Panorama looking northwest from top Maxwell water tower. Taken about 1887 or 1888. Immediateforeground Joe Breckler home, now site of new post office. To the right foreground Zimmerman Implement Shop, above that is the rear of the Neuwerk Grocery store, now the Church Cotton Shop and Dr. E. L. Church, Veterinary office. To the left of the store building is the Neuwerk residence, which was later moved to the site of the Herman Rinkel residence, where it originally stood is now the site of the Zimmerman Insurance Agency and Battle Creek Mutual Insurance Co. Upper right frame Catholic Church building, the site of the present brick church building. The frame building was moved to Main Street, and is now Lennie Dufphy's barber shop. To the left of the church is the present Mary Tegeler home. Back of the Catholic Church is the livery barn which burned, and the Cassel store and home on the immediate left. Left foreground is the George Zimmerman home, now Roy Schacher's. Across the street to the northwest is the Hedman home, now Fernaus. On west thereof is the present Louise Flood home which would be facing on Depot Street. Note ribbon of Main Street extending west. Note the small house which is now Mrs. Wehrer's home on Depot Street. From left to right in that block is the corner house where Dora Walz's house now stands; on to the right of the present Elizabeth Kuchar home. The home is where the Jacksons lived. To the rear of it is where Fundums now live; and the Francis Morris home, upper center, which was then the Henry Peterson home.


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