This group picture was taken in 1898, the day that seven of our boys left home to enlist in Company F, Madison, to become a part of First Nebraska Infantry Unit, for the Spanish-American War.

As much as is known only one man in this picture is living today, that is Frank Peterson. Unfortunately, because of his advanced age, he is unable to identify even himself in the picture with any degree of certainty. Other men pictured include those in the Battle Creek Band.

Those we (other old timers and this writer) recognize — reading from left to right: Otto Maas, "Strokes" Barnes, Tim Preece, M. G. Doering, Harry Barnes, next man cannot be Identified as he was holding a small Flag to his face, but presumed to be one of the boys leaving to enlist, Peter Zimmerman, Frank Peterson, man in background unidentified, holding flag is "Uncle" Billie Barnes, next in background unidentified, then Billie Hoover, and immediately in front of him is Clark Hoover who gave his life in the Philippines, Chris Miller, L. F. Merz, Dick Hedman, next man unidentified as are also the two people in the background.

Picture hint — anyone having pictures which might be of interest to others in years to come, should write names, places and dates on the back of the picture.


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