Section 19, R. N. Smith; Joseph Pospisil, in Section 20; Michael Halpin, Maurice Wood, in Section 22; A. M. Cunningham, John McBennett, Thomas Ross, in Section 27; Robert Craig, Andrew Craig, Brewster Simmons, in Section 28; Heinrich Aldag, grandfather of Elmer Aldag on whose homestead Elmer now lives. Elijah J. Dennis, Joseph Dierks, and Peter Boes in Section 30. The Dierk's homestead was on the east side of the "cut-hills" which for many years bore the name "Dierk's Hill." John Jacox, Fannie Bauer, and James B. Gibbs in Section 31. Mr. Gibbs was killed in an accident when his team, drawing a disc, ran away and he fell under the machine. In the NW1/4 of Section 31-23-2, Fannie Bauer, the homesteader, sold to Wm. Nicolay in 1884. He married Catherine Borcher, daughter of a neighboring homesteader. Their children were William, Bertha, Margaret, Theresa and Nina. Almira J. Miller and Almira J. Knight in Section 32. Samuel Lauver, Suzanne Peitten, David R. Simmons, and William O. Cunningham in Section 34. Donald Lauver now lives on the homestead of his grandfather, Samuel Lauver. Jerome T. Funk farmed in Section 35. Mr. Funk's daughter-in-law and grandson, Charles Funk, still occupy this farm. Section 36 was railroad land and became part of the old Shepherd Ranch, a noted place in the early days of Battle Creek.


Early settlers in Highland Precinct were:

In Section 1, John Kost, J. W. Risk, Lewis Parrott, and Herman Hogrefe. The Hogrefes took the NE1/4 of Section 1, so that this would include the area west of Depot Street. George Morley, John McKenigan, Melrose Killinger, and John B. Hale, Section 2; R. M. Webster, and James R. Peters, William Webster, and Henry Hogrefe, Section 3. Francis Rhyn also had an 80 acre piece out of Section 3 and other land to the south. Andrew Borchers, Jacob H. Palmer, Franklin J. Cochran, and S. K. Valentine in Section 4; Rachael M. Hutchins, Adam Kost, George W. Haight in Section 5; W. H. Bradshaw, W. C. Warner, Section 6; Charles Hutchins, Section 7; F. H. L. Willis, George W. Haight (Mr. Haight came in 1877, walking out from Wisner), Thomas Beed, and Dennis Murphy in Section 8; John Nelson in Section 9; Allan Barton, John Piper, W. S. Sturgin, and Nicholas Rhynn. Henry Rhynn and Thomas L. Daniels, in Section 10; August Eyl, Francis Rhynn, Herman Eyl and Bernard Stolle in Section 11; John F. Tiedgen, Henry Woste and John Lucht in Section 12. Since this is close to town, we should add that the John Tiedgen farm, was the south half of Section 12 where Clarence Bierman now lives. Also included is the quarter section to the west where the buildings have been removed and which was the location of the John F. Tiedgen homestead. John Lucht had the northeast quarter of this section which would be the one in which the cemetery is located. Henry Woste had the quarter to the west which was later acquired by Mr. Lucht, which we know as the Lucht farm. Claus Gardels, Section 13; L. D. Barnes, Nicholas Gunkle, Theodore Eyl, R. B. Robes in Section 14; Ed E. Hudson, Joseph Hutching, Kenyon Niles in Section 18; Benjamin Snow in Section 19; Charles C.
Palmer, Daniel S. Callen, Jacob L. Knesel, Robert Ross,


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