©Copyright 2000 -2016 by Peggy Struwe
Submitted byTracy Johnson
Last Updated: Tuesday, August 14, 2001
*Received in notes from My Great Aunt Vivian Steele. She states that they
came from a notebook kept by Mrs. Thomas Madeson Johnson.
By W.J. Rice. Custer Co., Republican
Rev. H.C. Clinton passed from labor to reward Wednesday,
April 18, 1906, at 7pm at the home of J.O. Wilson in Cliff, Custer Co., Nebr.
He had been sick weeks prior to his death and the last two weeks had been at
the home of Mr. Wilson. With no pain he crossed the River Jordan and entered
the rest the Lord had prepared. The deceased was 89 years old.
Rev. Clinton was a pioneer missionary and organizer of the General Baptist Churches
in Nebraska. He was sent from the General Baptist Conferences of Tennessee
some eighteen years ago. He has made Custer Co. most of time and widely known.
His work was Custer, Logan, Lincoln, Boyd, and Brook, counties, as well he preached
the Gospel of Christ. The remains of the deceased were laid to rest in the
Cliff Cemetery, after appropriate services at the M.E. Church, conducted by
Rev. D.L. Wood of Gandy Nebr., Altho the deceased had not a blood relative present
or living, all care was given that Christian hands could minister, and the services
of five medical men. He will be missed as no other man, as he spent his life
in serving others.
Rev. Clinton will be remembered by many of the citizens who listened to an excellent
talk given by him at the Court House some five or six years ago. He preached
at Garfield and vicinity several yeas and was instrumental in building the church
at that place.
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