Holt County NEGenWeb Project


__ 4,1941 Atkinson Graphic

Funeral services for Ignatz Hamik, 83, were held at St Boniface Catholic Church in Stuart, Thursday Morning.

Mr Hamik, who died Monday night at Stuart, was the father of Ed Hamik, Atkinson business. He was one of the pioneer settlers of the Stuart Community having lived there since 1886. Many Atkinson people went to Stuart Thursday for the funeral.

Mr Hamik is survived by his wife and eight children.

March 8,1946 Atkinson Graphic


   Mrs Theresa Mary Hamik, a pioneer settler in the Green Valley community 18 miles south west of Atkinson, and for 20 years a resident of the village of Stuart, died Sun March 3 in the hospital at Stuart. She was past 84 yars of age and had been in ill health for several months.

   Mrs Hamik fell and fractured her hip while visiting her son, Martin at Stuart, Sun, Feb 3. Next day she was taken to the hospital. She had been in a weakened condition for some time before the accident, and the injury was too great a shock for her to recover.

   Solemn requiem mass was celebrated in St Boniface Catholic Church, Stuart, Thur morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev John P Hilt, pastor, was the celebrant. Deacon was the Rev A A Lehmen of Atkinson and the Rev John J O'Brien of Emmet was subdeacon.

   Burial was in St Boniface Cemetery with 6 grandsons acting as pallbearers. They were Albert, Leo, Robert, Leonard and Clarence Hamik and Raymond Schneider.

   Mrs Hamik was a daughter of Frank and Anna Blaschko, and was born Oct 1,1861 at Tieberschlag, Czechoslovakia. She was married to Ignatz Hamik on May 4,1884, in the old country and they came to America in the spring of 1886.

   Arriving here on Easter Sunday of that year, they went to the farm home of the late Mr and Mrs Anton Kramer, Sr, where they lived for two years. Mrs Kramer was Mr Hamik's half sister.

   From the Kramer home they moved to a homestead 18 miles southwest of Atkinson, in Green Valley Township, and four years later they purchased and moved to a place 2 miles east of the homestead. This was their home until they retired and moved to Stuart 26 years ago. A son, Henry, lives on the farm now.

   Mrs Hamik lived in Stuart, until her husband died in 1941, then she came to Atkinson, where she lived with her son, Edward and wife.

   She was the mother of 10 children, 8 of whom are living. They are; Mrs Julia Schneider of O'Neill; Mrs Mary Freeman of Omaha; Edward of Atkinson; Martin, John, Frank, Henry, and Joseph, all of Stuart; two children died in infancy.

   Also surviving are 43 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren; other relatives and a great many old friends and former neighbors who mourn her death. Her age was 84 years, 5 months and 2 days.

   Relatives who came from a distance to attend the funeral include; Mr and Mrs Kenneth Freeman and son, Donald, and Max, Albert and Robert Hamik, all of Omaha; Mrs Julia Schneider and son Raymond, and Mr and Mrs Harvey Krenzer, all of O'Neill; Mr and Mrs Edward Schneider of Lincoln, Lieutenant Leo Hamik of Phoenix, Ariz.

Vol 2 page 141


United States of America, the State of Nebraska, Holt County.
   Be it Remembered, that at a term of the District Court holden in and for said county, in    O'Neill    therein on the   15th  day of   February   in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight Hundred and    Ninety five    was present the Honorable    M P Kinkaid    sole presiding Judge    L W Hamilton    Sheriff of said County, and    John Skirving   , Clerk of said Court, when the following, among other proceedings, were had, to wit.    Egnaz Hamik   , a native of    Austria    and at present residing within said State, appeared in open court, and made application to be admitted to become a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that he had declared on oath, before    The Clerk of District Court of Holt County of Holt County,Nebraska    a Court of Record having common law jurisdiction, and using a seal, two years at least before his admission, that it was bonifide his intention to become a Citizen of The United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance to another Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatsoever, and particularly to    The Emperor of Austria    of whom he was heretofore a   Subject   and said applicant having declared on oath, before the Court, that he will support the Constitution of the United States, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatsoever, and particularly the power above named; the Court being satisfied that said applicant has resided within the United States for the term of five years next preceding his admission, without being at any time during the said five years out of the Territory of the United States, and within this State one year at least; and it further appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that during that time he has behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same:
        Whereupon, it is Ordered by the Court, That the said   Egnaz Hamik   will be and he is hereby admitted to become a citizen of the United States.
        In Testimony Whereof, I,    John Skirving    Clerk of the Court, aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court, at office in   O'Neill   in said County.    Feb 26,1895   
   John Skirving    
Clerk of the District Court.

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