park club house and other park improvements, then projected, have been completed.

A new city library financed by donations and a cement block auction.

Completion of a new elementary school building. The drive was enthusiastically supported by the large Lutheran faction in the city, although the Lutherans conduct a (now 5 teacher) Parochial School. In that spirit of cooperation — the Lutheran school children have the privilege to use the hot lunch program in the public school, one block away, as well as other school activities.

Formation of the state's Farmer Toastmaster Club, a UNICEF party, firemen's training courses, men's community chorus, sugar test plot, children's reading program, and a poetry and prose contest, school academic achievement and adult education programs, and plans for compilation of a town history (now completed) and a historical pageant as the town's share in the Nebraska Centennial.

Expansion of the Battle Creek Manufacturing Company, Battle Creek Mill, Battle Creek Grain Company, and expansion of the offices and operation (state wide) of the Battle Creek Mutual Insurance Company.

Mrs. Zimmerman said much work has been done by a community improvement group, made up of all civic organizations and church groups in town and the countryside. She said that the judges who toured the town "expressed amazement that our small town had not lost its identity being so close to Norfolk."

When interviewed by a reporter for a large state newspaper, before it was known that Battle Creek was the grand champion, she said: "Even if we should lose, we'll win. In Community Betterment contests, every one wins. Every town is better for the efforts expended. Even being a finalist was one of the most exciting things that ever happened here. Winning the championship was 'the most'."




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