The first post office was established in 1872, with J. D. Hoover as postmaster. It should be noted that his son, Jesse Hoover, was the assistant postmaster under Mrs. Anna Martin when he, Jesse, passed away in about 1939. J. D. Hoover also established a general merchandise store (22x72) on the site of the present Beiswenger home. He, in company with others, also established the first flour mill on the site half way between the first and second bridge on the Battle Creek north of town.

Then came George S. Hurford (grandfather of Mrs. J. B. Dufphey) to establish a drug store. This building was situated on the lot where the Henry Wisch home now stands. This building was later moved and is the same building now occupied by Ed Sule's card club and short order restaurant. Dr. E. Tanner


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