In the photograph of the oxen drawn freighting outfit, we believe we have a picture of the John D. Hale outfit with which he started to the Black Hills with a drove of hogs and "17 wagons" loaded with shell corn. Jack Dufphy nor anyone living today can definitely substantiate this belief, but Jack says that oxen were used as draft animals as his father often related what a chore it was to keep the animals shod. By using a magnifying glass one can distinguish about 17 wagons.

The picture came to us from Mrs. Frank Reed of Norfolk (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller). Mrs. Reed had obtained it from Mrs. Herman Werner, nee Lena Clasey, who had obtained it from Mrs. Chris Gosch, nee Lizzie Hedman. All of these people are from Battle Creek and it is therefore reasonable to believe that it was owned by Battle Creek people.


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