Known members, other than those who signed the mortgage papers included the following: F. J. Hale, T. L. White, Joe Shipley, George Hurford, Dr. E. Tanner, John Brasher, George Venable, and Warner Hale.

There are no membership records available for the period. We fear some have inadvertently been omitted. We think of the possibility that others may have been first charter members such as W. C. Willberger, early day teacher who married a daughter of Brewster Simmons, a homesteader in Section 28 of Battle Creek Precinct. At that time and later, Methodist Church services were also being held in the Maple Grove School southeast of Battle Creek in the neighborhood of the Simmons homestead and those of the Cunningham brothers.

Others may have included F. L. Crowley, Howard Miller, Robert Scott, and F. H. L. Willis.

Pastors to follow in Battle Creek included J. H. Wilcox, John Crews, R. W. Wilcox, A. J. Warner, J. B. Leedom, Oscar Eggleston, R. J. Callow, A. P. Angle, C. L. Dix, J. L. Phillips, Amos Fetzer, J. A. Chamberlain, Cleo Cummings, R. A. Hiner, W. E. Babcock, L. L. Chambers, A. A. Kerber, Le. E. Lewis and Mertie Clute.

In 1930, the Battle Creek and Meadow Grove congregations were combined and W. A. Rominger assigned to serve the two congregations. David Scott followed him and then in 1937 George L. Weik. Pastor Weik met with so much favor among his Parishioners that he was returned year after year until he met death in an automobile accident on a Sunday evening while on his way from Meadow Grove to conduct church services in Battle Creek. The date of his death was February 27, 1944. Rev. R. O. Louthan followed Rev. Weik. Since then the following served the congregation: Pastors Brownfield, W. C. George, J. M. Hodgkin, Hugh Mouchin, Harold Dodson, Herbert Gilbert, Milton Scott, and Douglas F. Jones.


Another Methodist Church was organized southwest of Battle Creek on the northeast corner of the Dennis Wright farm. It was named Damon's Chapel as it was organized by the same Pastor Damon then at Meadow Grove, who was pastor at Battle Creek when the Methodist Church was built here.

Trustees of the new church were G. Dennis Wright, Warner Daniel, and Wm. Sesler. Other members included D. A. Callan who was later a trustee of the Battle Creek church in 1893-1894; Lawrence Wells, whose daughter Minnie married Otto Hoffmann, son of the Lutheran Rev. Hoffmann at Battle Creek; and Letcher Danniel. Others who were members of the congregation at the time of its organization or became so a short time later, were Ira Jenkins, Crochet Chrisman, Will Palmer, Frank Jenkins, Frank Wright, Henry Kaufman, and Grant Beed.

The congregation had to be served by pastors from other


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