In Section 2, we find names of two old families in the community. Frederich Tiedtke, grandfather of Harry and John Tiedtke; and James Rowland. These farms are still owned and occupied by descendants in these families.

Section 3, Reimer Gardels, who came into town to become one of Battle Creek's first business men. His grandson, Art Gardels, operated the business founded by his grandfather. Jos. W. Stirk, head of the Stirk family, came in June, 1869. Wm. F. Reavis and Andrew J. Wantlin were others. All of these names are familiar to us.

In Section 4 were John M. Walker, I. F. Taylor and Amanda Pope.

Section 5, George W. Carroll, Mason Stirk (brother of J. W. Stirk, died as a young man), and Otto Borchers. Mr. Borchers came in 1869 by stage coach from Fremont. The Borcher's farm is now the Darrel Knapp home. Otto Borchers, whom we know, is a grandson.

In Section 6, Peter Smith took the NE1/4, Frederich Hogrefe settled in the NW1/4 where Battle Creek is situated, and John Ahrens settled in the SW1/4 which is also a part of our village. Henry Tomhagen also homesteaded in a part of this section.

In Section 7 was Henry Tiedgen, and Mr. Tomhagen in part. Michael Connelly (his sons, Michael, Jr., and Dennis). George Connelly in Section 18 was Michael's nephew.

In Section 8, J. H. Lindeman, who was Mrs. Mabel Preusker's grandfather, homesteaded the land which is now the Alfred Volk home. Frances Fowlkes homesteaded on land now owned by the Freudenburg family. Gottlieb Wolski and Michael Smith also settled in this section. Michael Smith was Vincent Kirby's great grandfather.

In Section 9, the names of Jeff H. Jackson and David Whitla appear. In the nineties, Mr. Jackson retired from the farm and built a house on the lot where Herb Ruegge now has his truck storage. For many years Mr. Jackson worked for Dr. Tanner as his teamster. David Whitla took the NW1/4 as his claim. Thereafter, the Little family bought the farm and it is now the Edwin Volk family home.

In Section 10, are the names of A. J. Wantlin and Mary Luebcke. Wantlin retired to Battle Creek and built a house on the lot where the Fred Fundums now live. Mrs. Luebcke's grandson, Earl Luebcke, now lives on the farm.

In the NE1/4 of Section 15, we find the John Alberry homestead and the Alberry cemetery. A grandson, Fred Alberry, now lives on Highway 81 about straight east of his grandfather's farm.

Section 16 was and still is school land, presently under lease to Mrs. Julia Zimmerman Tillotson. (She died in 1966).

Section 17 was railroad land. The NE1/4, now the Otto Borcher's home, was first purchased by Michael J. Connelly. Connelly sold it to the Henry Stuckwisch, Sr., family. Later, George


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