In presenting "Centennial Reminiscing — a Story of the People of Battle Creek" we want to thank all who participated in furnishing data, pictures, and material for the book.

Those who served on the Historical Committee—Helen Dufphy, Gertrude Wright, Esther Cox, Ed Scott and Simon Steffen.

The Centennial Committee — Thelma Rode-kohr, Adelaide Scheve, Ann Peterson, and Marion Preece.

Typists — Genevieve Zohner, Kathy Adams, Linda Uecker and Ruth Ann Rodekohr. Wilma Volk and Jean Barry of our office staff for their patience in typing and proof reading the material.

We do not present this book as a piece of literary art, nor can we claim that all the story has been told. Time in the first one hundred years has run out on us and we must end it.

We have been "Looking Back" for so long that it will be a challenge to "Look Forward" again into the next century with gratitude to those who went before.



NOTE: Inscription on page: "To Forest & Marjorie" by Chas. C. Zimmerman

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