Warner built the house and lived where Hayes Miller now lives. Two of the Warner Daniel grandsons still live in the area south of Meadow Grove. Wayne lives on the farm which was his father's, the Carl Daniel farm, and Warren on the old John Hogsett farm who was another newcomer around 1900. The Hogsett family, upon retiring, bought the property now the home of Gertrude Smith.

In the eighties also came the William Sesler family. A son, Zedekiah, married Sarah James and who , upon retiring, bought the property in north Battle Creek now owned by the Schwede family. The Zed Seslers had two sons. Burleigh was for years a faithful employee of the Chicago Lumber Company in Meadow Grove and later in Norfolk. Paul owns and lives on the old Letcher Daniel farm.

Tom, another son of the original William Seslers and a brother of Zed, for years operated the old Dufphey livery barn which stood on the site of the present Walter Freudenburg home. Tom never married. He was a tall, heavy boned man with a very ruddy complexion. One time when he was on a fishing expedition in the Sand Hills Lakes out from Cody, Nebraska, the party came into town and went to a saloon for a drink. For a joke, Bill Nedrebet, who was in the party, said to Tom, "What are you going to have Red Cloud?" Tom said, "Whiskey," but the bartender said "no." It was against the law to sell whiskey to an Indian. Tom never lost the title of Red Cloud to his friends.

On with the story of the Virginians in Highland Precinct.

Randall Collins came to buy the farm which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Unkel and Elmer Unkel. Mr. Collins had a large family. However, the only relative now living in this area is a granddaughter, Mrs. Herbert Cox. A son from his second marriage, Eddie Collins, lives at Coleridge.

The older children of Randall Collins were Ida (Mrs. Ed Clark); Floyd, who married Minnie Catron; Lavina (Mrs. John Rector); Emma (Mrs. Frank Beeler); Maggie (Mrs. Wylie Hawkins); Troy married Grace Cornell, and Clifford married Lettie Cunningham.

Ben Halsey came to buy the farm now the home of his grandson, Lloyd Reeves. The Halseys were a large family. Of the daughters, Polly married Emil Renner; Alice married Albert Reeves; Lebla married Harold Austin; Minnie became Mrs. Lawrence Kaufman; and Zettie married Fred Delp. Two other daughters, Cynthia Dow and Elva Schlueter, have passed away. A son, Con Halsey, acquired a farm adjoining that of his father and lived there until he passed away. This land is now owned by Frank Schroeder.

The Mark Seslers came in 1882. Mr. Sesler bought out John Brasher's harness shop and building just after 1900. This is the brick building which stood between the Battle Creek State Bank and Klein's Service. Golden Sesler, the youngest of the Sesler children married Very Derrick.

When Mark Sesler came to Nebraska from Virginia he headed


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