homesteaded in Valley Precinct. They had three sons: Wilson, Uriah Doan and James Cloyd. Wilson Cloyd farmed in the Deer Creek neighborhood, north of the Yellowbanks. He married Martha Ramsdell, an early day teacher in School District No. 10, Highland Precinct. The sons followed the carpenter trade for many years. Irvin Cloyd now lives in Ewing and Donald Cloyd, who married Ruth Crook now lives in Meadow Grove. Martha Cloyd married Joe Buffington and they also live in Meadow Grove. Joe Buffington is a grandson of Joseph H. Jackson, an early day homesteader on the land now occupied by the Harry Werner family near the Yellow Banks. Mr. Jackson's daughter married Abe Buffington and when his mother died, the son, Joe, was raised by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson. The son of the Joseph H. Jackson's was Will Jackson who followed his father on the land homesteaded by him and when Will and Mrs. Jackson retired, they came to Battle Creek and bought and lived in the old Battle Creek Methodist parsonage which was recently purchased by the Louis Barry family. When the Will Jackson's retired, the daughter, Marian and her husband Harry Werner, took over the management of the farm. Mrs. Joe Buffington relates that as Martha Cloyd she, her brothers, her future husband, Joe Buffington, the Kirby boys, Pat and Tommy, the Richards, and Walter family children attended school in what is now known as Dry Hollow across the road from the Gene Koopman home. One of the Richards children became the wife of John Ray who homesteaded northeast of Battle Creek.

The Leo Braun family came from Beemer about 1892 to settle on land southwest of Battle Creek. Mrs. Braun was a sister of W. A. Barnes and Mrs. Sam Thatch. The Barnes and Thatches came to the settlement very early and were by then old timers in this community. The oldest Braun son, Frank, married Mae Niles, the daughter of another old settler, K. I. Niles. Louis married Minnie Daniels, daughter of William R. Daniels who settled south of Meadow Grove about 1885. Mrs. Braun at the time of the interview was living in Meadow Grove and has since passed away in 1965. Martha Braun married William Palmer and lived on a farm west of Battle Creek now owned by Walter Schroeder. The youngest son, Fred Braun, married Sadie Mahan from near Meadow Grove. They had their home on the farm east of the old George Haight farm which is now owned by Mrs. Henry Walz. The Fred Barry family now live on the George Haight farm.

The Fred Miller family in 1884 came from the Humphrey area where Mr. Miller and his cousin, George Zimmerman, had taken up land in the early seventies.

The Miller children were: Katherine (Mrs. Theo. Schreiber); George who married Ida Schulz from Fairview; Jake who married Lizzie Dinkel; Lizzie (Mrs. John Schacher); Fred who married Carrie Dinkel; Henry who married Augusta Eyl; Minnie (Mrs. Herman Eyl, Jr.); Emma (Mrs. Elera Haight); Chris (Spanish American War Veteran) and Will never married. The Miller home was where Mrs. Marie Bierman now lives.


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