nearby field, rushed to their assistance and after beating out the flame brought both girls to Nebraska City where they were treated by a physician.
Although Miss Helen Brandt was severely burned the physician said he believed she would recover without permanent injury. Miss Adela's injuries consisted mostly of blistered hands.
Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: 1928
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray Hold Open House; Were Wed March 10, 1883
Syracuse, Neb--(Special to The News-Press)--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray held open house for their neighbors and friends Friday afternoon and evening in honor of their golden wedding anniversary at their home west of town.
Mr. and Mrs Bray are real pioneers of Nebraska. Both were born in New York State. Mr. Bray came here with his parents in the fall of 1861 to what was then Nebraska territory. The trip was made in a covered wagon, the family locating on a homestead about a half mile southwest of Syracuse. He has seen much of the pioneer days and the great progress of civilization. He can well recall the freighters drawn across the prairie by the slow-plodding oxen on their way still farther west in days before the railroad.
Mrs. Bray came to Otoe County with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Waterman, in 1875. Later the Waterman family moved to the Mira Valley, near Ord, Nebr.
On March 10, 1883 Charles Bray was united in marriage to Miss Cynthis Edna Waterman in Syracuse. They lived here a short time then went in a covered wagon to a farm near Oakdale, Antelope county. There they lived in a dugout for a number of years and there their two children were born, Edith, who is now Mrs. George Kramer, and Walter H., who is a farmer living near Bird City, Kansas. They also lived there at the time of the big blizzard of 1888. In 1893 the family returned to Syracuse and pruchased a farm a half mile west of town, which Mr. Bray still owns and operates.
Mr. Bray can tell some interesting stories of pioneer days and one is taken from the files of The News-Press of 1868 which says: "Nathaniel Bray (Mr. Bray's father) of Nursery Hill lost two horses. He suspected roving Pawnees of the crime, followed them to their village and made them give up the animals."
Source: Nebraska City NewsPress, March 1933.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wagner and daughter, Mary Ann, Tecumseh, former Nebraska City residents, left Monday for New York, and will sail from there March 13 for Germany. In Germany they will be guests of Mr. Wagner's mother. They expect to be gone two years. Mrs. Wagner before her marriage was Miss Leona Lechner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner, who lives southwest of the city. The Wagners moved from here to Tecumseh a year ago.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Tuesday Morning, May 9, 1939
(missing pages 3, 4, 5, 6)Page 1:
Heads Luncheon Club – Ralph Bartling, Omaha, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Bartling of this city, was elected president of the Continental club last week. It’s membership consists of Omaha business and professional men who meet once a week at noon at the Paxton. Bartling is commercial district manager for Northwestern Bell Telephone company.
Stick Through Mouth – Melvin Durr, nine year old son of Mr & Mrs John Durr, stumbled and fell into jagged splinters of a tree which had been chopped down Sunday afternoon. One of the sticks went through the bottom of his mouth close to the neck, narrowly missing the pharynx. Several stitches were taken.
Move to Omaha – Mr and Mrs William Hellmann moved to Omaha last weekend wWhere Mr Hellmann has accepted a position with the Crosby Sarlson Meyer Mortuary. He has been associated with the Porter funeral home 18 months.
Turn Beaman Over To Authorities – Sheriff Carl Ryder Monday said that George Beaman, Nebraska City, has been turned over to Sidney, Ia., authorities to face a charge of stealing $15 from a Sidney family with whom he obtained a night’s lodging. Other details were lacking, Ryder said Beaman, recently aquitted of possessing a forged check.
Page 2:
Hospital Notes:
Frank Blosser, ninth street and Sixth corso, is a medical patient at St. Mary’s hospital.
Mrs. Ed Guenther and baby son returned to their home in Lincoln Sunday.
Mrs. Medford James and baby son returned to their home at First street and Seventh avenue Sunday.
Wilbur Simpson, 1608 Fifth avenue, had appendix removed at Brown hospital Sunday morning.
Mr and Mrs Ed Egenberger, Plattsmouth, had a still-born baby at Brown General hospital Monday morning.
Mrs Russell Bachler, employee at Wards, is on vacation this week.
William Black
Funeral services for William Black, who died in Chicago, were held at Wyuka cemetery in Nebraska City Monday morning with Rev. Leonard Mitchell. Burial was at Nehawka.
Place - Mr and Mrs Charles (Jessie Wittemyer), 621 Third corso, a boy, Richard Leland, at St. Mary’s hospital Sunday morning.
Return to City – Mr and Mrs E. C. Ferris, who have been located in Central City, have returned to Nebraska City to make their home at 609 Central ave.
Legal Notices:
To George Ward, his heirs and assigns, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Dan Hill et al., on August 13, 1937, purchased at private tax sale No. 2012 from the County Treasurer of Otoe County, Nebraska, All of Section Five (5), Township Seven (7), Range Fifteen (15), in Otoe County, Nebraska, and that the said County Treasurer to evidence the said sale. Said real estate is assessed in the name of George Ward and was sold as aforesaid for delinquent taxes for the years 1920 to 1935, Taxes for the years 1936 and 1937 have been paid by the undersigned.
The undersigned will on or after August 15, 1939, apply to said County Treasurer for a tax deed to said real estate.
Daniel Hill et al., 8062 – April, 24-May 1- 8- EE.
Notice of Referee’s Sale:
Notice is hereby given that pursuant t the decree and order heretofore entered in the District Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Lee Keran is plaintiff and Mary Allen, et al., are defendants, I, the undersigned referee, will on the 25th day of may 1939, at 2 o’clock p.m., and for one hour thereafter, at the North front door of the Court House in Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska, offer at public auction and sell to the highest bidder the following described real estate, towit:
Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block Eight (8), Belmont Additon, to and now a part of Nebraska City, in Otoe County, Nebraska.
Terms: 15% of purchase price be paid in cash at time of sale and balance after confirmation of sale and upon delivery of referee’s deed and abstract showing such confirmation and merchantable title, clear of all liens including 1938 taxes.
Dated this 21st day of April, 1939,
Raymond Frerichs, Referee
Jessen & Dierks, Attorneys for Plaintiff
D.W. Livingston, Guardian ad litem for minor, 8053 – Apr. 23-May 23-incl.-Ed.
Page 8:
Short Bits Of The Town and County:
New Employee – Delphine Turille started work Monday as operator at the Evelyn Beautte Shoppe at 102 South Eleventh street.
Nebraska Daily News, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Sunday Morning, May 14, 1939
Farmer Already Cultivating Corn
While most farmers are planting corn, Fred Lechner, farmer southwest of the city, is doing his first cultivating. He reported Saturday his corn is about three inches tall. The eight acres were planted April 25. He said the corn is called Blooded Dutchman.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Tuesday, October 29, 1940CHILD FALLS FROM FENCE, STRANGLES (pg. 1)
WAHOO - (U.P.)- Margo Cech, 4, was accidently strangled to death late Tuesday in the barn of her father's farm. She pulled herself up on the side of the pen to see her pet duck. Apparently her hands slipped and she fell, her head lodging between two boards. Her father found her a few minutes later. Attempts at artificial respiration failed.FUNERALS: (pg. 2)
Services for Harley Leonard Crow, who died Tuesday, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Porter funeral home with Rev. Oscar Davidson in charge. Burial will be in Wyoming cemetery. Pallbearers will be Wilber Frey, Eric Frey, Leo Finckel, August Witte, Robert Thorn and Sam Dukes.MRS. MARY HOLTGREWE
Services for Mrs. Mary Holtgrewe will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. at her home at Johnson and 2 o'clock at Zion Evangelical church, Rev. G. E. Seybold, Talmage, officiating. Burial will be at Johnson.HOSPITAL NOTES: (pg. 2)
Harry Wolf, Nebraska City jeweler, had a major operation at Crile Clinic, Cleveland, O., Tuesday morning.Mrs. Earl Seyfer left St. Mary's hospital Tuesday noon for her home, 1705 Central avenue. She is recuperating from injuries received in an automobile accident which occurred Friday, Oct. 11.
Carl Alber, 1819 Second Avenue, had his tonsils removed at St. Mary's Wednesday.
Joe Martinez, Nehawka, is a medical patient at St. Mary's.
Mrs. Mary Ross, Talmage, had her tonsils removed at St. Mary's.
Mrs. Lydia Thacker and baby left St. Mary's for home Tuesday.
Marriage license issued to John A. Neuhalfen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Neuhalfen, and Sadie Pearl Stansbury, daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stansbury, both of this city. The young people were married Tuesday evening by Frank Painter, justice of the peace, Mr. Carl J. Neuhalfen, Dunbar, and Ellen Priest, this city, witnessed the ceremony.REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS: (pg. 2)
Mike Schram to Linda Sutter, for northeast quarter of section 7-9-13.John D. Anderson, et. al., to Pearl Pebley, for $250, lots 7-8-9, block 2, Syracuse.
Mike Schram to Linda Sutter, $3,000, northeast quarter of section 7-9-13.
Ollie F. Garwood vs. J. A. Ware, et al., quite title: decree quieting title.Mary C. Kruze, et al, vs Carl Kruse, et al., partion: Report of referee approved.
Sale ordered. Bond fixed at $2,000.Bill Keithley, Syracuse was a court house visitor Wednesday.
Commissioners Henry Herzog and Forrest Johnston went to Omaha on business Wednesday.
County Treasurer C. L. Kelly Wednesday reported reciept of assistance money as follows: old age assistance, $6, 754.57; blind, $243; aid to dependent children, $2,358.40.
Mrs. Ruby Walsh, Douglas, was a court house visitor Wednesday.
Sheriff Carl Ryder let his last prisoner out of the county jail Wednesday. "I'm looking for someone else," he commented.Lucian Smith, deputy county clerk, is sick.
Nebraska City News Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co. NE
About May 6, 1942'Death Highway'
Takes Two More William Stewart and William Gilmore Die in CrashKibitzing on a husband-wife argument on the grounds outside the "Big Apple" tavern on the south edge of Nebraska City led to the Easter Sunday death of two brothers-in-law in the second double highway tragedy in a month on U.S. 73-75 south of here. The dead are William David Stewart, 36, and William Frank Gilmore, 26, both of Nebraska City. They died in St. Mary's hospital of injuries received about 1:30 a.m. Sunday when they were struck by a car driven by A. L. Rinne, Brock farmer, as it careened off the car of Ben Sissel, Auburn, which the men allegedly had forced to stop on the highway. Their legs mangled and torn and injured internally, neither regained consciousness. Gilmore lived five hours and Stewart 12. The crash occurred near the Heesch cherry orchard about two and a half miles south of Nebraska City. It was the second sensational incident to have its origin at the night spot in recent months.
Family Quarrel
Because the Sissel car left the scene shortly after the crash, Sheriff Carl Ryder and County Attorney Edwin Moran did not learn the story of the tragedy until Sunday afternoon. According to statements taken Sunday, the story began when Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pugh, Auburn, quarreled about "going home" after an evening at the tavern. Pugh said Stewart intercepted. This led to words and, said Pugh, the Nebraska City man wanted to fight. When Pugh declined, Stewart reportedly said, "I'll follow you." Pugh and his wife, parents of an eight-months-old baby who cooed on his mother's lap during the questioning, then climbed into the Sissel car and started home. Sissel told authorities a car crowded him to the curb near the Heesch orchard and two men leaped out. One snatched the ignition key of his car and the other leaned through the window on his side and hit Pugh on the nose. The assailant then stepped away and "Frank came around the car and gave me my keys." Just as Gilmore stepped down the crash occurred. Gilmore was flung into a ditch on the east side of the road and Stewart dropped on the curb on the west side. Asked why he left the scene, Sissel replied, "I don't know." He said he turned east at the first corner and after driving along a country road returned to the highway. The bodies had been removed. The stories of Rinne and other witnesses said two cars approached from the south as the Rinne car neared the scene. Rinne said lights of the first partially blinded him and he was upon the Sissel car before he knew it. Rinne said he saw men standing near the back car, but it was too late. They jumped as if trying to get out of the road, he said. He swerved his car, but had to maneuver to avoid a head-on collision with the second car coming from the south. Right front fender of the Rinne car clipped the left rear fender of the Sissel machine. A dent near the left front headlight, scratches on the hood and a dent near the windshield indicated one of the victims may have struck there. Rinne said he didn't see a tail light on the Sissel car, and the Auburn man recalled that the light had been damaged but it burned steadily after "I pulled on the bracket." Glen Hodges, 18, Nebraska City, said in a signed statement that he was driver of the second car and had to run onto the shoulder to avoid a collision with Rinne. Erwin Gellermann, Syracuse, who came along shortly afterward, notified the sheriff. Rinne's son, Raymond, who was riding with his father, said he saw two cars on the pavement, but as he didn't get out of the car he wasn't sure whether either left the scene immediately afterward. Harry Orme, Nebraska City river worker, said Stewart asked him to drive his car (Stewart couldn't drive because his license was suspended after a drunk-driving conviction) "down the road south." As they approached the Sissel car, Orme said Stewart told him to "pass it." As the machine swung in front of the Auburn car Stewart grabbed the emergency brake, then leaped out, Orme said. After releasing the brake, he drove to the corner, turned around. He said he didn't hear the crash. Pete Thompson, Nebraska City, also was in the Stewart car.Whiskey Involved
Pugh and Sissel told authorities that the three of them drank a half pint of whiskey during the evening. Pugh said Stewart had been drinking, but didn't appear drunk. Stewart was born September 7, 1905, at Stanton, Nebraska, a son of James and Amanda Stewart. He married Lillian Gilmore at Hiawatha, Kansas, August 22, 1931. They came to Nebraska City from Richardson County about six years ago. Mrs. Stewart, a brother, Robert, Nebraska City, and four sisters, Susie Barnard, Auburn; Gertrude Cope, Verdon; Blanche Nickols, Dawson; and Mable German, Seattle, survive. Gilmore was born at Nemaha, Nebraska November 1, 1916, a son of Othello and Edward Gilmore. He was married in 1937 at Gering and came to Nebraska City about a year ago. Surviving are his wife, Doras; a daughter, Carol Ann; his mother, Mrs. Othello Gardner, Nebraska City; his father, Edward Gilmore, Fort Scott, Kansas; two sisters, Mrs. William Stewart and Mrs Imogene Lambe, Nebraska City, and the following half brothers and half sisters: Jackie, Carol Ann, Jennie Gardner, all of Nebraska City. Both bodies are at Karstens & Patterson.***************
Nebraska City crash kills 1Nebraska City (AP). Frank Gilmore, about 35, was killed and Bill Stewart, about 45, both of Nebraska City, was critically injured in a highway accident three miles south of here early Saturday. Sheriff Carl Ryder said a preliminary investigation indicated the two men apparently had stepped out of a car when they were struck by another machine which Ryder said was occupied by L.A. Rinne and his son of Brock, Nebraska. Ryder said Gilmore and Stewart were reported riding with Harry Orme and Pete Thompson. Orme and Thompson drove on to a corner to turn around after the other two men stepped out and the car was not directly involved in the mishap, Ryder said.
'Big Apple' Again In the Limelight
Inquest Into Dual Deaths Once More Involves "Nite Spot"The coroner's jury decided Monday afternoon there was "no evidence of criminal negligence" on part of Louis Rinne "or any other living persons." The events leading up to the fatal injuries sustained by William Stewart and William Frankie Gilmore on U.S.-75 south of Nebraska City early Sunday took place at the Big Apple, Otoe County's now "famous" night spot, witnesses testified at the inquest Monday. It was at the Big Apple that Stewart picked a fight with Robert Pugh, Auburn, because Pugh was arguing with his wife. Two miles out in the country Stewart had just reached across two people in an automobile to hit Pugh on the nose when another car hit Stewart and Gilmore, inflicting fatal injuries on both. Pugh testified the auto in which Stewart and Gilmore were riding crowded the car in which they were riding, driven by Ben Sissel, to a stop. Stewart tried the door next to Pugh but that was locked. Then he threatened to break the glass in the other door if the window were not rolled down. Sissel complied and as Gilmore grabbed the keys out of the ignition and Stewart hit Pugh, the death car bore down upon the two men. Witnesses at the inquest, conducted by County Attorney Edwin Moran, included L.A. Rinne, driver of the death car; his son, Raymond; Harry Orne, who drove Stewart's car away from the Big Apple in pursuit of the Auburn machine; Pete Thompson who was with Orme, Stewart and Gilmore; Mr. and Mrs. Pugh Sissel; Glen Hodges and Dr. W.S. Ramacciotti. The doctor said the men never regained consciousness. Each had both legs broken and severe head injuries. Hodges was driving north and was practically parallel with the Sissel car when the crash took place. He said Rinne apparently didn't see the parked car, turned right, then left, and struck the car, then the two men. Hodges said he dimmed his lights for Rinne and that Rinne dimmed his in return.
Saw "Lot of Bottles"
The four people in the Stewart car and the three in the Sissel car had been drinking, testimony revealed. Pugh said he and his wife and Sissel went outside the Big Apple when they wanted a drink and consumed straight whiskey. Several witnesses said they saw a "lot of bottles" inside the Big Apple but didn't know if there was any "spiking." Testimony revealed that Sissel drove away from the scene within a few minutes. Neither he nor Mr. and Mrs. Pugh even got out of the car. Mrs. Pugh said their car wasn't hit very 'hard from behind.'
Members of the coroner's jury were E.H. Conkel, Edwin Gardner, Max Werner, Jack Schwartz, Louis Rosenbrock and Howard Zimmers.
submitted by Linda Stewart1943
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., 1943
Mrs. Fred Boerner, 616 Fourth terrace, recieved a 25 word letter through American Red Cross from her sister, Mrs. Leona Wagner, Post Burghann, Dreis Hunfeld, Germany, Saturday, the first since before United States entered the war. The letter was in reply to one sent by Mrs. Boerner Jan. 7, 1943, and the reply was started on its way to Mrs. Boerner July 22.
Mrs. Wagner, daughter of Fred Lechner of Paul community, was married here, and seven years ago she and her husband went to Germany to live. Her husband was overseer on farms owned there by his uncle. They have one daughter, Marianne (Mary Ann).
The letter, signed by Frau Leona Wagner, and written in German, translated merely states that everything is "going good" with her family, that her husband, Herman Wagner is a soldier, and closed with the warmest regards for all her relatives here.Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Monday, April 19, 1943.
Cletus Lechner
A farewell party was held Tuesday evening at the home of Theo. Lechner honoring Cletus Lechner, home on a ten-day furlough from Fort Sill, Okla. The evening was spent in dancing, playing cards and visiting.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner, Mrs. John Lechner, Hildagarde, Harry and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huss, and Darleen, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kuwitzky and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Otmar Lechner and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Fredolin Lechner, Alice and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuwitzky, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gress and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kreifels, Fred and Johnnie, Roy Schreiner and Frank Neuhalfen.
Refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee were served late in the evening. Cletus, who returned to Fort Sill Wednesday, received many gifts.NEWS OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN UNIFORM
Pft. Dean Brandt, son of Mrs. Lydia Brandt, 318 North Fifth Street, has gone overseas with an ordinance unit after being stationed in New York State since June. His wife and daughter, Diane Lynn, are with his mother. He has been in service since July, 1942. He has two brothers in service, Paul is an aerial gunner in Louisiana, and Albert is in the Coast Guard in New Jersey.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Sept. 19, 1943
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Monday, October 30, 1944Avoca Soldier Now Getting Battle Wise
S/Sgt. Herman Ludwig, serving overseas, writes Elmer Hallstrom, Avoca, that he is now getting pretty "battle wise." It rained for nearly 2 1/2 weeks and his foxhole was full of mud. "Some of the men are mud from head to foot," he said.
"About four days ago we got hot showers. Half of them hold the line while the other half are gone. It feels great to get some of the dirt off, but it takes more than one shower to get it all off," writes Sgt. Ludwig.
The food situation is pretty good. They have two hot meals a day, it has not been to bad, he says.News of Men and Women in Uniform:
Glen A. Royer - 17, Route 3, Nebraska City, is receiving his initial naval indoctrination at the Great Lakes naval training station.
Lettie Jones - chief hostess at the Service Club, Kearney Air Base, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Jones, 719 North Eleventh Street.
Cpl Ray A. Lant - Headquarters Detachment, Chemical Battalion, Camp Livingston, La., came Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lant. He leaves again for camp Tuesday evening.
Cpl Robert Hope - with an aviation engineering unit, has arrived in India, his mother, Mrs. Tillie Hope has been informed. Pvt. Billy Hope, another son of Mrs. Hope, is attending a training school for engineers at St. Louis.
Earl Braye - son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Braye, 922 Sixth Corso, with a tank destroyer unit in Germany, was recently promoted to master Sergeant. M/Sgt. Braye has been in service three years and his recent encounter with the enemy was his first major battle, he said.
Robert Hawley - aviation cadet, Santa Ana Air Base, Calif., and his wife and small son, Bobby, of Omaha, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hawley, 1923 Second avenue. He has completed his pre-flight course at Santa Ana and reports Nov. 8 at a base in Texas for advanced training. This is his first furlough in a year.
Pvt. Harry Gebert - with 126th General Hospital Division, has landed safely overseas, his wife has been informed. "Am writing by candlelight, which is better than trying to write on board ship." Pvt. Gebert wrote. Their home is in Omaha, but Mrs. Gebert is at present with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Adolph, recuperating after a major operation.
Pvt Otis Mattox - Unadilla, Neb., is one of the Nebraskans seen by Lawrence Youngman, World-Harold correspondent in France. His wife, Abbie, teaches at Dunbar and his mother, Mrs. Alice Mattox, lives at Stuart, Iowa. Assigned to the Military Police, Mattox has been overseas since May, 1942. Youngman also met the oldest man in the 134th Infantry, Sgt. Arthur A. Aarons, 48, whose family lives in Denver. He joined the national guard in 1916, served in World War I wit the old Third Division and stayed in Germany until 1924. He lived at Seward for some time, operating a restuarant.
Master Sgt. Alvin E. Helm - son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Helm, Route 1, city, is a member of the engineering unit at an Atlantic Transport Command base tucked away in the green lowlands of Scotland. From that base a fleet of silvery, sleek, four-motored C54's shuttle back and fourth across the Atlantic with time-table regularity carrying the VPI's---Very Important People___operating the war machine. Planes arrive and depart on a schedule predictable within minutes. The installation is of staggering size, capable of holding half a dozen of the biggest railroad terminals in America without discomfort. If you should stand long enough in the passenger lounge you would meet everyone in the newspaper headlines. The ATC forecasts ocean air travel after the war at fares lower than the cost of a third class steamer ticket. Traveling may be a bare 12 hours each way.
Files Discharge:
Pfc. Charles L. Schweitzer - a veteran of the battle of the Guadalcanal, filed his discharge with County Clerk L. E. Smith Monday. He was discharged Sept. 28, 1944.
Kenneth D. Glover - Monday filed in district court a quiet title action against Elza Lank, et. al., involving 10 acres in section 17-8-14. Spencer and Neumeister filed the petition.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., 1944
Lechners Hear From Daughter
German Citizen Since 1935
Fred N. Lechner, Route 2, had a surprise letter last week that brought him news from his daughter, Mrs. Herman Wagner, in Germany. The letter was written June 6, by Chaplain Alva N. Cain, with Headquarters 119th, F. A. Group, at Ortenberg, Germany. Chaplain Cain, whose wife lives at Beloit, Kan., is a former pastor of Immanuel Baptist church, Omaha.
"Since there are no facilities just now for the transmission of mail for civilians here, I told your daughter, Leona Wagner, that I would be glad to write to you for her," Chaplain Cain said.
Mrs. Wagner is in Nidda, Oberhessen, where she is cooking for an American Army Officers' mess of a battalion headquarters. "I am the Protestant chaplain for that battalion, and when I learned that she was from Nebraska I became interested in her, because I lived in Omaha, where I was pastor of Immanuel Baptist church before I came into the Army," the chaplain said.
Mrs. Wagner was quite anxious to get word to her parents and to receive news from home. Her daughter, Maryann, 13, is "quite a big girl."
Mrs. Wagner does not know where her husband is, but is quite sure he is a prisoner of war in Russian held territory. He was in the German army and was wounded, lost his right leg about the last of January this year. Her last message from him was Feb. 22. At that time he was in a hospital in Wein (Vienna.)
"She says she certainly was happy to see Americans when our soldiers first arrived. She is enjoying her work at the officer's mess, which is in the house next door to where she lives. I talked with her this afternoon," Chaplain Cain said.
Word of her relative’s welfare will be transferred to Mrs. Wagner through the chaplain, who suggested airmail for a quick reply.
Herman Wagner and Leona Lechner were married Jan. 17, 1931, and lived on a farm at Tecumseh. On March 4, 1935, they went to Germany to visit his mother and sister. When they arrived in Germany, an uncle of Mr. Wagner, who possessed considerable land, made the young man manager of his estate. This and the fact that a passport date expired were responsible for the Wagners remaining in Germany.
Mr. Wagner first came to the United States from Germany when he was 15, and made his home with his aunt, the late Mrs. John Heuser and Mr. Heuser, Nebraska City.
The Fred Lechner family had a letter from an American soldier once before telling them of the whereabouts of their daughter, and the fact that Mary Ann is studying English in a high school in Germany. Since only the soldiers APO address was given they did not learn the name of the young mans home town.1944
Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebraska, 1944
Edward Lechner
Lt. Edward Lechner, son of Theodore Lechner of near Paul, is missing in action, the War department notified the soldier's father last week. Lechner, who recently was awarded a battlefield commission, left Nebraska City, with the National Guard four years ago. He took part in the battle for France and later Germany. The message said the youth was missing on December 16.Newspaper: Unknown, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., 1944
The War Department Monday notified Theo. A. Lechner of near Paul that his son, Lt. Edward Lechner, was killed in action on last December 19.
In January, the father was notified that his son was missing on December 16.
Lt. Lechner, who left here with the National Guard more than four years ago, had been awarded a battlefield commission. He fought through France and into Germany with the American armies.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Wednesday, May 22, 1946HOW TIME FLIES:
Forty-Five Years Ago:
1901 - James Welch was granted the contract for the erection of a new Presbyterian church in Nebraska City ... The Julian saloon dispute was appealed to the Nemaha county district court ... James Deering was recovering from injuries sustained while playing ball with the argo team.Twenty-Five Years Ago:
1921 - About 400 persons turned out for the charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schreiner ... David Hill, new ambassador to Japan was a brother to Dr. D. T. Hill of this city ... Dr. S. P. Cresap was named to deliver the commencement address at Percival high ... The body of Mrs. O. K. Brown, who died in Ashland, was brought here for burial ... The mercury hit 92, the hottest for May 22 in 30 years.Ten Years Ago:
1936 - Miss Betty Tysor, fifth grade student, attended the last day of school, her first day
back since Christmas vacation, she became very sick ... A final summary of Chamber of Commerce memberships revealed that 190 business houses and individuals had signed for memberships, with more to join later ... Residents in west Nebraska City took up arms against the proposed city dump site, tentatively located on the old golf course west of Wyuka cemetery ... Dunbar High School closed with a picnic at the school house with about 250 attending.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebraska
Wednesday, May 22, 1946Graduating Class of 1946
Nebraska City High SchoolAbernathy, Donald L.
Barta, Lila Anne
Barta, Lois Blanche
Boerner, Delbert
Borcherding, Shirley Ann
Bourlier, Frances Fern
Brandt, Edward R.
Bremer, Dorothy Esther
Broers, Delmar August
Bruns, Junior Brune
Burton, Gwendolyn Joy
Cole, Robert Allen
Cole, Shirley Maybee
Cottingham, Mary Anne
Denniston, Mary Louise
Dreibus Jr., Erwin Frank
Eloge, Lewelyn Wesley
Emshoff, Pauline Mary
Ewing, John Howard
Fahrlander, Elinor Jean
Friede, Maryln Ernest
Friede, William Lynn
Gamlin, Mildred Arlene
Gawart, Carl Christopher
Gaylord, Erma Faye
Gerber, Darlene Bernice - added by Wesley A. Paap
Gibbs, Doris Ann
Guthals, Patricia Louise
Hall, Addie Gertrude
Harrah, Marjorie Ann
Hauptman, Mary Darlene
Heesch, Hazel Virginia
Heng, David
Herring, Jeannette Jean
Hoberg, Donald Norris
Hohnroth, Shirley Mae
Hunt, Irene Doris
Kreifels, Anna Marie
LeCure, Vivian Lucille
Lineweber, Robert H.
Lyon, Bob Dennis
Maher, Elizabeth Jean
Mason, Clarence Donald
McCall, W. Eileen
McKnight Jr., Cecil
Olson, Ronald Franklin
Peterson, Dwight Edward
Pfann, John Paul
Pope, Shirley Mae
Potter, Donna Rae
Resz, Robert Eugene
Schneider, Adolph Lawrence
Seefus, Deryle Dean
Strain, Edwin E.
Stukenholtz, Stanely
Swinney, Eldon Wilson
Tankersley, Shirley Mae
Teel, Ramona Eunice
Webber, Bettymae
Webber Jr., Floyd Charles
Westfall, Robert Harris
Williams, Joe Kenneth
Woest, Ruth A. E.
Yearout, Betty ZaneNebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday Morning, June 9, 1946Page 1:
Kvols-Pollard Wedding at Wisner:
Nehawka- (Special to The News-Press) – The marriage of Miss Norma Kvols, daughter of Mr and Mrs Kristian Kvols, Wisner, and Arthur L. Pollard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Pollard, Nehawka, took place June 2 at Christ Lutheran church at Wisner, Rev. H. Pearson reading the marriage lines.
Attendants were Mrs. Damon Kvols, Miss Virginia Trouttman, Miss Darlene Samson, Miss Thelma Eskbeck, Betty Fries and Robert Pollard, Ushers were Oren Pollard, Damon and Donald Kvols and Norman Sodeman. Marilyn Pollard and Carolyn Kvols were flower girls.
Nuptial music was by Miss Barbara Frentzel of Wesner. The reception in the church social rooms was attended by 175 guests.
The bride attended University of Nebraska two years, and the young man served 48 months in the South Pacific. He farms two miles north of Nehawka where the couple will live.Church Party Well Attended:
An unusually large crowd attended the social meeting for members and their families of First Evangelical Lutheran church held at the Kimmel Orchard shed Friday evening.Ralph Copenhaver, Lincoln, did the calling for square dancing shared by children and grownups throughout the evening. Mr Copenhaver bought his own “fiddler,” and Mrs Copenhaver was at the piano. Victor Bremer of this city did some of the calling.
There were special games for children. Sandwiches and cool drinks were served.
Memorial Service at 100F Hall Today:
Rebekahs, Odd Fellows and Theta Rho club will have their annual memorial service this afternoon at 3 o’clock at 100F Hall to which members and friends are invited. The service is entitled “The Angel Writes.”Rev. B.A. Gann will give the address, and musical numbers will be furnished by Mrs Betty Ruth Mead, Richard Boyd and Arthur Lindahl, with Mrs Esther Roach as accompanist.
Especially remembered will be Cpl Charles Thompson, killed at Normandy, and Darlene Walters, deceased Theta Rho club member.
Shower for Mrs Bridgmon:
Cook- (Special to the News-Press) – Mrs R. D. Mershon and Mrs John Ross entertained at the Community Hall Tuesday evening with a miscellaneous shower for Mrs Lee Bridgmon, formerly Phyllis Jean Fisher.Tables and the room were decorated with flowers. The evening was spent at contests and prizes were won by Mrs John Marrs, Mrs Wm. McIntyre and Mrs Elvo Pratt.
Phyllis Jean received many useful and beautiful gifts. The hostesses served a lunch. The couple live in Tecumseh.
Honor Miss Barta at State Meeting:
Miss Lois Barta, Nebraska City High School graduate this year, was awarded a medal and $25 for winning the state essay contest at the VFW department convention at Grand Island Friday. Miss Barta was brought to the platform to the strains of music and waving of flags, and received quite an ovation.Her parents, Mr and Mrs James D. Barta of this city, and her aunt, Miss Lilla Gardner of Villisca, Ia., accompanied Miss Barta to Grand Island. Aside from the state honors, Nebraska City VFW auxiliary presented her with a corsage.
Her paper on “What Can I Do For My Country,” will go to Boston to the national VFW convention.
Mrs Jack Shields Honored with Dinner:
Mrs Jack Shields was honored with a dinner at Hotel Grand Blue Room Friday evening by Chapter CF, PEO. The Shields are moving to Omaha soon. Places were arranged for 19, and the chapter presented Mrs Shields with a farewell gift. After dinner the time was spent in the gardens at the Elmer Conkling home.Last meeting of the chapter until fall will be held Monday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr and Mrs Richard Kimmel northwest of Nebraska City. Topic for the evening is “Science and Medicine.”
Former Nehawka Girl is Married:
Nehawka – (Special to the News-Press)- Miss Opal Schomaker, daughter of Mr and Mrs Earnest Schomaker, Elmwood, and Earl Westfall, son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Westfall, Alvo, were married May 29 at the Christian church, Marysville, Kas., by Rev. John Newton.Accompanying them for the ceremony were Miss Mildred Schomaker and Garrett Westfall.
The Schomaker family formerly lived at Nehawka. The young man farms at Alvo where he and his bride will live.
Wed in Arizona:
Mr and Mrs Ray Jonas, Glendale, Ariz., were married May 5 in Arizona. She was Shirley May Leisge, daughter of Mr and Mrs S. H. Leisge of Glendale, formerly of Nebraska City. Mr Jonas is a former Omahan. They are living in Glendale.Bride-to-Be:
Mr and Mrs Adolph Knoll have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Helen Marie, to Leland Giittinger, son of Mr and Mrs Carl Giittinger of this city. The wedding will take place Thursday, June 20, at St. Mary’s Catholic church.Spencers Observe 40th Wedding Anniversary:
Talmage – (Special to the News-Press) – Mr and Mrs E. G. Spencer observed their 40th wedding anniversary June 5 by entertaining relatives and friends with a dinner in the Evangelical church dining room. Ladies of the Methodist church served the dinner.The guests were seated at a long table decorated with red roses in crystal bowls and crystal candlesticks with tall white tapers. Rev S. Hafermann read the 23rd Psalm, followed by prayer. Miss Mildred Brehm sang “Memories” with Mrs Fred Giittinger at the piano. Girls of the church did the serving.
Present at the dinner were the couple’s two sons, Ralph Spencer, St. Louis, Mo., and Bernard Spencer, his wife and daughter, Shirley Ann of Nebraska City; Mr and Mrs Ralph Spencer and Robert and Mrs Edwin Roos of Red Oak, Ia.; Mr and Mrs George Brehm, Dr and Mrs C. T. Gritzka, Mr and Mrs Charles E. Wood, Mr and Mrs C. L. Osborn, Mr and Mrs H. C. Doermann and Ray Herman, Rev. and Mrs S. Hafermann, Miss Anna Frerichs, Mrs Helena Ritter and Ernest Frerichs.
Louise Marquardt and Eugene G. Spencer of Red Oak, Ia., were married June 5, 1906, in the home of the brides parents, the late Mr and Mrs B. C. Marquardt at Avoca. They lived in Auburn for a time where Mr Spencer taught school, later going to Huntley, Neb., where he managed a lumber yard.
In 1912 when the Farmer’s State Bank was organized in Talmage the family moved here, and Mr Spencer was made cashier, which position he retained until June 1945, whe the bank sold its interests to the Bank of Talmage. Mr Spencer’s health would not permit him to continue in business.
Mr and Mrs Spencer are among the town’s leading citizens. They have always been active in church and civic enterprises.
They received congratulatory messages from their friends, also gifts and flowers.
Church Ceremony:
Mr and Mrs Robert Bourg (Esther Hatten) were married Thursday morning at St. Mary’s Catholic church. They are living at 113 North 21st street.Miss Assmann to Wed Joseph Welter:
Mr and Mrs Charles Assmann, Omaha, have sent out invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Jean, to Joseph J. Welter, Jr.The wedding will take place Saturday, June 22, at 10 a.m. at St. Margaret Mary’s Church, Omaha. The bride-to-be is a granddaughter of the late Mr and Mrs Chris Coffey of this city, her mother being the former Bertha Coffey.
Dr and Mrs Vogt Going to Tulsa:
Dr and Mrs J. W. Vogt will leave this morning for Tulsa, Okla., to visit their son, Kenneth and family.Kenneth was recently discharged after two years of service in the Navy, and is being transferred by Sears-Roebuck Stores as superintendent of their new store at Dayton, Ohio
Page 2:
Burlington “Vet” Dies in California:
D. W. Van Horne, 89, well remembered in Otoe county as Burlington agent at Syracuse, is dead in California, where he had lived for 20 years.Born in Bridgewater, Mich., in 1856, he came to Syracuse about 1898 and retired from service in 1926.
According to word received by the Journal-Democrat, Mr VanHorne’s ashes will be sent to Syracuse for burial. He is survived by two daughters, Helen, and Mrs Florence Seeley, both of California. A son, Harry, a daughter, Louise and his wife, are deceased.
Nehawka News by Mrs. W. H. Kurger (still on page 2):
Tom Adamson, father of Mrs George Poulos, Jr., is a surgery patient at St. Joseph hospital, Omaha
Mrs Frank Linder entertained the Otterbein Ladies Aid Society Thursday afternoon.
Mrs Leon Gansemer has been with her parents, Mr and Mrs Grover King at Nebraska City this week. Her father is convalescing at home after an operation.
Mr & Mrs Robert Will, former Cass countains, now living at Los Angeles, are guests of friends for a week.
Mr & Mrs Chas. Boedeker, Nancy and Suzanne, left by auto for New York City last week, to visit Miss Jane Boedeker. They will go to Maine for a week’s outing and Miss Boedeker will accompany them home for a brief visit before returning to Chautauqua, N. Y., to teach.
Barbara Gansemer has returned from an Omaha hospital, her broken leg in a cast.
RDM 2-c Robert Resso, discharged at Portland, Ore., arrived home Memorial Day. He served in the Pacific and on Okinawa for 13 months.
Lee Brown of Oshkosh is visiting at the DeForrest Philpot home and with other relatives.
Mrs Jay Emburg is making her home with a daughter, Mr & Mrs Virgil Bryant at Lincoln.
Mrs Nellie Fries of Los Angeles is a guest of her sister, Mr and Mrs Louis Chappell and family for a few days.
Mrs Bertha Stone of Omaha was a guest at the R. B. Stone home recently.
Mr and Mrs Jack Hines drove to Omaha for a two day visit at the home of her son, Mr and Mrs Lionel Conrad.
Roy Breeze and Fred Breeze from Chicago and Red Oak, Iowa were Friday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Kent Balfour and Roger.
Mr & Mrs Ronald Schlichtemeier and children of Missouri were the guests the past week of his parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Schlichtemeier.
Mrs Tom Mason, Elizabeth and Tommy, Jr., are with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ernie Robbins at Kansas City.
A group of neighbors gathered at the Hines home Tuesday evening to assist Mrs Hines in Observing her birthday.
Mr & Mrs John Ketelhut entertained at a family dinner Sunday for her relatives. Fifteen were present.
Mr & Mrs John Rough, former Nehawkans, are guests of relatives and friends here a few days this week.
Mr & Mrs Roy White, Plymouth, Idaho, are with his sister, Mr & Mrs Oren Pollard for a visit.
Mr & Mrs Nelson Berger went to DeWitt Monday evening to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Ellen Wilkins to Bruce McCullam.
The Cass County Saddle Club met Sunday afternoon at the Graybar Ranch, the home of Mr & Mrs R. H. Gray at Weeping Water with eighty attending including several from here.
Mrs Mary Goedde of Worland, Wyo., is a guest of her sister, Mrs W. D. Lenker.
Mr & Mrs Tommy Dixon and Donna, from Bell, Calif., are with his sister, Mr & Mrs Dewey Boedeker this week, after a trip to Missouri and Illinois.
Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Power were Mr and Mrs Paul Fowler and daughters of Tecumseh, Mr and Mrs John Norris of Weeping Water and Mrs Laura Barrett.
A gathering at the Dan Sudduth home at Weeping Water included the Clarence Emburg family from here, Mrs Chas. Cole and daughters of Grant, Mrs. Virgil Mchaffey of Kearney, Mr and Mrs Paul Emburg and sons of Ashland.
Francis Marks, first one from this community to arrive in Japan, where he has been since, arrived home (with the F. O. Sand Family) was discharged at Salt Lake City
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Sept. 1946.
Nebraska City---(St. Benedict's Parish)----Mrs. Herman Wagner, Frankfurt, Germany, arrived Sept. 4 in Nebraska City. She sent a cablegram from Bremen to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner, and Mrs. Lechner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lechner, and Mr. and Mrs. Fredolin Lechner drove to New York city to meet her. She arrived on the S.S. Marine Perch with 900 other persons, 300 of whom were American citizens returning home. Others were of Polish and Jewish extraction. There were 35 children without parents aboard and a nun who was returning to this country for the first time in 25 years. Mrs. Wagner's mother and brothers were at the New York pier in time to see her ship arrive. This is her first visit here since 1935. Mrs. Wagner married here in 1931 and she and her husband went to Germany four years later. They were detained there for reasons not revealed to them until Mr. Wagner was called into the German army. When in battle he lost a hand. Mary Ann, a 15 year old daughter, is attending school in Frankfurt and attends to complete three more years of college work there.
Mrs. Wagner was suspected of sympathizing with the Allies during the war and suffered many hardships, one of which was being barred from bomb shelters by the Germans when danger menaced. She served as interpreter for the American army of occupation in Germany, which helped secured passage to America for the reunion with her parents and relatives.
Nebraska City News-Press Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr. Date: 1947
Kick’ Kolum
We’ll miss Fred Lechner around the News-Press office and shop. Father-in-law of Fred Boerner, composing room boss. Mr. Lechner and his smile were sort of institution when he came in to see if we were all doing our jobs.Badbergs Entertain At Dinner Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Badberg Talmage entertained with dinner Sunday evening in honor of their eleventh wedding anniversary and the birthday of Mildred Badberg.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vox of Avoca, Mrs. Minnie Badberg, Mildred and Lester, Nebraska City, and George Birkmann of Cook. In the evening a group of friends had a surprise party in their honor. A lunch was served and the evening was spent in visiting.
Source: Unknown, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Tues., May 27, 1947
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday Morning, February 29, 1948FAMILY DINNER SUNDAY HONORS 90th BIRTHDAY
Mr and Mrs Otto W. Gates are having a family dinner Sunday in honor of the 90th birthday of Mrs Gate's mother, Mrs. Lena Mohr, on March 1. Coming from Lincoln are Mr and Mrs J. F. Mohr, Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Mohr, Shirley and Ray and from Omaha, Otto H. Mohr.BURR COUPLE HAS CELEBRATION ON 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY
Burr - (Special to the News-Press)---The Golden Wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eisenhauer was held in the basement of the Hope Lutheran church at Burr Febr. 24. Open house was held from two until four in the afternoon with many friends present. Herman Eisenhauer and Carrie Bader took the marriage vows at the home of the bride's parents in 1898 with the late Rev. Wm. Beckmann officiating. Their attendants were Jacob Bader of Colome S. Da. and Mrs. Emil Watermier now deceased. First they lived on a farm four miles northeast of Burr where they remained for 21 years moving to Burr. They have six children; Fred, Arthur, Mrs. Mary Neemann, Mrs. Anna Watermeier, Burr; Lena Broers, Cook, and Cal, Lincoln. They were all present at the observance along with 17 grandchildren and brothers and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bader, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Radermacher and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eisenhauer. A dinner was served during the noon hour with a special table arranged for the honored couple, their six children and their families and the Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Kumpf. The special table was centered with a beautiful three-tiered wedding cake, a gift from the children and the table for the grandchilden was centered with a large basket of carnations.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moss and Mrs. Albert Engle Jr., assisted in the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhauer received many lovely flowers, gifts and cards.BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD ON EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY
Dunbar - (Special to the News-Press)---Richard Neuhalfen celebrated his eigth birthday with a party at his home Friday afternoon. Games and contests were played and prizes were given for high and low scores. Those attending besides the honered guests were Gene Klaasmeyer, Roger Fey, Johnny Lorenz, Larry Bremmier and Philip Neuhalfin (Neuhalfen). The birthday cake was baked by Mrs Minnie Moeller whose birthday falls on the same day. They have celebrated together every year.WIRTHELE-NEUBAUER WEDDING PARTY
Miss Doris Wirthele, Burr, became the bride of Ernest Neubauer, Jr., Dunbar, Friday, Feb. 20, in the First Lutheran church in Nebraska City. Attendants were Lee and Leo Wirthele, twin brothers of the bride, Misses Marjorie and Ethel Kreifels.HAZEL JEAN JONES, JULIAN, WED TO KENNETH SHERMAN
Mrs. Delphia Jones, Julian, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Hazel Jean, to Roland Kenneth Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherman, Peru. The wedding took place February 27. The bride wore a yellow two-piece dress and a yellow flowered hat with a fingertip veil. She had a corsage of sweet peas. Attending the ceremony were the bride and groom's mothers and the bride's sister, Mrs. Donnie Mauslien. The couple will make their home in Julian where the groom is employed by the Missouri Pacific Railroad.MR AND MRS WEEKLY
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weekly were married at the First Methodist church in Nebraska City Sunday, Feb. 8. Before her wedding the bride was Miss Jo Ann McKnight. They are making their home in Kansas City, MO.TO NAVAL ACADEMY
James Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stephenson, has been named the principal appointee to the United States Naval Academy by Rep. Howard Buffett. The appointment was made on the basis of the score made in a competitive examination conducted by the Civil Service Commission.TIME FLIES:
Forty-Five Years Ago
1903 - Nebraska City had five fire alarms in one day, including blazes at the Karstens furniture store, the Heath Nuckolls home, the J. E. Biggs residence, the Merchants National bank and at the Ed Tolliver home ... Three persons were ill at the Oscar Damman home--Mr. Damman, Mrs. Damman and Miss Van Ells ... Funeral services were held for Miss Eliza Payne.Tweny-Five Years Ago
1923 - Mrs Julien Stevenson went to Fairbury to attend funeral services for Miss Stella Livingston ... Campfire girls were preparing to entertain their mothers at a banquet ... Gus Stavron of the Olympia Candy Kitchen was a patient at an Excelsior Springs Mo., hospital ... Mrs. J. J. House, Portland, Oregon, who had been visiting in Nebraska City, returned to her home.Ten Years Ago
1938 - Fred L. Carsten, Avoca, filed fro reelection to the legislature from the Cass-Sarpy district ...Billy Ramacciotti, small son of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ramacciotti, was much improved after being ill with a throat infection ... Ice went out below Nebraska City in the Missouri river and the river dropped almost three feet ... The Bush Grocery was burglarized.
NEHAWKA (pg. 2, Nebraska City News-Press)
Mrs. Jesse Rice passed away at the home of Mrs. C. Chriswisser Wednesday of a heart attack. She made her home at Plattsmouth and Nehawka. The following children survive: Mrs. Myrtle Hudick of Beldon, Nebr.; Basil Rice of Roseburg, Ore.; John Rice of Plattsmouth; William Rice of Murray; Marvin Rice of Colorado. Funeral services were held at Plattsmouth on Friday and burial was at the Otterbein cemetery north of Nehawka.Birth:
Mr. and Mrs Bert Worthan (Donna Ross) have a son born at the Methodist hospital, Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ross of Nebraska City are grandparents.Otoe: (pg. 3)
Roy and Guy Taney, Louis Tiede, William Reuhs, F.W. Paap, Henry Aufterheide, Mrs. Henry Abker, Mrs. Henry Hillman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Liefers and Herman Hillman attended the Dick Bolhman funeral held in Avoca Tuesday afternoon.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Fremont, Neb. - (U.P)-Funeral services were planned today for Donald Leroy Fields, killed yesterday by a car driven by a physician on his way to a maternity case. County attorney Charles H. Yost termed the death accidental and said no inquest would be held. Dr. C. H. Stehl, Scribner, said the bicycles of young Fields and his brother, Larry, loomed up sud-denly as he met another vehicle on highway 275. He said he swerved but the right side of the car struck one of the bicycles. The two boys were on their way to a golf course where they caddied.
KICK KOLUM (pg. 1)
In 1909:
Otto Schneider distinguished himself in one tight game by hitting a three-bagger, scoring three ahead of him, while Fred Thomas, a Burlington trainman and brother of "Wink," sweated it out as pitcher. Those twilight games---no lights had even been dreamed of in those days-provided the spark for the Class D ball we supported from 1910 through 1914 when lack of finances broke the League. But not until some likely lads, including Leslie Mann, had gone to the big time.
On the coast recently, Dr. M. B. DeJarnette, whose billiard playing is sort of communtiy
institution, engaged to play a stranger in small Bullfornian town. The balls, the Nebraska
Citian noticed, were sort of a gray color. "How do you tell the red ball from the whites?" the
the Nebraska Citian casually asked. "You don't," said the owner of the place, "but you
won't have no trouble. The white balls are almost square."
Earl Marvin confesses to a frequent visit to the dictionary, but complains that words frequently are hard to find because they are not spelled with the same letters used by
the guy who is trying to find the meaning.
Dr. A. V. Larson, head of the Practical Arts Division, Peru State College, is recovering at St. Mary's after a long illness. He has so many visitors his hospital room sometimes looks like the union station.
He was born in Henryetta, Okla., a town named for a boy and a girl. That place of birth, however, should not be held against him because he is a pretty good guy. He spent his boyhood in David City, Neb., where he graduated from high school, later seeing such institutions as Northwestern, Minnesota and Nebraska.
As a youngster he worked on a farm, in a garage and helped his dad pry open the mouths of horses while the old man "drenchded" 'em. His wife's name is Nelvia and, let's see, one, two, three - yes, there are five children. He thinks The Kick wouldn't be happy unless he was arguing with someone, but that isn't much of a clue. Who is he? (Yesterday: Harlon Potter, wholesale meat.)MURDER HEARING HERE SATURDAY (pg. 1, 5th column)
George Wells, charged with the first degree murder of a circus performer in a box car here, will have his preliminary hearing in county court starting at 9 a.m. Saturday. Wells will be represented by Lloyd Peterson as councel. County Attorney Otto Wellensiek will represent the state.TWO MEN SOUGHT IN BURGLARY HERE (pg. 2)
Sheriff Carl Ryder said Friday he is looking for two young men for investigation in the burlary at the Otoe beverage company last Monday night or Tuesday morning. Ryder said the two men are Pvt. Virgil E. Sidden, AWOL from Offutt Field, and William Dean Hulet, Newton, Kas. The beverage company was robbed of $145 and a number of checks taken from an unlocked safe. The burglars removed a sash from a window and crawled through into the office. Ryder said that the pair left Newton, Kas., July 22 and was believed driving a V-8 Ford with stolen license plates. The plates belonged to Louis Peterson of Kellogg, Ia.
Following the robbery, the two men were loitering in a field on the Clarence Felthauser farm south of the city. Felthauser told them to move on or he would call the police.
Next they went to the Joy Wurtele farm, where they left the car and borrowed $10 from Wurtele for bus fare to St. Joseph, Mo. Wurtele brought them to Nebraska City, but the pair did not leave by bus. Next they were seen walking across the railroad bridge to Iowa about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday, and then walking back across the foot bridge two hours later. They played pool in Nebraska City Wednesday and then left the city.
The two men told Wurtele they would come back for their car Sunday. Ryder said he did not believe they would return.S/SGT HAROLD CLARY ASSIGNED TO OFFUTT (pg. 2)
S-Sgt. Harold F. Clary, son of Mrs. Mary Clary, 1611 Fourth Avenue, was recently assigned to the Air Police Squadron of the 3902nd Air Base Group at Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha. He was previously assigned with the 1st Infantry Division in Germany, where he was assigned as a Military policeman. S-Sgt. Clary's duties at Offutt will be in the capacity of Airpoliceman. A graduate of Nebraska City high school, Clary served in the European Theater of Operations from September, 1946, to March, 1949.CASS PIONEER IS DEAD (pg. 2)
Mrs. William (Wiles) Spangler
Plattsmouth, Neb. - Funeral will be held Saturday for Mrs. William Spangler, 82, pioneer of central Cass county. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wiles, and born in Plattsmouth. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Amos Bates of Weeping Water and two brothers, J. E. Wiles, Plattsmouth, and Frank, Weeping Water.Celia Rees (pg. 2)
Funeral services for Celia Rees were held Friday morning at the Peterson mortuary with the Rev. R. V. Davis officiating. Burial was at Wyuka cemetery. Pallbearers: Harvey Neumeister, Bernard Spencer, Leland Thomas, Louis Rodenbrock, Oscar Weber.SERIES OF PARTIES FOR MISS POLLARD (pg. 2)
Nehawka - (Special to the News-Press)- A series of parties has been held the past week for Imogene Pollard, who will be married to Clayton Bruce of Baden, Penn., at Grace Methodist church in Lincoln Sunday evening, August 7.On Friday afternoon Mrs. R. C. Pollard entertained 32 at her home. Mrs. Ivan Hansen sang "Because," Mrs. Glen Thacker, Mrs. Ivan Hansen, Mrs. Ned Nutzman, Mildred and Janet Nutzman sang " Through the Years," and "An Old Fashioned Garden." They were accompanied by Mrs. Elmer Ross. Imogene was presented with a silver tray.
Mrs. Roy Chriswisser entertained 40 guests at her home of her mother, Mrs. Walter Englekemeier, at Murray, on Saturday with a bathroom and bedroom shower.
Tuesday a miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Miss Evelyn Wolph with 75 present. Assisting her were Mrs. Emily Olive of Weeping Water, Mrs. Carl Balfour, Mrs. John Tyson and Mrs. Dan Anderson, Mildred Nutzman, Mrs. Lyman Anderson, Gertrude Olive and Marilyn Pollard assisted with the gifts. Mrs. Ivan Hansen, Marilyn Pollard, Gertrude Olive and Mrs. Elmer Ross presented musical numbers. Mrs. Roy Chriswisser and Gertrude Olive served.
On Wednesday morning Mrs. Marion Tucker entertained 36 at a hankercheif shower and breakfast. Mrs. Glen Thacker, and Mrs. George Sheldon assisted her.
Marriage license issued to Howard Lange, Syracuse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lange, and Miss Arabella Oltmann, Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oltmann. The young people will be married on August 1 by the Rev. Theo.Kumpf at the Trinity Lutheran church.REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS: (pg. 2)
George M. Herring and wife to David N. Jones and wife, for $600, Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6, Block 77, Greggsport addition to Neb. City.Mary Wirthele to Lee and Leo Wirthele, for $3,400, southeast quarter of northwest quarter less eight acres in Section 29; northeast quarter of northwest quarter in Section 29; southeast quarter of southwest quarter in Section 20, all in 7-10.
In Cass county district court Thursday, a decree of foreclosure was entered in the case of the county of Cass vs W. H. Achenbach. E. T. McHugh was appointed military attorney. Action as parts of the land involved was dismissed since the parcels had been redeemed, but other parts of the involved real estate were foreclosed. The defendant, now deceased, was a Nebraska City dentist for several years. A veteran of World War I, he is buried in Arlington national cemetery.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Friday, July 29, 1949Time Flies:
Forty-Five Years Ago
1904 - Morton-Gregson announced it would deal with no "third parties" in hiring men for the resumption of killing operations ... Among local "prize winners" in the Rosebud land drawings were Irwin W. Paap, Otoe; Fred McLellan, city; U. S. Gates, city, and Thomas G. Barnum of Union ... Frank J. Ohnmacht drove a nail through his wrist in a freak accident.Twenty-Five Years Ago
1924 - George Huckett, Burlington round house foreman, was killed when his auto went through the rail of a bridge south of the city ... Brick Dunn's jazz band entertained a baseball crowd here before Nebraska City beat Syracuse, 4-0.Ten Years Ago
1939 - County superintendents of southeastern Nebraska met at Peru State Teachers college to discuss plan for closer cooperation between the rural schools and the college ... Otoe county school districts were to divide $7,937.86 as the semi-annual school apportionment distributed by the office of public instruction ... Mrs. Fred Theis fell at her home here and broke two bones in her right ankle ... Brune Schottler went to Beatrice to meet a brother, Christian, whom he had not seen for 40 years.Palmyra:
John, Ralph and Ruth Mortimore attended the funeral services Sunday afternoon for their grandfather, Nathan Mortimore, 90, who passed away at the home of his son, Floyd Mortimore, at Lamoni, Ia. Funeral services were held at Mt. Zion church, at Hamburg, Ia. Interment was in Mt. Zion cemtery. Mr. Mortimore formely resided at Hamburg, IA.
A family gathering and a picnic dinner was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boerner on their fourth wedding anniversary. They also celebrated the birthdays of Mrs. Fred Boerner and Mrs. Mary Lechner.
Those attending were: Mrs. Mary Lechner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lechner, Kathleen and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lechner and Colleta (Coletta), Mr. and Mrs. Earl Korring, Mr.and Mrs. Bernard Schmitz, Cleora and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Fredolin Lechner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boerner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Boerner and Virgina, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Boerner and Susan, Mrs. M. Harding and Mrs. Edith Stahl.
Others who came to spend the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sasse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Specht, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Behrens and June and Mrs. Ann Dermann.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: May 1949Under Hospital Notes: Mrs. Harold Fox and baby were released.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Friday, July 29, 1949
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, January 1, 1950Time Flies:
Forty-Five Years Ago
1904 - Frank Ohnmacht dug a beer keg and some glasses out of a car of wheat he was unloading for H. H. Bartling ... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parr celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary... The Commercial club was dickering with a wire fence company which was seeking a new location and a few hundred thousand dollars in capital ... Charles H. Frye and Elizabeth Gawhthorne were united in marriage by Rev. J. W. Scott.Twenty-Five Years Ago:
1924 - Maurice Plumer was home from the University of Nebraska... Vola Kreider, five years of age, died in an Omaha hospital ... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Catron attended a house warming in Lincoln ... An alarm of fire was sent in from the John Wirth home, it was extinguished with chemicals ... Mrs. Wm. Pohler died at her home near Lorton.Ten Years Ago
1939 - Clarence Lechner, Dunbar, received a broken leg when he was kicked by a horse ... A sprinkler system was planned at the Conkey mill ...Thornton Lee was in a critical condition as the result of a wagon overturning on him ... Chas. Hull, 52 was buried at Douglas ... William Lenker, north of Dunbar, had been a reader of the News-Press for 70 years.Anniversarys:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Moore celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary Saturday at their home, 213 Fifth Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were married at the Methodist parsonage in Nebraska City on New Year's Eve, 1896, in a double ceremony. Also wed at this time were Mr. and Mrs. James Blesh. The Moore's returned to Nebraska City two years ago after an absence of 34 years when they farmed near Falls City. Mrs. Moore, the former Anna Kaler, is a sister of Mrs. P. H. Holliway.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Teten, Talmage, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Marie, to Arnold F. Wellensiek, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wellensiek, Sr. of Cook. The wedding will take place January 17, at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Talmage. The bride-to-be is employed at the Farmer's Bank in Nebraska City. Mr. Wellensiek farms southwest of Cook.
Mrs. Lester Allen, New York City, was married on December 27 at the First Presbyterian church, Nebraska City, by Rev. John A. Williams. She was formerly Miss Jessie Lou Tyler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Varro E. Tyler, Sr., Nebraska City. She and her husband returned to New York City by way of Chicago and Swarthmore, Pa., for their wedding trip.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haile were married Dec. 26 at the First Methodist church with the Rev. George A. Schwabauer reading the marriage lines. Mrs. Haile was formerly Constance Yates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. King Yates, and Mr. Haile is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Haile. After a wedding trip to Chicago, the couple will live in the Gabus Apartments.
Mrs. Robert Kraus, who was married November 17 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Lincoln, was formerly Miss Bethyl Carper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carper, Lincoln, Formerly of Syracuse.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Sunday, January 1, 1950
Dunbar News:
Mr. and Mrs. William Wirth had their dinner guests; Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Wirth of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Wirth and Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Manchester of Omaha.Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., Sunday, May 14, 1950
Coletta Lechner was hostess to the M.L.I. club at her home May 11, at an outdoor meeting. Entertainment was furnished at Nucholls Square by Joan Leeper. Refreshments were served later at the Lechner home.Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, May 14, 1950Personals:
Dr. Glen E. Burbridge left here Saturday for St. Louis, MO., where he will be enrolled in
a post graduate course on obstetrics. He will return in two weeks.Miss Esther Barkhurst has returned home near Dunbar from Lincoln General Hospital where she has received treatment for Polio for the past six weeks.
Tom Whipple, ET 2-c, in the Navy, is home on a leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whipple. He will report at San Francisco for re-assignment June 19. Before coming home, was stationed out of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Pat Donovan left Tuesday evening after spending a 58-day leave from the Navy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Donovan. Pat, who has been stationed at Pearl Harbor, will report to Treasure Island to be re-assigned. While here, he was entertained at dinners by many of his relatives and friends.
Zeiner - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin, Los Angeles, Calif., a daughter, Patricia Jean, May 3. Mrs. Henry Zeiner, City, is a grandmother.Laughlin - Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Patricia O'Connell), Omaha, a son, Edward John, Friday at St. Catherine's hospital, Omaha. The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connell, city.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, May 14, 1950TIME FLIES:
Forty-Five Years Ago
1905 - William Jennings Bryan regreted he could not come here to speak on July 4 ... Fred Mathews resigned as night engineer at the packing house ... Chief of Police "Buff" Schoonover said he doubted the existence of a so-called, "Woman in Black" who had been peering in windows and frightening women.Twenty-Five Years Ago
1925 - Word has received in the city of the marriage of Miss Mary Edmonds and George Mayer of Winona, Kas ... Mrs. Eldon Gilman resigned her position with the first Trust Co ... Mary Ellen Slack entertained friends with a birthday party ... Born to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Knoll, a daughter.Ten Years Ago
1940 - The senior class play was to be "Spring Fever" ... Census showed gains in most Otoe towns ... Nora Hinrichs attended the annual Tulip Festival at Pella, Ia ... Mr. and Mrs. Joe Francois observed their thirty-seventh wedding anniversary when neighbors surprised them ... Miss Alice Goff attended the wedding of her niece in Indianapolis.CAR TURNED OVER, WOMEN UNINJURED
Mrs. C. L. Crook, Nebraska City, miraculously escaped serious injury Friday afternoon when her car overturned on the old Nebraska 2 road south of Wyuka cemetery.
The elderly woman said she tried to avoid a hole in the road at the southeast corner of the cemetery and lost control of the car. The auto careened along about 75 yards before it turned over on its top. Mrs. Leta Wier, who lives nearby, rushed out of her home and opened the car door. Mrs. Crook crawled out without a bruise or a scratch.
Nebraska City New's-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, May 13, 1951PALMYRA NEWS (pg. 7)
John Waite of Lemon Cove, Calif., Leonard Waite of Goodman, Mo., and Mrs. Charles Warwick of Osceola, Nebr., arrived here Sunday to attend the funeral services of their mother, Mrs. Hannah Waite, held Monday at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Waite passed away at her home Friday. Another daughter, Mrs. Lydia Biege, of Compton, Calif., was unable to attend. Burial was in Rosewood cemetery.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hartman, (Elma Isaacs), a girl May 6, at St. Elizabeth hospital.
A stork shower was given Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Norman Vollertsen, honoring Mrs. Joy Rodaway and baby daughter.
DOUGLAS News (pg. 7)
Mrs. Joe Campbell and brother Roy Karnatz attended the funeral of Jacob Lenheart at Zinks Funeral home in Sterling Monday afternoon. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery south of Douglas.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zech gave a wedding dance in the hall Saturday evening and was attended by a large crowd. The couple will live in an apartment at Herman Brinkmans.
BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hartman a daughter, May 6. Mrs. Hartman is the former Elma Isaacs of Unadilla.TALMAGE NEWS (pg. 9)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortsman went to Lincoln, Saturday, to attend the funeral services for their cousin, Ralph Horstman, which was being held in the Evangelical and Reformed church with Rev. Arthur F. Christ, assisted by the Rev. Carl Gabler of Napoleon, Mo. officiating. Interment took place at Wyuka cemetery.Relatives and neighbors went to the home of Martin Hauberg, Friday evening to honor him on the occasion of his 77th birthday.
Baccalaureate services for these Percival, Ia., High School graduates will be held tonight at the Percival Federated church. The Rev. Clarence Swihart will give the sermon. Senior chapel will be held Monday morning and commencement exercises will be Thursday evening in the school gym at 8 p.m. Kermit Hansen of the Omaha World-Herald will be guest speaker. L. D. Kneeland, superintendent, C. A. Parkison is class sponsor.Graduates are: Donna Mae Hill, Vern Harpole, James Sheldon, Jean Ann Graham, Tom Cullin, Ronnie Mead, Lilah Brown, Charles Jewell, Barbara Harris, Glen Doiel and Sue Gibson.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday Morning, May 15, 1955FEATURE SECTION: (pg. 1)
Frances Webb Wed in Lincoln
Married in a late afternoon ceremony Saturday in the chapel of Westminster Presbyterian church in Lincoln were Mrs. Frances Webb and Brya. Rev. Bob Lee performed the ceremony. Attending the couple were the bride's daughter, Mrs. William Emshoff, and Mr. Farson's brother-in-law, Fred Schmidt, who acted as best man. The bride wore navy blue with pink accessories. Her corsage was of pink rose buds. Mrs. Emshoff wore a powder blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. After the ceremony a dinner was held at The Lone Oak in Lincoln. Those attending the wedding and dinner were Mr. and Mrs. William Emshoff, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Virginia Waggoner and Elton Ricketts and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Weatherhead of Nebraska City. The bride is Otoe county register of deeds. Mr. Farson is employed by Cunningham and Kiewitt. After a short trip the couple will reside in Nebraska City.UNADILLA SCENE OF ALL WHITE WEDDING
In a candlelight ceremony Saturday evening at the Christian church in Unadilla Miss Shirley Mae Callaway became the bride of James E. Hall of Elmwood. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Callaway of Unadilla and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Hall of Elmwood. Baskets of pink carnations and white gladioli decorated the church for the ceremony. Rev. Richard Waldron read the lines. Muriel Davis played the wedding music and accom-panied Gary Thompson, Lincoln, who sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin fashioned with a long-sleeved, fitted bodice and sheer yoke outlined with lace scallops and topped with a sequined petite collar. The graceful shirt, accented with a lace panel, ended in a long chapel train. Her fingertip illusion veil was held by bandeau of lace trimmed with sequins and pearls. She carried a frontal bouquet of red roses with lily-of-the-valley.
The maid of honor, Miss Rosella Callaway, sister of the bride, wore a strapless white waltz length gown with a lace, bolero and mitts. She carried a frontal bouquet in deep tones of pink. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Marion Wendt, Unadilla, sister of the bride-groom and Miss Alice Wellman, Syracuse, wore similar styled gowns of white. They carried frontal bouquets in lighter shades of pink.
Lighting the candles for the all white wedding were Miss Faye Ellen Callaway and Robert Callaway, Unadilla, sister and brother of the bride. The flower girls, Kathryn Thoms, Syracuse, and Karen Buchanan, Nebraska City, were identically styled frocks of white nylon. Bobby Wilson, Auburn, was ring bearer. Ed Parriott, Elmwood, was best man and Marion Wendt and Marlin Callaway, brother of the bride, both of Unadilla, were groomsmen. Ushers were Larry Callaway, Unadilla, brother of the bride, and _____, Elmwood. The reception was held in the church parlor following the ceremony with Mrs. LeRoy Thoms, Syracuse, sister of the bride, presiding at the serving table assisted by Mrs. Ed Parriott, Elmwood, and Mrs. Marvin Lucas, Unadilla. Mrs. Jerry Thoms, Weeping Water, sister of the bride, was in charge of the guest book. Miss Wilma Dowding, Lincoln, and Mrs. George Hansen, Syracuse, were in charge of the gifts. The couple left on a wedding trip after the reception. After May 22 the Halls will live at 523 West Twentysixth street in Kearney.MISS COOK TO WED DALE BRUNS
Nehawka -(N.P.)- Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cook, Nehawka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janett, to Dale Bruns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bruns, Murray. Mr. Bruns formerly attended Nehawka High school and graduated from Plattsmouth High school in 1954.MISS BOYD IS BRIDE OF PATRICK SMITH
Blessed Sacrament Catholic church in Lincoln was the scene Saturday morning of the wedding of Miss Sylvia Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Boyd, Lincoln, and Patrick Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith, Palmyra.
Don Goodrich was soloist and T. G. Greene accompanist.
The bride's gown of imported lace and tulle over taffeta was designed with a high Victorian neckline and long tapering sleeves. The elongated waist slipped into a peplum of lace which tapered to a point over a tulle train. A pearl trimmed cap held in place her fingertip illusion veil and she carried a cascade of white feathered carnations.
Miss Dorothy Smith was maid of honor and Mrs. Bill Norman and Miss May Boyd were bridesmaids. They were gowned in identical blue frocks and carried blue daisies.
Jerry Donovan was best man. Ushers were John Smith and Harold Hollan.
A reception was held after the ceremony.
The Smiths will live in Palmyra. The bride attended the University of Nebraska and has been employed as a receptionist at Colvin-Heyn studio. Mr. Smith is employed by Northern Natural Gas company in Palmyra.UNADILLA NEWS: (pg. 3)
Attending the funeral of Olney Easter at Nehawka were Mr. and Mrs. James Stilwell, Palmyra, Charlotte Stilwell, Mrs. George Brandt and Mrs. Don Stilwell, Unadilla.Mrs. Clara Pell returned home the past week from an extended stay in Colorado were she had been called by the illness and death of her brother, Emil Scheels.
Mrs. Ellen Woodard had as a guest her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Ball of Canada. Mrs. Ball was called here by the recent death of her brother, David Dickey.PALMYRA NEWS: (pg. 5)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seeman went to Clifton, Kas., to attend the wedding of her cousin, Laurence Lyon, Clifton, son of the late Mrs. Laura Lyon.
Palmyra folks attending the funeral of S-Sgt. Thurman L. Julian at Lincoln Tuesday afternoon were his mother, Mrs. Laura Julian, his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pump, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wemple, Mrs. H. L. Severe, Mrs. Holly Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Francis, Mrs. John Stilwell and Mrs. May Lee.NEHAWKA NEWS (pg. 4)
Mrs. Walter Power attended funeral services Friday afternoon for her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Compton, Nebraska City, at the Free Methodist church.COOK NEWS (pg. 5)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Garlipp entertained Mother's day for their son, SK3 Wesley Garlipp, San Francisco, home on a 30-day leave.Mr. & Mrs. Martin Miller and Robert attended a family gathering at the Tecumseh park Sunday honoring the 30th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Miller's parents.
MM2 Darrell Lee Niebrugge, San Diego, Calif., is spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Niebrugge.
Mrs. Marie Juilfs' son, Myron and Geraldine Speake, Woodbine, Ia., were married at Kansas City, Mo., April 2.BURR NEWS: (pg. 8)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron report the arrival of a 10-pound grandson, born May 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Denzel Carper.DOUGLAS NEWS: (pg. 8)
CMS-3c Curtis Ray Kohler, who spent a 20-day leave with his mother, Mrs. Edith Kohler, and Jimmy Gene, and another brother Delmar Dean, Plattsmouth, has returned to San Diego, Calif.Mr. and Mrs. Dick Neeman, Jr. celebrated their eigth wedding anniversary May 9.
The Christian church, with Rev. A. D. Gordon pastor, had a special Mother's Day service paying tribute to three outstanding mothers of the church and Sunday School. The oldest mother present was Mrs. Pearl Smith, and the mother who with her family had the longest attendance record at Sunday school and church, Mrs. Ellen Rhoten and family.
Delbert Boerner
Key West, Fla. – (Special) – Graduated October 17 from a six-week course of instruction at the Fleet Sonar School in Key West was Navy Ens. Delbert D. Boerner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boerner of Nebraska City.
Mrs. Boerner, the former Joan M. Williams, of Sutton, Surrey, England, accompanied the officer to Key West while he attended school.
The Boerners returned to Norfolk, Va., where Delbert resumed his duty aboard the destroyer USS Sigourney as a lieutenant junior grade.
Included in the course was training in anti-submarine warfare, along with several days at sea aboard various destroyers.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Nov. 1958
Mrs. Adela Johns of 1316 North 44th Street, Lincoln, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Sharon Johns, to Danny C. Searle, Lincoln Air Force Base, son of Mrs. Alice Searle of Santa Cruz, Calif.
The bride, a graduate of Dunbar High School, is employed at Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nebraska. The couple plans a June 30 wedding.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: Jan. 22, 1961Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., August 1961
George R. Lechner was born May 12, 1896 son of John and Anna (Ramold) Lechner. He was the oldest of ten children, five brothers, Joseph, Vincent, Harry, Ralph and Clarence, four sisters, Mrs. Casper (Ella) Boerner, Hildagard, Mrs. Walter (Beatrice) Wright and Mrs. Jessie (Gladys) Parker. He was raised five miles southwest of Nebraska City, attended school Dist. #56, which he had to walk one mile south to attend St. Benedict's Catholic Church, served in World War I, military policeman. January 29, 1920 he married a neighbor girl Emma Schomerus, she was born August 23, 1895, daughter of Enno and Marie (Arends) Schomerus, she was the fifth of seven children, one brother Arnold Schomerus, five sisters, Mrs. Henry (Anna) Kircher, Mrs. Nick (Marie) Burkhart, Mrs. Henry (Dena) Griepenstroh, Mrs. Karl (Clara) Scharp and Mrs. Edward (Alma) Peterson. She was raised three miles southwest of Nebraska City. Attended school Dist. # 30, which was right across the road, and attended Evangelical and Reformed Church. She said when she was young it was like speaking three languages--in school English, church high German and at home low German. Employed at the Nebraska School for Blind until she married. They moved on a farm one half mile east of his home place. About one and half year later, they purchased the farm across the road from Henry W. Wells. They worked hard to pay for this farm, going through the depression and dry early 30's. Raised hogs, chickens and milk cows. Their cream and egg money paid for the grocery. They were married seventeen years when one daughter Georgia Marie was born March 27, 1937. Shortly before her confirmation in 1950 they became members of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (which now is the Bethel United Church of Christ). When their daughter Georgia married Merlyn Teten in 1957, they purchased a new home at 1919 Third Avenue, Nebraska City. Their son-in-law Merlyn passed away 1965, their daughter then married Victor Teten 1967. They had three grandsons, Michael, Allen and Loyd Teten. George passed away at St. Mary's Hospital August 5, 1961 at the age of 65.1963
Lt. Delbert Boerner, United States Navy, was believed on his way home from Oslo, Norway, Tuesday to attend the funeral of his father, Fred Boerner. The Red Cross notified the officer and the family was waiting word of his arrival before setting the date for the service.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr., Date: May 28, 1963
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Monday, November 9, 1964RITES HELD FOR CITIAN'S SISTER (pg. 1)
Mrs. Reel (Lyon) Hough
Funeral services were held Friday at Meyer Chapel in Council Bluffs for Abigail Hough, 77, LaCrescenta, Calif., who died in Whittier, Calif., hospital following a heart attack. The Rev. Arthur Freeburg, pastor of Immanual Lutheran church, officiated with burial in Memorial Park cemetery at Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Hough was born at Atchison, Kas., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lyon. She taught at Sixth Street school for a number of years. She was a member of the Lutheran church, Daughters of the American Revolution, and Council Bluffs Chapter 441 Order of Eastern Star.
She is survived by sons, Reel R. Hough, Los Angeles, Calif.; Capt. Jack Hough, USN, (ret), Long Beach, Calif.; daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Lobeda, La Crescenta, Calif.; Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Svoboda, Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Sarah Jane Hacbart, Odell, Iowa; sisters, Mrs. Patricia Mansfield and Mrs. Mary Bader, Boynton Beach, Fla.; Mrs. Bertha McKinney and Mrs. Emma Hebard, Miami, Fla.; brothers, William, Lakewood, Fla.; Jack, Miami, Fla.; Ed of Nebraska City; Harold B. of Kansas City, Mo.; 19 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Hough was preceded by her husband, Reel, in 1942.FATHER OF MRS. KASTNER IS DEAD (pg. 1)
Roy Warnock
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kastner and Tony Gerbert of Nebraska City are in La Crosse, Kansas, to attend the funeral Tuesday of Mrs. Kastner's father. Roy Warnock died Saturday after having been in failing health for several months. Mr. Warnock is survived by his wife and Mrs. Kastner. Mr. Warnock's first wife was Minnie Duncan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duncan of west of Nebraska City. She died 12 years ago. A son, Roy Jr., and a daughter also preceded Mr. Warnock.DEATH COMES TO MILDA KINNISON (pg. 1)
Milda (Eaton) Kinnison
Mrs. Milda Kinnison died Sunday night at St. Mary's hospital after being in failing health for two years. Funeral services will be Wednesday, 2 p.m. at Gude Mortuary with the Rev. Ralph Dyer officiating. Interment will be in Wyuka cemetery.
Milda Kinnison was born October 23, 1886, on a farm near Union, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton. She married Chas. Claude Kinnison at Nebraska City in 1903. She spent her entire life in Nebraska City vicinity. Mrs. Kinnison is survived by her husband; children, Mrs. George (Hazel) Reimers, Nebraska City; Raymond, Eagle; Mrs. Lee (Neva) Kneale, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Eva Lahman, Waverly and Lester of Nebraska City; a brother, Caleb Eaton, Plattsmouth; a sister, Dollie Haynes, Sacramento, Calif.; 14 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, six brothers and three sisters. Our-of-town people who will attend the funeral will be Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kneale and family, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Eaton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutchinson, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Art Whitehead, Syracuse; and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Byrd, Kansas City, Missouri. She was affiliated with the Christian church and was formerly employed at Ocoma Foods and Morton House Kitchens.C. F. BURKHEISER RITES TUESDAY
Conde Francis Burkheiser
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic church for Conde Francis Burkheiser who died Sunday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Mary's hospital.
The Rev. George Heinzen will officiate. Burial will be at St. Mary's cemetery. Rosary will be recited Monday (tonight) at 7:30 o'clock at Gude Mortuary.
Pallbearers will be John and Conde Burkheiser, John Crilly, Edward and Hubert Roach and John Hilger.
Mr. Burkheiser was born February 8, 1869, at Unionville, Mo., the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Burkheiser.Survivors include his wife and daughter, Mrs. Herbert (Genivieve) Crilly, Council Bluffs, Ia. and a son, Gilbert Farragut, Ia.(Iowa); sisters, Mrs. Mary Hilger, Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Dorothy O'Brien, Omaha. He was preceded by sons, Charles in 1950 and Titus in 1941. A former Fremont county, Ia.(Iowa), stockman and farmer, he was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church, the Holy Name and Knights of Columbus. He moved to Nebraska City in 1944.
Lucile (Larson) Lamb
Palmyra - Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Palmyra Methodist Church for Mrs. Lucile Lamb, 69. Burial will be in Rosewood cemetery, Palmyra.
Rev. K. Lowell Gaither will officiate. Tonsing and Wemple Funeral home is in charge of arrangements. The family requests memorials.
Mrs. Lamb died Sunday in Palmyra following a heart attack. She was born March 18, 1895, in Syracuse. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Christian Larson.
She married John E. Lamb in Palmyra, December 5, 1917. Her husband survives.
Surviving children include sons, Myron of Waverly, Daryl of Palmyra and daughters, Mrs. Iola (iola) Finke of Bennet and Mrs. Janice Gray of Nebraska City.
Nine grandchildren also survive. Two brothers, Forrest Larson of Palmyra and Clarence Larson of Lincoln and a sister, Lena Matthews of Walton also survive.
A brother Jay Larson and one infant daughter preceded her in death.
Mrs. Lamb was a member of Palmyra Methodist Church, the American Legion Auxiliary and the WSCS.
Pallbearers will be Duane and Lawrence Larson, Lloyd Schmadeke, Dale and John A. Lamb and Warren Kuenning.SOREN PETERSEN DIES IN LINCOLN (pg. 2)
Soren Petersen
Soren Petersen, 77, Fremont, died Sunday morning in Veterans hospital in Lincoln after being sick for a number of years.
Funeral services for the former Union area resident will be Wednesday at 11 a.m., at Latin-Dugan-Chambers Mortuary in Fremont. Burial will be in a Fremont Cemetery.
Soren Petersen was born January 12, 1887, in Denmark and came to the United States when he was a young man. He was a veteran of World War I.
He is survived by his wife, Mabel; four children; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Hans Petersen; four nieces, Mrs. Charles Hohman, Omaha; Mrs. Leo Bluhm, Beaver Crossing; Mrs. Gerald Srazier, Lincoln; and Mrs. Charles Dickman, Otoe.
Mr. Petersen was the brother of the late Hans and Jim Petersen who lived in the Nebraska City area.MOTHER OF MRS DARLING DIES (pg. 2)
Mrs. Donald Jerauld
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at Casey Funeral Chapel in Auburn at 2 p.m., for Mrs. Donald Jerauld, 73, who died Saturday afternoon in Nemaha county hospital following a heart attack.
The Rev. Homer Clements will officiate with burial in Sheridan Cemetery, Auburn.
Mrs. Jerauld is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Paul Darling, former Nebraska City resident, now living in Lincoln; two sons, Ronald of Indianapolis, Ind., and Robert of Sacramento, Calif.; grandson, Larry Jerauld; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Sloan, Fullerton, Calif., and Mrs. Hazel McKenny of Auburn; and a brother, Roy Higgins.FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN SCOTTSBLUFF (pg. 2)
Herman Kohrell
Mrs. Paul Pfann has returned from Scottsbluff where she attended the funeral service for her brother, Herman Kohrel, 63, of Scottsbluff, Friday at Read-Master Funeral home. Interment was at Fairview cemetery at Scottsbluff. Mr. Kohrell was a former Nebraska Citian. Mr. Kohrell died November 3 at a Scottsbluff hospital. He had been in failing health for four years. He was born, January 7, 1901, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohrell of Nebraska City. A brother, Barrett of Hazelton, Ind., died in 1960. Survivors include his wife Gladys, a daughter, Mrs. Jim Cross of Gering, five grandchildren; brothers, Carl and Albert Kohrell of Omaha, Edward of Plattsmouth and Jesse of Florida; and a sister, Mrs. Paul Pfann, of Nebraska City. Mrs. Pfann accompanied her brothers, Carl, Albert and Edward Kohrell to Scottsbluff for the funeral services.Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, November 29, 1964WEDDINGS: (Pg. 1)
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholas Rusk are living at 1520 First Avenue in Nebraska City. The couple was married November 7, at First Christian church. The bride, the former Carol Denson, is the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Denson. Mr. Rusk is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Pierce of Nebraska City.ANNIVERSARY: (pg. 1)
Couple to Observe 50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. August H. Rosenthal of Syracuse will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on December 6 at an open house from 2 to 4 o'clock at Luther Memorial church at Syracuse.
August Rosenthal and Fannie S. Satthoff were married December 16, 1914, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Satthoff at Sterling, Nebraska. The couple's attendents plan to attend the open house. Their attendents were William Satthoff, a brother of the bride and Anna Hadde, a sister of the bridegroom.
The couple has five children, Harold of Blair; Esra of Pawnee City, Mrs. Robert (Esther) Barr, of Liberty, Clarence and Donald of Syracuse. They have 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Rosethal request no gifts.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Friday, July 2, 1965How Time Flies:
Forty Years Ago
1925 - Funeral services were held for Ralph McGuire, 24, who died on the north Sixth street crossing when his car was struck by a passenger train ... Brick Dunn pitched for Nebraska City and Mathers for Palmrya at the west-enders won a 4 to 3 baseball game here ... Tremors continued after the disastrous Santa Barbara, Calif., earthquake ... The Duff Grain Co., closed its 30 elevators in Kansas and Nebraska and quit business.Twenty-Five Years Ago
1940 - Glen F. Heady was elected vocational agriculture teacher by the Nebraska City school board ... sheriff Carl Ryder was called to Syracuse to settle a disturbance that took place when members of the American Legion objected to the circulation of petitions by a Jehovah Witness group ... Arnold Beckman of the Wilson Grain Co. at Burr reported receiving the first new wheat ... George W. Homeyer, 68, former Nebraska City lumber dealer, died in Lincoln.Ten Years Ago
1955 - Henry Mead was the first driver to cross the Nebraska City bridge "toll-free at midnight. Clarence Specht was the last driver to pay toll on the bridge just before midnight. Governor Victor Anderson of Nebraska and Mark Morris; research director for the Iowa highway commission cut the ribbon officially opening the Nebraska City bridge toll-free in the afternoon ceremony ... Dr. E. J. Kotab was reappointed to the Otoe county Veterans Service committee for a 5 year term.Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co. Nebr.
Sunday, July 4, 1965JULIAN NEWS: (Pg. 3)
84th Birthday
Members of her family gathered Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Tom Lovelady to celebrate her 84th birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lovelady and Alan of Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Lovelady, Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges and children, Arlie and Tom Lovelady.Under the Weather
Mrs. Elmus Strain is ill with the flu; Mrs. Fred Shaw has an infection; Mrs. Homer Anville is improved after a weeks bout with a virus. Bret Harpster is ill with the mumps.Brad is Five
Mrs Robert A. Trail entertained Friday in honor of the fifth birthday of their son, Brad.
Guests were cousins of the honoree: Billy, David, Linda, Shari, Timmy, Tommy and Douglas Teten: Lori Zech; Susan, Mark and Nancy Trail, and Brad's two grandmothers, Mrs. Reinhold Teten and Mrs. Robert D. Trail. Games were played and the children hiked to the timber for a wiener roast. A birthday cake was decorated with "cowboys, Indians and horses," was served by the hostess.Mrs. Pete Lavigne and Gaylene Athen attended the Sunday evening wedding of Miss Sara Adams and Tom Boatman in Peru Methodist church.
*******SYRACUSE NEWS: (pg. 4)
Harry Amende, Frederick Bartling, Mrs. Mike Ruder and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sieplemeier attended the wedding of Janet Gibson and Victor Lich, Jr., Tuesday evening at St. Matthews Lutheran church in Omaha.
Sharyl Ann Koch and Dale L. Friesen (pg. 4)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Friesen who were married June 27, St. John's Lutheran church in Otoe, are living in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The bride, the former Sharyl Ann Koch, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Koch of Otoe, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Friesen of Beatrice.Annette Plumer and Gary Berthold (pg. 4)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Berthold of 1520 First Avenue, Nebraska City, have returned from their wedding trip to Colorado. The couple was married June 26 at St. Mary's Catholic church. The bride, the former Annette Plumer, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Plumer, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Berthold of Nebraska City.
Cook- (N.P.)-Mr. and Mrs. Denver W. Behrens are living at 1422 B. Street in Lincoln after returning from their honeymoon trip in Colorado. The couple was married June 5 in Grace Lutheran church, Cook, with the Rev. Robert Herrboldt officiating.
The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floorlength gown fashioned of lace and organza which featured a basque bodice with a Sabrina neckline and long tapered sleeves.
The bouffant skirt featured a triple tiered dust ruffle of lace and was caught with an organza rose. She carried a dozen red roses with a white Bible. The three tiered illusion veil was held by a double lace and crystal crown.
Maid of honor was Miss Marcia Damme, bridesmaids were Pam Hubbs and Doris West.
Marvin Schwab served as best man and Dave Weber and Dennis Spath were groomsmen. Seating the 215 guests were Roger Schwab, Norlyn Sagehorn.
The reception was held in the church hall after the ceremony.
The bride, a 1964 graduate of Cook Community High school, is employed by Consumers Public Power in Lincoln. Mr. Behrens attended Cook High school and graduated from Lincoln Northeast High school in 1964. He is employed with CB & Q Railroad in Lincoln.PERSONALS: (pg. 4)
Mrs. F. O. Sand attended a miscellaneous shower honoring her granddaughter, Mrs. Lee Adams of Lincoln, (the former Miss Julie Zech, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zech of Douglas), at the Methodist church, Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were married June 12 in Kansas.CRADEL ROLL CALL: (pg. 4)
Williamson- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (Charlene Womack), Nebraska City, a son born July 2 at St. Mary's Hospital.
From- Mr. and Mrs. Glen (Darla Leffler), Nebraska City, a son born July 3 at St. Mary's hospital.
Miss Connie Mitzner of Nebraska City was a bridesmaid at the recent wedding in Plattsmouth of Sherrill Lynn Jose and Albert J. Konfrst. Miss Marie Konfrst was maid of honor and the other bridesmaid was Gwen Raschke of Omaha. John Konfrst of Omaha was best man for his brother. Donna Grove of Plattsmouth and Pat Mitzner of Nebraska City were at the table.MADEMOISELLE SAUVAGE IS BRIDE OF NICHOLAS NELSON (pg. 5)
Mademoiselle Eveline Sauvage of Paris, France, and Nicholas H. Nelson of Nebraska City, Nebr., were married Saturday at two-thirty o'clock in the Reformed Church of the Etoile, in Paris following a civil ceremony. The Rev. Mr. Barnaud, pastor of the church, solemnized the double ring ceremony.
Parents of the couple are Monsieur and Madame Marcel Sauvage of Paris and Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Nelson of Nebraska City.
Young cousins of the bride were her attendants. It is the custom in France to have "les enfants," young children, members of the bride's family, as her attendants.
Roger Pearson served as the bridegroom's attendant and best man.
The bride selected for her wedding a gown of silk waffle weave pique fashioned in a princess line featuring a small rounded neckline, three-quarter length sleeves, and a train. She carried a bridal bouquet of white flowers.
A reception was held in the home of the bride's parents after the ceremony.
The couple went to Scotland for their honeymoon.
They will live in Madison, Wisc., after September 1, where Mr. Nelson will be an associate professor in the freshman English department.
The bride has attended the Law School of Paris University for four years.
Mr. Nelson, who has been attending the University of Wisconsin for two years, will continue studying on his Doctor of Philosophy Degree.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Nelson and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Morton Steinhart of Nebraska City were guests at the wedding and reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were hosts at a pre-nuptial dinner at the Grand Veneur Friday night.Engagement: (pg. 5)
Shirley Jean Probasco and Donald W. Niemann
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Probasco of Ogden, Utah, announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Jean of Seward, to Donald W. Niemann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Niemann of Seward. Miss Probasco is a graduate of Bonneville High School in Ogden, and is now employed by the County Clerk's office in Seward. Mr. Niemann, a graduate of Seward High school, is a state trooper with the Nebraska Safety Patrol assigned in Nebraska City. The couple plan an August 21 wedding.FUNERALS:
Greedus Hofker Funeral Monday (pg. 1)
Syracuse - (N.P.)- Funeral services for Greedus C. Hofker, 68, Syracuse, who died Friday night at Community Memorial hospital in Syracuse, following an illness of three years, will be Monday, 2 p.m., at Tonsing and Son Funeral Home in Syracuse. The Rev. Fred Loder will officiate with burial in Park Hill cemetery, Syracuse.
Greedus C. Hofker was born October 12, 1896, in Germany, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hofker. He married Iva Gray on May 1, 1922, in Nebraska City. He lived in Douglas, Unadilla and Weeping Water before moving to Syracuse two years ago.
He was the chief of police at Weeping Water for nine years.
Mr. Hofker was a member of the Hopewell Presbyterian church.
Survivors include his wife, Iva; sons, Vernon of Syracuse, Duane of Nebraska City; daughter, Mrs. Ionna Frakes of Union; brother, Albert of Minnesota; sister, Mrs. Bert Eis of Unadilla; and eight grandchildren.Henry Gould (pg. 5)
Mr. and Mrs. George Coupe of Nebraska City and their son, son-in-law and daughter, Dr. G. H. Coupe of Clearwater, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gangle of Columbus, Nebr., attended the funeral of Mrs. George Coupe's brother, Henry Gould in Kansas City, Mo. Doctor Coupe returned to his home Saturday after visiting his parents for a few days.
Herbert Koerwitz Rites in Deshler (pg. 10)
Funeral services will be Monday at the Lutheran church in Deshler for 68-year-old Herbert Koerwitz, who's stepson, Jack Douglas, lives in Nebraska City. Burial will be in a Deshler cemetery. A Hebron mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Koerwitz died Friday morning in a Hebron hospital following a long illness. His wife, Mrs. Hebert (Veva Douglas) Koerwitz survives. Mrs. Koerwitz is a Nebraska City native. Another step-daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Aufenkamp also survives.1968
When Stephen Boerner, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boerner, relinquishes his News-Press paper route this month it will mark the first time since 1925 that there has not been a Boerner doing something for the paper.
Fred Boerner, Stephen’s grandfather, went to work for The News-Press when The News and The Press became The News-Press in 1925. Fred, who was the plant superintendent, died May 27, 1963. Fred’s brother, Henry, also worked for The News-Press, being head of the job department when he went to St. Joseph, Mo., about 25 years ago.
Fred’s oldest son, Ralph, father of Stephen, started with The News-Press as a carrier in 1936, later worked in the shop after school. He took up the plumbing trade, served four years in the Navy, and then returned to his trade some eight years ago, having his own business.
Delbert Boerner, Ralph’s brother, now a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy, was a News-Press carrier.
Ron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boerner, started as a carrier in 1959, assisted by his sister, Pat. In the summer of 1960, Ron quit carrying to help his dad I the plumbing business, the route being taken over by Timothy and Pat. Stephen took over the route in 1965, with his little sister, Barbara, helping at times.
The News-Press regrets that there are no more members of this fine family to take a News-Press job. The children have followed in the footsteps of their father and grandfather in giving 100 percent good service to the customers of the News-Press.
Source: Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Nebr. Date: May 1968
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Thursday, October 14, 1971HOW TIME FLIES:
Forty Years Ago
1931 - Progress was being made on Wesley Booth's new house at Ninth Street and Third avenue ... The Council Bluffs, Iowa, contractor who took the North side Sewer job for $12,190, told city commissioners it cost him $14,939. He wanted the city to help stand the loss ... Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, was in a coma, unable to recognize members of his family ... Howard Robinson, former Nebraska horseshoe pitching champion from Sutton, took second in the Nebraska City meet which was won by Frank Jackson of Kellerton, Ia.Twenty-Five Years Ago
1946 - Nebraska City's cash balance on October 1 was $82,966, City Clerk Ethel Gaskill reported to the city commission ... In Portland, Oregon, police gathered in a drunk who was clinging precariously to a parking meter and he protested with "I put my nickle. I had 20 minutes to before being tagged." ... Firemen gave Nebraska City grade children their annual Fire Prevention fire truck rides ... While plowing corn near Barney, southeast of Nebraska City, 35 years ago, William Pierce lost his watch. Working in the same field on this date, Clyde Hunzeker found the watch, rather the worse for wear, and returned it to its owner.Ten Years Ago
1961 - Homecoming Queen canidates were Kathy Duffey, Beverly Fenstermacher,Jane Lowrey, Marilyn Masters, Sherry Merritt, Claudia Pohlman and Penny Williams ... Sen. Wm. B. Brandt, Harold Groves, George Golden, Carl Saali and Clifford Stokes were among the candidates for the 40 et 8 ... Forty consultants were scheduled to attend Career Conference at Senior High ... Helium-filled balloons were released at Second Avenue in a science course on weather.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Sunday, August 5, 1973FARMER KILLED IN FALL FROM HORSE: (pg. 3)
St. Paul, Neb. (AP)- RAY LEWANKOWSKI, a prominent area farmer, was found dead in a field near his Farwell home Friday. He was 59. Authorities said he apparently was killed in a fall from a horse. The animal was found near the body, with a broken cinch, it was reported. LEWANSKOWSKI was president of the Farwell irrigation district.HOW TIME FLIES: (Pg. 4)
10 Years Ago: Funeral services were held for Mrs. Dale Bolz
Engagement of Barbara Joyce Frede to Gerald Berthold
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frede of Nebraska City announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Joyce, to Gerald Berthold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Berthold, Nebraska City. A September 29 wedding is planned. Miss Frede was graduated from Lourdes High school in 1970 and is employed by Safeway. Mr. Berthold, a 1970 graduate of Nebraska City Senior High, is a student at University of Nebraska College of Medicine in Omaha.Engagement of Kathy Nissen to James Ricketts
Planning an August 25 wedding are Miss Kathy Nissen and James Ricketts. The engagement has been announced by the parents of the bride-elect, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Nissen of Omaha. Mr. Ricketts is the son of Mrs. Florence Ricketts and the late Donovan Platte Ricketts. The wedding will be held in St. Stanilaus Catholic church in Omaha with the Rev. John Mikolek officiating. Mr. Ricketts is a senior at Wayne State College and is affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He is also student president of Wayne State College. The couple will live in Wayne after a short honeymoon.Engagement of Peggy Lynn Peoples to Richard L. Matthews
Syracuse- (N.P.)- Mr. and Mrs. Oren Peoples of Syracuse announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Peggy Lynn, to Richard L. Matthews of Omaha, son of Austin Matthews of Jasper, Indiana. The wedding will be September 2 at Luther Memorial church, Syracuse. Miss Peoples will be graduated from Patricia Stevens Fashion and Business College in Omaha on August 25.Miss Beaumont is Shower honoree
Miss Denise Beaumont was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous bridal shower Saturday held at Steinhart Park. Hostesses were Mmes (exactly printed ?). Troy Cushing, Sam Kellogg Jr., Clement Landis Jr., John Peterson and Art Sackles. Blue and yellow, the colors selected by the bride-elect for her wedding, were used for the shower decorations. The 29 guests were from Nebraska City, Bassett and Humboldt. Miss Beaumont and Bryan W. Mabie will be married on August 12 at First United Methodist church.Funerals: (Pg. 6)
Mrs. Don Larson
Funeral services for Mrs. Don (Ilo) Larson will be held Monday at 10 a.m., at the Gude Mortuary. The Rev. Victor Ireland will officiate and burial will be held at Wyuka cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Otto and Erwin Berthold, Edwin Sasse, Harold Elliott, Carl Lazzaro, and Eugene Homeyer. Honorary Pallbearers will be Henry Chandler, Max Endelman, Francis Lavigne, Arnold Kreifels, Peter Bennett and Harold Hanks.Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Tuesday, August 29, 1944HOW TIME FLIES:
Twenty-Five Years Ago - 1919
Owen Meegan filed divorce proceedings against Selma Davis Meegan, whom he married July 26, 1919….Gilbert and Fred Thornton planned an automobile trip to California.
Ten Years Ago - 1934
Aletha Luff and Max Bolz, Palmyra, won the county health contest in Syracuse, and were entered in the state contest. Violet Harger, Nebraska City, was second in the girls division…Emma Pease was released from St. Mary’s hospital where she was taken after receiving serious injuries when she was run over by a car.
One Year Ago - 1943
Joe Hartley, Route 3, won the annual corn contest…Petty Officer Jack O. Bell [USN] died in the Pacific.
Palmyra- (Special to The News-Press)-The marriage of Alma Thomson, Syracuse, to MM 2/c William Caddy, Eagle, took place at Lincoln Thursday afternoon, Aug. 24. Dr. Walter Aitken, pastor of Second Presbyterian church, Lincoln, officiated. The couple was unattended.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Thomson, Palmyra, and graduated from Palmyra High school with the class of 1939. She attended a hairdressing school and operated a beauty shop in Syracuse the past few years. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caddy, Eagle, entered the Navy two years ago and is stationed at Brooklyn, N. Y.
A reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomson at their home at Palmyra, following the ceremony. The couple will take their wedding trip to Brooklyn, N. Y.DIES IN FALLS CITY
Mrs. James M. Ramsey
Falls City-Mrs. James M. Ramsey, 81, died Saturday evening at a Falls City hospital. She had been ill for several years. Surviving are her husband, two daughters, three sons, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at St. Thomas Episcopal church, with the Rev. Gerald L. Claudius in charge.SHORTS:
Pays Fine – Roy Hall, taken before the Judge M. W. Neihart on a traffic charge Tuesday morning, was fined $1 and costs.
Owner Found – Ernest Janssen, farmer, owned the cow that was found dead southwest of Nebraska City Monday, Sheriff Carl Ryder said.
Injured – Irvin Roos, member of the Otoe county bridge gang, severely cut a knee Monday when he kneeled in some weeds while working on the East Fourth Corso repair job in Nebraska City and struck a broken bottle. He was cut to the bone.
Hand Injuries – Aurice Hammons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammons, caught his hand between a tractor and trailer Monday cutting it severely. William Hodgens, Senior High custodian, cut his hand Monday when he caught it in a truck door.
Julien Stevenson, Farmers bank, is confined to his home with a severe attack of asthma.
Vollertsen- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Iva Dell Holscher), Cook, a son at St. Mary’s hospital Monday evening.
Tannahill- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest (Carma Henry), 1418 Twelfth Corso, a son at St. Mary’s Tuesday morning.
Nebraska City News-Press
Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr.
Friday, August 9, 1974How Time Flies:
Forty Years Ago
1934 - Ralph Hanks, who was hauling water to his Minersville farm, said most of his neighbors were doing the same thing as their wells had run dry ... Tom Seydlitz returned from Chicago where he talked to the owners of the Overland theater about new seats for the movie house ... Eight candidates were on the ballot for county sheriff, the post held by Sheriff Carl Ryder ... Nebraska City's two guard companies, Company A. and Headquarters, were getting ready for the annual trip to Camp Ashland.Twenty-Five Years Ago:
1949 - Jaycee President William Stites finalized plans for the Omaha-to-Nebraska City river marathon ...The Clem Landis fleet of outboards won four first at Keokona, Wisc., races.... Dick Gardner made three sensational catches for the Elks softballers ... Actor Jimmy Stewart was married ... Dresses were on sale at Montgomery Wards for $2.99.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr., October 7, 1974
Arnold C. Lechner
Sergeant Lechner given AF award
San Antonio – (Special) – Meritorious service at Bushehr Airport, Iran, has earned the U. S. Air Force Commendation Medal for Master Sergeant Arnold C. Lechner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lechner of 311 N. Ninth St., Nebraska City.
Sergeant Lechner, a communications equipment repair technician was presented the medal at Kelly AFB, Tex., where he is now serves with his unit of the Air Force Communications Service. The sergeant is a 1947 graduate of Nebraska City High School.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebraska, Friday, Jan. 24, 2003
70 Years Ago:
An official opening of the new wing to the Nebraska City Library is planned by the library board before the new addition will be officially opened to readers, Miss Emma Stevenson, librarian, said. The new $10,000 addition, with room for 32,000 books, built by Joy Morton, will be ready of use early next week.Mrs. Paul J. Heind of Wilmington, Del., who was Miss Ardith Moran of Nebraska City before her marriage, as a member of the board of directors of the Wilmington Academy of Arts, went to Philadelphia recently when “Wilmington Day” was observed at the exhibition of “The Ten,” composed of works of ten prominent women painters.
Nebraska City News-Press, Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebraska, Friday, September 26, 2003
75 Years Ago:
Civil War veteran Armead Botsford, 84, died promptly upon returning home to Nebraska City after a Grand Old Army reunion in Colo. Friends and family said he wanted to attend “just one more G.A.R.”50 Years Ago:
The Cowles Hill Cemetery, just northwest of Nebraska City, was vandalized resulting in numerous broken monuments.The first automobile brought to Nebraska was put on display in Lincoln. The 1899 Locomobile was first driven to Nebraska City in 1902 by Col. William Hayward.
Nebraska City News-Press Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Nebr. Thursday, January 30, 2003
Centurion Enjoys Memories of St. Bernard's Bernadine Sisters
Betty (Bridget) Durr Foster was born to John J. Durr and Margaret L. Carlin on Feb. 1, 1903. They lived on a farm near Paul in St. Joseph's Parish. She attended the traditional one room schoolhouse belonging to the parish and later to St. Bernard's Academy in Nebraska City. This school was run by the Bernadine Sisters, an order of French nuns from Europe (their motherhouse was in Belgium). She graduated in 1921 with top honors.
She attended Peru State Teachers College, taught at Cook for several years and then completed her education at Creighton University in Omaha. There she met her husband, Tom Foster, who had completed his college education and was the chief grain inspector for the mills in Council Bluffs, Iowa. They were married at Holy Name Parish in Omaha.
She was a bookkeeper for the Epply Hotels for many years. Betty was an active member of the Holy Name choir, Altar Society and other parish groups. They both had a love for the American Legion.
They moved to College, Ariz. for her husband's health. While there, she taught reading and other skills to Native American and Hispanic children. In 1964, they returned to Omaha and then to Nebraska City in 1968. Tom Foster died on May 12, 1972.
Betty Foster was a volunteer musician at the Steinhart House, playing piano for groups that were on tour. This was always done in period costume. She remained active in St. Mary's Church, was a member of Catholic Daughters, Christian Mothers, and the Altar Society. The American Legion Auxiliary remained a prime interest in her life, and she was very involved with that organization, holding several offices.
Betty came from a family of very long-living Scotch/Irish ancestors. She has one sister, Lucille Durr, 97, living in Grand Island.
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