back row — Jack Howard, "Bunk" Badura, Mike Hans, Clay and Dick Ulrich; middle row — George Doering, Everett Scott, Guy Hoffman; bottom row — Boney Hoffman (Guy's brother) and Ed Doering.

Of these, Mike Hans, Dick Ulrich, George Doering and Ed Doering were the only home boys. Later Adolph Koester also played with the team then also came Daisy Leach and Walter Rouse. Though these boys were "imported" at the outset they soon found employment here and lived here to become a part of the community. Everett Scott married a Battle Creek girl, Hilda Cassell. Some of these men later went up into professional or league play, especially Guy Hoffman and Walter Rouse (not shown in picture) who played in the Three I League and Rouse was for a number of years with the old Norfolk State League team where he was known as "Spark Plug" Rouse for his baseball "know how."

Speaking of "Know How." We recall a game, score tied 2 to 2, ninth inning, two out, Rouse on first base with a single and a man on third. Rouse had quite a time getting a message across to the coach and runner on third, but it worked. With the first pitch to the batter which, fortunately was a ball, Rouse, who was not known for being a fast man on base, started for second, stopping about half way down and drew a throw from the catcher to second base, everybody was so intent on getting Rouse out that they overlooked the runner who scored from third base before Rouse could be tagged out. When the runner scored Rouse stopped and said, "come and get me."


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