years he used to say he did not have an enemy, he had outlived them all.

Tim and Elene Preece reared five sons and daughters and a niece, Bess Flood, who has been a member of the family since her early childhood when her mother, a sister of Mrs. Preece, died. Bess retired from teaching in 1955 and lives in Franklin Park, Illinois, but spends part of each year in Battle Creek. Marion retired from the National Recreation staff of New York City in 1957. Jean retired from the staff of Travelers Aid in Washington, D.C. in 1964. She and Marion make their home with Gerald who lives in the family home and is engaged in farming and livestock business. Wade is a doctor in Waterloo, Iowa, where he and his wife Mary Mullumby Preece have lived since 1925. John is a doctor in Trenton, New Jersey and he and his wife Heidi Krall Preece live near Trenton in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Heidi Krall, wife of Dr. John Preece is a soloist with Metropolitan Opera Company of New York City. She has traveled also as a concert singer throughout the United States and has sung on national broadcasts in America and England.

—Marion Preece


Patrick J. O'Neill, one of the founders of Battle Creek, had led an adventurous life before coming to Nebraska. He was born in Glanemady, County Galway, Ireland in 1837. June 5, 1857 he left home for Australia and landed in Melbourne three months later. He lived there for eight years following the occupation of goldmining and was quite successful. From Australia he moved to New Zealand where he followed goldmining for three more years. After eleven years of absence from home he returned to Ireland to visit his parents. He remained with them from June until August when he left for America never to return to Ireland. He arrived in Omaha in January 1869 and after two months there came to Madison County and homesteaded land a mile north of Battle Creek that is now owned by Paul Moore. He built a log house west of the creek that was a landmark still remembered by many people of this community. Mr. O'Neill married Ann Manning of Fairview, Madison County, in 1874. There were six children in the family, two of whom died in infancy. Mrs. O'Neill died in 1883 the year Mr. O'Neill built the white frame house that the Paul Moore family lives in. It is across the creek from where the old log house stood.

Mr. O'Neill was a successful farmer and stockman and was also the owner of a mercantile business in Battle Creek. He acquired considerable land in Madison County and in Antelope County before his death. He died June 21, 1898. The following is from the Battle Creek Enterprise, Friday, June 24, 1898: "A cloud of gloom and sorrow was thrown over Battle Creek Tuesday when it was announced that P. J. O'Neill died at 12:45 at his home north of Battle Creek. Dr. Tanner was called immediately and made an examination as to the cause of Mr. O'Neill's death,


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