Hamilton County NEGenWeb Project


NEGenWeb Project - Hamilton County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940

Who's Who


Joe Gunnerson

AMILTON County, named for Alexander Hamilton, became a county and its boundaries were defined by proclamation of Governor David Butler on March 13, 1870. Early history, as related by J. P. Elliott, one of the first settlers in Aurora precinct, reveals that the first white men to cross what later became Hamilton County were members of the Indian expedition of General Kearney in 1835. Elliott, who accompanied this expedition, relates that it crossed the old trail between Lincoln and Beaver creeks.
   In 1842, the exploring party of Gen. John C Fremont crossed the county and several years later the Mormons in their journey from Illinois to Salt Lake also followed what then became known as the Mormon Trail and later as the Nebraska City-Fort Kearny cutoff of the Oregon Trail. This trail was discontinued in 1873. Over this trail went a great share of the freighting and passenger travel between the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains from 1851-1873, crossing Beaver, Aurora, Hamilton and Deepwell precincts in Hamilton County.
   The first white man to take up residence even temporarily in the county was Daniel Millspaw, who in 1861 established a ranch on the south bank of Beaver creek for the accommodation of freighters and others traveling by oxen, horses or covered wagons along this trail.
   In 1863, a relay station was established in Beaver precinct. The Overland Stage Line between Nebraska City and Fort Kearny used it. The barn, a half dugout in the bank of Beaver creek large enough to accommodate twenty to thirty head of horses, is still visible. The camp was marked in those days by an unusually large elm tree growing on the bank of the Beaver.
   In 1865, John Harris and Alfred Blue, Civil War veterans, established the Deepwell Ranch. It also was near the bank of Beaver creek, which, like Lincoln creek and the Blue river, crosses Hamilton County from west to east. This ranch became a famous stopping place for the early travelers because of its deep well which never failed to supply good cool water. From this point, the trail continued west through Hall County to old Fort Kearny.
   On a later visit to Hamilton County, Mr. Harris stated that the barn at their ranch was capable of sheltering 165 horses. The men who accompanied the wagon trains generally camped out-of-doors Mr. Harris related that on one occasion twenty-five men were in their house. They were never lonesome as wagon trains were passing constantly and one was always in sight. Two outstanding incidents remain in Mr. Harris' memory of the Deepwell Ranch days, The first is the passing of a Morman wagon train of eighty-three six-mule teams on its way to Utah under command of Brigham Poung, Jr. The second occurred in 1868, when 4,000 Winnebago and Pawnee Indians passed not far from the Deepwell Ranch on their return from warring against the Sioux.
   Briggs Ranch was established in the early 60's. It was the only ranch in the county on the Old Fort Kearny trail, also known as the "Pikes Peak Trail" following the Platte bottom. This trail was first traveled by soldiers who made this ranch a stopping place on their way to and from Fort Kearny, and was later used by the Forty-niners. This ranch, with the others, flourished until the advent of the railroad.
   The first homestead in Hamilton County was granted to Jarvil Chaffee, who with his wife came from Wisconsin by team and wagon in 1866 just a few months before Nebraska was admitted as a state and three years before the county was organized. The construction of a dugout 10x12 feet on their claim near the forks of the Blue River gave the first evidence of habitation in Hamilton County. Buffalo, deer, and elk were plentiful and were often killed on their homestead. Jessee Chaffee, a son, who still lives in Hamilton County, is conceded to be the second white male child born in the county.
   In January, 1867, James Waddle and John Brown settled in the Farmers Valley precinct. They with their families were the next to make Hamilton County their home and built the first log house. In May of the same year, J. D. Westcott, C. O. Westcott, N. W. Bray, and Michael Steinmen arrived, settling in Farmers Valley precinct. In June, 1867, James Cameron and Robert Lamont settled in Orville precinct. John Harris came at the same time but settled in Farmers Valley precinct. Following this group of first pioneers, settlement in the southeast part of the county was rapid.
   On May 2, 1870, in accordance with a proclamation signed by Governor Butler, eighteen citizens, then the voting population in the county, assembled at the home of John Harris to organize the county. They elected J. D. Westcott, clerk; C. O. Westcott, treasurer; William D. Young, Norris M. Bray, and Alexander Laurie, commissioners; Geo. F. Dixon, sheriff; Robert Lamont, probate judge; John E. Harris, surveyor; John Laurie, superintendent of public instruction and James Rollo, coroner. The first Hamilton County courthouse was built in May 1872. In it the records of the county were kept until their removal to Aurora in January, 1876, at which

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date Aurora was named county seat after a long and bitter contest. Five elections were held to decide the question of removal. The county seat, as located by the vote at this first election was named Orville City for Orville Westcott, son of J. D. Westcott and the first white boy born in Hamilton County.
   J. D. Westcott, the first county clerk, was also the first postmaster in the county. Farmers Valley postoffice was located in the home of Mr. Westcott. His house was built in 1867 from logs hewn by him from trees grown on his homestead. The second postoffice in the county was Spaffords Grove, established in 1871 at the home of S. W. Spafford. A weekly mail route established by L. W. Hastings carried the mail from Seward via York, Spaffords Grove and Grand Island. Spaffords Grove postoffice was discontinued when the Aurora post-office was established in 1872.
   After the coming of the B. & M. railroad in 1879, the early inland postoffices and trading posts were discontinued. Orville City and St. Joe, the only early trading points of any importance, remained skeleton towns for a year or two and then were abandoned. St. Joe was moved to Phillips and Orville City became the Hamilton County poor farm.
   In Farmers Valley precinct the Farmers Valley cemetery is located. It is not only the first cemetery in the county but also the most historic. On three sides of this burying ground winds the Blue river, along whose banks the first pioneers built their soddies and log houses. There also they built their first school house and first church in the county. On the head stones, mellowed by years of rain and sunshine, are found the names associated with the finest traditions of the first settlement. Civilization was developed quickly on these prairies in the late sixties and early seventies by those whose duty it became not only to establish their homes and farms but to also establish a county government. Among the names of this gallant company of pioneers buried in that cemetery are Philip Hunter, first person interred there, September, 1874; J. D. Westcott, first postmaster and his wife; Marion Littlefield, killed in battle with the Sioux Indians on Pebble creek in Garfield County, and his father, Elisha Littlefield; Lieutenant Axel Jackson, first Civil War soldier buried in this cemetery; John Stevens; Charles Pelen; James Hunnell, early county commissioner; Elijah Jackson, born in 1805; F. H. Clark, early justice of the peace; Norris Bray, who took the first homestead in Farmers Valley precinct and was one of the first county commissioners.
   Among the living early pioneers of Farmers Valley precinct are Mrs. Julius Klinkhart of Stockham, S. H. Moore of Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Reed of Lincoln. Mr. Reed served one term as representative from Hamilton County and seven terms as state senator from York and Hamilton Counties.
   Hamilton County's history would not be complete without mention of Charlie White "Buckskin Charlie," pioneer Indian scout, buffalo hunter and the first blacksmith in Farmers Valley precinct. He was everybody's friend and counselor. Born in 1846, near Millersburg, Ohio, he died and was buried in Colorado Springs, Colo., in 1923. When 19 years of age he drifted west, walking from Lincoln to Farmers Valley with a friend "Aleck Laurie," carrying his gun and other belongings on his back. He was later induced by James Waddle to start a blacksmith shop in this new colony, as the nearest blacksmith was at Beaver Crossing. Waddle made a trip to Lincoln to procure an anvil, bellows and a few tools. His customers came from York, Hamilton, Clay and Fillmore Counties. He got his nickname by making his own buckskin clothing tanned from deer hides and wearing his hair long. Often acting as scout for various expeditions and mingling with the Indians, he knew a great deal about them. At one time he had a large collection of Indian relics and old firearms. He was married in July, 1871 to Miss Ella Littlefield. Their marriage license was the third issued in Hamilton County.
   Many of Hamilton County's early pioneers were Civil War veterans. In the early 80's, after the more urgent work of building homes, breaking prairie, organizing schools and churches was past, these men organized into various G. A. R. posts according to their location in the county. The first post was organized in Aurora April 16, 1880.
   From the time the first homestead was taken in the county, agriculture has been the chief interest. A county agricultural society was organized and the first fair was held at Orville City in October, 1872. The courthouse was used for the display of exhibits, and the prairie marked off for a race track. Races included bareback contests by the young ladies. The first fair board consisted of Joseph Glover, president; James Rollo, vice president; George F. Deckson, secretary; F. L. Lewis, assistant secretary, and John Laurie, treasurer. With the moving of the county seat from Orville City to Aurora, the Hamilton County Fair was continued here. In 1939 its 67th consecutive meeting was held. Another early organization was the Hamilton County Grange, organized in Aurora July 28, 1873 and disbanded in 1876.
   In the spring of 1873, J. M. Sechler brought out the first newspaper. It was published at Orville City and called the Hamiltonian. The second paper in the county was the Aurora Republican at Aurora. It was started in the fall of 1873 by F. M. Ellsworth and Thomas Darnall. The third paper was the Hamilton County News, also established in 1873, by George W. Bailey and E. J. Lewis at Orville City. The following year this paper was moved to Hamilton.
   Several other ventures in the field of journalism have been made in the county but only a few have proved successful. The papers now published in the county are The Aurora News, edited by Geral J. Bremer; The Giltner Gazette, edited by J. C. Bierbower; The Republican-Register published at Aurora, with Ole Nordland, editor. This was for



Who's Who

merly the Aurora Republican, established in 1873, the county's second newspaper. The press used to print the first Republican was the same press used to print the first newspaper in Nebraska.
   School district No. 1 in Hamilton County was organized in September 1870, and consisted of 36 sections, all in Farmers Valley precinct. At this time the county contained 18 voters, and nine families resided in District No. 1, with an aggregate of thirty-nine children between the ages of five and twenty-one. These families had immigrated from Wisconsin during the spring and summer of 1869 and were accustomed to all the hardships of frontier life. At first Nebraska City 125 miles away, was their nearest trading point. The first wheat raised after being tramped from the chaff by horses, had to be hauled to the mill in that city.
   A careful watch was maintained most of the time, as Pawnee Indians often roved along the Blue river, keeping women and children in fear if the men were away. Notwithstanding privations and danger these pioneers knew full well the value of education and as soon as the district was organized a schoolhouse was built from timber growing along the Blue river. A log house sixteen by eighteen feet was erected, the seats were made from split logs, and the desks made from two boards hauled from Nebraska City. Miss Jennie Laurie taught the first term of school. As years passed and cabins of homesteaders dotted the prairie, additional school districts were organized and at one time, prior to several consolidations there were one hundred school districts in Hamilton County.
   Before churches could be built by the pioneers, meetings were often held in the homes, and as related recently by one of the remaining pioneers, meetings were held in a barn after removing the stock and placing clean straw on the floor. Lack of Sunday clothes, weather, distance and poor means of transportation did not halt these pioneers when meetings were scheduled. The first sermon in the county was preached by Rev. Mr. Calwell at the home of John Waddle in 1869, and the first church organization was effected at the home of R. M. Hunt, August 1871. With the settlement of the county, churches soon dotted the towns and countryside.
   Hamilton County residents have inherited from their forefathers the same faith and unwavering courage which assures progress despite adversity. They are guided by the example of the early homesteaders, who wrought a new civilization amid the wilderness and will continue to make their contribution to the nation.

   ADAMS, CHARLES FOREHAND: Attorney; b Hooper, Neb Dec 30, 1902; s of George J Adams-Ninette Forehand; ed Lincoln HS; U of N, BA 1925, LLB 1927; Pi Kappa Phi; Phi Delta Phi; m Grace Gertrude Rowe Sept 10, 1930 Lincoln; s James Rowe; d Sarah Jane, Ruth Elizabeth; 1927 adm to Neb bar; 1927-30 prac law with Frank A Peterson, Lincoln; 1930-31 prac law with Calvin Webster, Aurora; 1931- prac law, Aurora; 1936-38 mbr city coun; C of C, dir & past secy; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; pres Country Club; hobby, developing good roads; off Farmers State Bank Bldg; res Aurora.

   ALDEN, ARTHUR ADAMS: Operator Plumbing & Heating Shop; b Aurora, Neb Apr 24, 1888; s of William H Alden-Mary Lightfoot; ed Aurora HS; m Maude Crosby Sept 9, 1909 Shenandoah Ia; s Arthur Adams Jr; 1906-17 plumber's appr & journeyman, Aurora; 1917- owner & opr plumbing & heating shop, Aurora; 1929- mbr park bd; 1935- mbr sch bd; Meth Ch, Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Aurora.

   ANAWALT, GLENN: Merchant. b Fairfield, Neb July 24, 1888; s of Fremont Anawalt-Rebecca McDonald; ed Fairfield HS; Neb Wes, BA 1910; Everett; m Fern Kerr Aug 14, 1912 Lincoln; s Aubrey K, Roger G, Donn W; 1910-11 tchr, Carthage Mo HS; 1911-12 tchr, Nebraska City HS; 1912-16 pres Magee Clothing Co, Aurora; 1916- pres Anawalt & White, Inc, Aurora; mbr city coun 12 years; 1932- chmn first aid & life saving div of Hamilton Co ARC; 1930-33 dist chmn Cornhusker area coun BSA; past pres C of C; past secy AF&AM 68; past pres & ch mbr Rotary; past pres & ch mbr Country Club; Meth Ch; hobbies, sports, BSA work; off 1215-17 M; res 810 L, Aurora.

   ANDERSON, LEVI C: Grocer; b Hamilton Co, Neb Apr 11, 1894; s of Olaus Anderson-Mary Carlson; ed Aurora HS; m Flora Johanna Stewart June 2, 1920 North Platte; s Donald Lee; d Eileen Mae; 1913-24 clk Victor Swanson grocery, Aurora; 1924-30 ptr of Victor Swanson; 1930- owner & opr groc; in same store & location since 1913; 1935- mbr city coun; Country Club; during World War enl Apr 1917, called July 15, 1917; stationed at Camp Hamilton, Camp Cody, Camp Dix, O/S Oct 1917-June 11, 1919, Co H 5th Neb, Co H 134th div, Camp Dodge Co A 136th div; past adjt Amer Leg; Federated Ch; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off 1219 M; res 1103 16th, Aurora.

   ANDREWS, A L: County Sheriff; b Hamilton Co, Neb Feb 12, 1886; s of George Andrews-Leora Sprague; ed Des Moines Ia; m Lavina Kearns May 30, 1909 Lincoln; d Norma (Mrs Nelson); Arlene (dec 1936); 1903-06 farmed near Des Moines; 1906 farmed, Hamilton Co also ptr of uncle in threshing & corn shelling bus, has shelled approximately 5,000,000 bu corn; 1909-34 in threshing & corn shelling bus also raised wheat; 1934- Hamilton Co sheriff, first Rep sheriff in 30 years; has never made an arrest without resulting conviction, 34 sent to penal institutions by plea of guilty, with no trial; C of C; vol fire dept chief 8 years; Neb Sheriff's & Peace Ofcrs Assn; secy Eastern Neb Sheriffs Assn; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Courthouse; res 220 16th, Aurora.

   ARNETT, EMMETT C: Hardware Dealer; b De Witt Co, Ill June 18, 1876; s of Thomas J Arnett-Mary Harper; ed Hamilton 1892; m Lizzie Sprinkle Apr 10, 1898 Hamilton Co; 1896-1910 farmed in Phillips pct; 1910- hdw dlr, Arnett Bros, Phillips; 1931-37 pres Bank of Phillips; AF&AM; past master 3 times; Scot Rite, Lincoln; hobby, gardening; res Phillips.

   BALDWIN, GEORGE WILLARD: Superintendent of Schools; b Crete, Neb Nov 16, 1905; s of George Willard Baldwin-Myrtle Crittenden; ed Crete HS; Doane Coll, BA 1928; U of N, MA 1939; m Edna Carlson June 12, 1929 Aurora; s Brian Eugene; d Marcia Marie; 1928-30 tchr & coach, Newman Grove HS; 1930-35 tchr & coach, Schuyler HS; 1935-37 prin Milford HS; 1938-39 supt Benedict schs; summer of 1939 editor Republican Register, Aurora; 1939- supt of Benedict schs; C of C; hobby, golf; res Benedict.

   BEINS, WILLIAM HENRY: Farmer & Stockman; b New York City July 30, 1878; s of Peter H Reins-Rebecca Stage; ed Pierce & Madison Cos; completed 4th grade; m Irene Wind June 23, 1901 Hampton; s Chester A, Pearl Harold, Donald W, Russel Rae; d Cora Irene (Mrs Vern C Jeffers), Helen L, Hazel L (Mrs Ted Giggey), Ethel Maree; 1884 came to Neb with parents, father homesteaded timber claim in Pierce Co, lived in sod house 5 years; herded cattle & did farm work; 1895 family moved to Mo, opened timber land & farmed until Sept 12, 1897; retd to Neb by covered wagon & farmed; 1897-98 husked corn & engaged in day labor; pur lease of farm with money saved during win-


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ter & moved to farm 3 mi W of Hampton Mar 1, 1898, gave entire collateral as security to borrow money for food while raising first crop; Mar 1, 1901 moved to farm SE of Aurora; Mar 1, 1904 moved to farm NW of Aurora; Aug 28, 1912 moved to present home pur in 1911; 1936 one of four in state to receive Master Farmer award; 11 years mbr bd of edn; ch mbr Hamilton Co Fair Assn; helped org Aurora Elevator Co; ch mbr Royal Highlanders; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res RFD 2, Aurora.

   BERGGREN, HENRY: Retired Farmer; b Westmanland, Sweden Feb 18, 1861; s of Carl Johann Oscar Berggren-Karen Sunden; ed Orebro, Sweden; m Hannah Anderson Oct 1890, Omaha; s Harry F; d Helen R; 1880 came to Amer; 1880-82 worked on farm S of Chicago; 1882 worked on farm in Monroe pct, pur RR land & farmed, pur another quarter section in 1893; Swedish Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; res 1214 9th, Aurora.

   BERGGREN, OSCAR: Retired; b Nora, Sweden Nov 18, 1855; s of Carl Johann Oscar Berggren-Karen Sunden; ed Orebro Sweden; m Anna Sophie Anderson May 1884 Aurora; s John Paul, Victor Emanual; d Ruth Elizabeth, Edith Victoria; 1872-80 worked for Eric Johnson & Co in Sweden on construction work, also as draftsman in off during winter mos; 1880 came to Amer in sping; 1880-82 worked as carpenter in Chicago; 1882 pur farm in Hamilton Co & farmed until 1922, when moved to Aurora & devoted full time to work of surveyor; 1896-98, 1900-27 Hamilton Co surveyor; 1927- ret; Swedish Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, gardening; res Aurora.

   BIERBOWER, JAMES C: Editor & Publisher; b McLean Co, Ill Oct 21, 1886; s of Jonathan Bierbower- Margaret Cavett; ed Giltner HS 1906; Aurora Bus Coll 1907; att summer sch Fremont Normal 1908, York Coll 1909, KSTC 1910; m Margaret B Luby Aug 6, 1919 Harvard; s James J, Robert L, John R; d June M, Margaret E; Dorothy Joan, Mary Lou; 1907-13 tchr, Hamilton Co; 1912- owner & publisher Giltner Gazette; during World War ent US army Oct 1918, armistice signed while enroute to Cal, disch Nov 1918; Aurora Amer Leg; AF&AM; Scot Rite, Hastings; Giltner C of C, bd mbr; NPA; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Giltner.

   BREININGER, ERVIN R: Auctioneer & Livestock Dealer; b Bluffton, Ind Aug 27, 1882; s of Rudolph Breininger-Mary Isenhert; ed Wells Co Ind; m Olga Stratmahn Oct 1, 1908 Grand Island; d Amelia Marie (Mrs Harold Schalla); farmed in Wells Co Ind until 1905; 1905-11 engaged in livery & horse trading bus, Giltner; 1911-17 farmed in Hamilton Co; 1917- livestock dir & auctioneer in Aurora; 1929-33 mbr city coun; past mbr & past pres Country Club; past pres Comm Co-op Oil Co of Aurora; AF&AM, Giltner; RAM, Aurora; Dem; hobbies, buying mules, hunting, fishing; off 13th & L; res 1321 8th, Aurora.

   BREMER, MRS BERTHA PAUL: Business Manager Newspaper; b Hancock Co, Ill Mar 14, 1901; d of James Addison Paul-Junie Haworth; ed Aurora HS; m Gerald J Bremer Jan 4, 1934 Aurora; 1919-20 tchr, Hamilton Co; 1920-28 in editorial & advertising dept Hamilton Co Register; 1929 helped estab Aurora News; 1929- bus mgr & co-ptr Aurora News; 1937- AP reporter for Aurora; 1935- correspondent for Grand Island Independent; Natl Fedn of B&PW, chapter mbr Aurora ch; Meth Ch; hobby, flower gardening; res Aurora.

   BREMER, CARL THEODORE: Farmer; b York Co, Neb Apr 28, 1886; s of John H C Bremer-Mary Schrader; ed York Co; York Coll 1904-05; m Emma E Jeske Sept 12, 1916 York; d Mary Jean, Betty Elizabeth; 1905-08 farmed in York Co; 1908 pur 80 A from father; 1911 pur 80 A more, sold all 1919; 1919- oprd own farm N of Aurora; 1931-33, 1935-37 served in Neb legislature; 1932 apptd by Charles W Bryan as chmn of Hamilton Co conciliation bd, served 2 years, 1934 chmn Hamilton Co AAA; mbr sch bd past 18 years; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, politics; father came to Fillmore Co in 1868, later bought York Co sch land in early 70s, born in Hanover Province, Germany; mother born in Wis, came to Hamilton Co as young girl; res Aurora.

   BREMER, GERALD JOHN: Editor & Publisher; b York Co, Neb Dec 28, 1902; s of John F Bremer-Marie Collett; ed Aurora HS; m Bertha Paul Jan 4, 1934 Aurora; 1922-27 farmed, Hamilton Co; 1927-32 in sales dept Parmer Motor Co, Omaha; 1932-33 farmed, Hamilton Co; 1933-34 advertising mgr Aurora News; 1934- publisher editor, co-ptr Aurora News; dir & natl councillor C of C; Rotary; sr deacon AF&AM; dir Country Club; Presby Ch; Dem; 1934- mbr exec com Hamilton Co Dem Central Com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Aurora.

   CHAPMAN, CLAUD DELL: Mortician; b Hamilton Co, Neb Mar 7, 1874; s of Robert R Chapman-Dora A Wells; ed Clark Co Ia, Central Normal, Humeston Ia. 1892-93; Drake U, 1896-97; Philadelphia Sch of Embalming; lic Jan 1, 1902 at Omaha; m Irene M Marvel Apr 5, 1905 Giltner; s Elvin B; d Verla Irene (Mrs Paul Humphrey); 1893-96 tchr rur schs, Clark Co Ia; 1897-98 with J P Chapman Furn & Undertaking, Aurora; 1898-99 tchr in Ia sch; Dec 1899 pur furn & undertaking bus of Perry Dawson, opr of both until Mar 1903 when he sold furn bus; 1910 again added furn & hdw opr until Mar 1922 when he sold furn & hdw bus; mayor 2 years; clk 2 years, now city treas; 12 years mbr city coun, 7 years mbr sch bd, past J P & police magistrate; AF&AM; past noble grand IOOF, first vice grand; supt Bible SS 18 years, Chris Ch; hobby, radio; res Giltner.

   COFFEY, CREED EDWARD: Grain Dealer; b Rutledge, Tenn June 18, 1889; s of Henry Coffey-Nannie B Briscoe; ed Cherokee Okla; m Honor Kinnamon Oct 12, 1918 Hastings; 9 Eldon Oakley; d Janet Marlene; 1901-11 with Farmers Fedn, Cherokee Okla, first farmers elevator in Okla still operating; 1911-23 mgr Phillips, Grain Co, Phillips; 1923-27 traveling representative Albers Commission Co, Omaha; 1927-28 owner & opr Phillips Grain Co, Phillips; 1928-31 traveling representative Moffit Coal Co of Denver in Neb territory; 1931-33 in ptrship with W T Barstow, Lincoln, at Clinton, elevator & lbr yard; 1933 again pur Phillips Elevator; 1935-37 held half int in grain & oil bus, Hemingford; 1938- with Mr Gallup at Kenesaw, pur half int in elevators in Kenesaw, Doniphan, Phillips, also opr of farms in Hamilton Co; AF&AM; hobbies, fishing, grain marketing; res Phillips.

   COGGINS, MRS RUBY ESTELLE: Homemaker; b Smith Co, Kas Sept 29, 1888; d of James W White- Fannie Ferguson; ed Franklin HS; Franklin Acad, 1902-07, grad work 1908; diploma in music & bus edn; m Harry Lowell Coggins June 23, 1912 Hebron; s Harry Max; 1908-12 music tchr Kensington & Agra Kas; 1912 came to Aurora; past matron OES, dist supvr 10 years, worthy grand matron 1937-38, mbr bd of grand supvrs; past pres ch AC, PEO; past pres Amer Leg aux; Congl Ch, SS secy 15 years; Rep, mbr Hamilton Co Rep Central Com; res 905 16th, Aurora.

   COLE, JASPER F: Mayor; b Aurora, Neb Dec 31, 1883; s of Harvey Cole-Nellie J Mallory; ed Aurora HS; Doane Coll 1903-04; U of Ia 1906-07; U of N, DDS 1909; Xi Phi Psi; m Ruth Erie Johnson Aug 19, 1906 York; s Maurice E, J Frank, Norman A (dec 1929); d Ruth E; 1909- dentist, Aurora; 1911-16 city clk, 1916-21 & 1934-36 mbr city coun; 1923-29 mbr sch bd; mbr park bd 3 years; 1938 mayor; ch mbr & past pres Country Club; ch mbr & past pres Rotary; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Shrine; high priest RAM; 1935 pres Neb St Dental Assn; ADA; 1923 VP of U of N Alumni Assn; 1921 mbr Harding electoral coll, dist 4; Congl Ch; hobbies, golf, woodwork, flowers; off 1102 13th; res 718 L, Aurora.

   COOK, HOWARD PAUL: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Lancaster Co, Neb Aug 5, 1899; s of William B Cook-Bella L Cross; ed Havelock HS; U of N, BSc 1921; Phi Sigma Kappa; Alpha Zeta; m Elizabeth Asmus July 18, 1928 Lincoln; s Paul Edward, Herbert Allston, Richard William; 1921-28 farmed near Waverly; 1926-27 tchr, Hooper; 1927 tchr, Albion; 1928-31 Smith Hughes vocational agr tchr, Mead; 1931-Hamilton Co agrl extn agt; during World War 1918 in U of N SATC, disch Dec 1919; past adjt Amer Leg, mgr jr baseball team, won state championship 1930; C of C; Rotary; Country Club; U of N Alumni Assn; pres Neb Assn of Co Agrl Agts; Meth Ch; hobby, boys work; off Courthouse; res 712 N, Aurora.

   CRAFT, C P: Attorney; b Nassau, Ia July 16, 1879; s of George Craft-Mary Pike; ed U of N, LLB ----- ; Alpha Theta Chi; m Anna C Hoefer June 20, 1907 Aurora; s Frederick; d Elizabeth (Mrs John O Unthank); mbr Hainer Craft & Edgerton, now Craft Edgerton & Fraizer law firm, Aurora; 1929- atty for Northern Natural Gas Co, Aquila Court Bldg, Omaha; res Aurora.

   CUTTS, WILLIAM EDWIN: Dentist; b Hamilton Co, Neb July 26, 1902; s of Edwin Cutts-Maria Krabiel: ed Hamilton Co; Giltner HS 1919; York Bus Coll, 1919-20; U of N, DDS 1928; Delta Sigma Delta; 1920-23 with



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Farmer's Union Co-op Assn, Giltner; Oct 1928-Feb 1929 emp in dental off in Fairbury; May 1929 prac in Giltner; mbr bd of edn past 5 years; city clk past 2 years; AF&AM; hobby, tennis; res Giltner.

   DANIEL, EDWARD: Manager Lumber Co; b Crete, Neb Feb 3, 1893; s of Anton Daniel-Agnes Bohac; ed Crete HS; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Alma Isabel Grosshans Aug 1, 1923 Aurora; s Edward Grosshans; 1913-15 carp for father; 1915-17 with City Natl Bank, Crete; 1919-21 carp, Casper Wyo: 1921- 22 carp, Denver; 1922-25 carp, Aurora; 1925- with Grosshans Lumber Co, Aurora, bkkpr 1925- 28, mgr since; 1933- mbr park bd; C of C; Country Club; past comm Amer Leg; during World War, enl Sept 26, 1917 20th co coast arty corps, tsfrd to 4th mine co Mar 1918; in Philippine Islands Jan 4, 1918-July 1, 1919, disch July 24, 1919; hobby, flower gardening; off 1312 L; res 1017 16th, Aurora.

   DANKER, DEL: High School Principal; b Riverton, Neb Oct 16, 1905; s of Floyd Henry Danker-Anna Elizabeth Marshall; ed Franklin Acad 1922; Neb Wes, BA 1927; Columbia U, MA 1934; Crescent; m Sarah K Nelson July 30, 1929 Grand Island; s George Allyn; d Sharon Joyce; 1927-30 coach & social science tchr, Aurora HS; 1930- prin HS; 1933- also football coach; 1936-38 football team undefeated, lost six games in six years; past pres, past dir Rotary; Country Club; 1938 pres of supts & prins div dist 1 NSTA; alternate to bd of control, Neb St HS Activities Assn; NEA; hobbies, golf, sports, reading; off High School; res 1309 9th, Aurora.

   DAVIS, DAVID MORRIS: Secretary & Manager Telephone Association; b Chillicothe, Mo Jan 11, 1888; s of Morris Edward Davis-Margaret Catherine Hughes; ed Trenton HS; Brown's Bus Coll, Lincoln 1907-08; m Ruth Caroline Price Dec 16, 1914 Lincoln; s John Edward, Wallace Manley, David Rodney, James Dean; d Margaret Caroline (Mrs F C Siebler), Betty Georgia; 1909-14 billing clk, salesman, secy to Joe Grainger, Lincoln; 1914-22 farmed; 1922-29 asst cash, Bank of Phillips; 1929- secy-treas Hamilton Co Farmers Tele Assn, mgr since 1936; dir C of C; VP Rotary; Country Club; 1936-37 mbr city coun; dir Neb Tele Assn; Meth Ch; hobby, football; off 1109 K; res RFD 3, Aurora.

   DIXON, MISS MINNIE EMMA: Principal Elementary School; b Aurora, Neb Jan 30, 1891; d of James M Dixon-Alice S Beckel; ed Aurora HS; Hastings Coll; Colo St Tchrs Coll; Penmanship Sch, Boulder, Colo; Columbia U, BSc 1933; MA 1936; 1908- tchr, Aurora pub schs except periods when attending coll; ch AC PEO; past mbr B&PW; NSTA; NEA; Natl Assn of Elem Sch Prins; Neb Women's Ednl ClubFederated Ch, SS tchr; hobbies, sch work, travel; res 813 16th, Aurora.

   DOREMUS, JOSEPH ANDREW: Superintendent of Schools; b Rantoul, Ill Aug 5, 18701; s of Andrew Doremus-Mary Jane Heward; ed Janesville, Wis; Gates Acad, Neligh; Gates Coll, Neligh, BA; U of Wis, MA 1898; m May Belle Chellis2 Aug 17, 1898 Meridan, NH (dec Nov 30, 1937); s Harold C, Francis H; d Mary C, Mabel E, Constance E; 1898-1903 prin Gates Coll, Neligh; 1904-09 supt Madison schs; 1909-17 supt Auburn schs; 1917-Sept 16, 1939 supt Aurora schs; ch mbr, past pres & BSA committeeman, Rotary; past pres NSTA, past pres 1st dist; past pres Neb Schoolmasters' Club; life mbr NEA; past pres & ch mbr Country Club; Hamilton Co Hist Soc; past mbr KP; during World War 4-min man; hobbies, hunting, fishing, outdoor life; off High School; res 1313 10th, Aurora.

   DOUGLAS, WILLIAM CALVIN: Grocer; b Giltner, Neb Aug 17, 1901; s of William J Douglas-Lucy Jones; ed Hamilton Co; Wentworth Mil Acad, Lexington Mo 1919; m Fay M Anderson June 3, 1924 Burwell; d Virginia Fay; 1920-23 farmed in Hamilton Co; 1923-24 opr of Grunkemeier Meat Market, Burwell; 1924-28 opr of Kildow Market, North Loup; 1928-30 opr of Economy Market in Aurora; 1930-35 pur and oprd mkt in Stakes Bros Store, pur grocery dept, renamed Douglas Market & Groc; past dir C of C; Country Club; Federated Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, aviation; off 1211 M; res 1108 10th, Aurora.

   DREIER, AUGUST HERMAN: Power Firm Superintendent; b Fillmore Co, Neb July 31, 1888; s of Charles D Dreier-Wilhelmina Brofcker, ed York Co; m Julia May Church May 30, 1909 York; s Albert R; d Alice L; 1903-11 emp in gen store, York; 1911-14 pur & oprd groc store; 1914 began work with York Gas & Electric Co now the Ia-Neb Light & Power Co; 1920-22 line foreman, Aurora; 1922- 25 supt in Geneva; Sept 1925- supt Ia-Neb Light & Power Co, Aurora; bd mbr C of C; past mbr bd of edn; mbr city coun 1936-37; past pres Rotary; mbr NYA bd; past mbr bd of CWA; AF&AM; MWA; Hamilton Co Hist Soc; Country Club; German Luth Ch; Rep; hunting & fishing; off Fidelity Bldg; res 1319 11th, Aurora.

   EDGERTON, FRANK EUGENE: Attorney; b Woodbine, Ia, Sept 29, 1875; s of Leroy A Edgerton-Mary Elizabeth Luke; ed Woodbine Ia, HS; U of N, BA 1900; George Washington U, Washington D C, LLB 1909, LLM 1910; m Mary Nettie Coe Apr 2, 1902 Woodbine Ia; s Harold Eugene; d Mary Ellen (Mrs Welch Pogue), Margaret Coe (Mrs Tremain Robinson); 1901-03 prin Fremont HS; 1903-07 with Council Bluffs Nonpareil & Lincoln Star; 1907-10 secy to US Senator Norris Brown; 1911-15 asst atty gen of Neb; 1915- prac law, Aurora; first pres & ch mbr Rotary; C of C; past Hamilton Co atty; pres First Natl Bank; past mbr sch bd; Neb St Bar Assn; Comml Law League of US; pres Hamilton Co Hist Soc; .Past master AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Tehama Shrine; Chris Ch, bd of trustees; hobby, cattle raising; off Fidelity Bldg; res Aurora.

   1 Died Sept 16, 1939.
   2 May Belle Chellis, while at Black River Vt Acad was a teacher of the late Calvin Coolidge & when he was governor of Mass, she wrote to commend him for calling militia to settle Boston police strike: As VP & pres of the US he wrote to her & mentioned in his biography her early influence upon his life.

   ELY, WALTER DAVID: County Commissioner; b Hamilton Co, Neb Oct 8, 1888; s of David Ely-Catherine Starr; ed Hamilton Co; York Coll; of N Coll of Agr; m Agnes Irene Merchant Dec 16, 1915 Lincoln; d Kathryn Lucille; 1907-15 farmed with father in Hamilton Co; 1915-19 farmed in Hamilton Co indep; 1919-34 mgr Farmers Elevator, Stockham; 1934- farmed near Aurora: 1938- Hamilton Co commr; past mbr sch bd dist 50; sr warden AF&AM; bd mbr Rotary; elder Federated Ch; Rep; hobby, raising purebred livestock; off Courthouse; res RFD 4, Aurora.

   FARR, FRANK McCUMBER: Banker; Blair, Neb Jan 20, 1897; s of Edmund J Farr-Myrtie A McCumber; ed Blair HS; Dana Coll 1915; m. Alice Marian Johnson in Axtell; past pres Rotary; past VP C of C, dir 4 years; Country Club; 1938- mbr com to aid Natl Youth Movement; mbr exec coun Neb Bankers Assn; jr warden AF&AM; Euphrates ch RAM; Meth Ch, treas; hobbies, baseball, football; off 1101 12th; res 711 M, Aurora.

   FEELHAVER, CHARLES HENRY: Pharmacist & Jeweler; b Stratford, Ontario, Canada Nov 20, 1865; s of William H Feelhaver-Sarah Strobel, ed Mansfield O HS 1881; Ohio U, BA 1884; m Caroline Zierott Sept 15, 1892 Hampton; s Carl T; d Grayce C (Mrs Clarence Christenson), Antoinette (Mrs H W Otto). Lorene I (Mrs R C Weissenfluh), Ada L (Mrs James Dickey), Minerva. M; registered pharm in Ohio 1885, Ill & Neb 1888, Colo 1902; registered optometrist; registered jeweler 45 years; while att sch emp in drug store in Mansfield O; 1887-89 emp in firm which became Walgren Drug Co, Chicago; 1889-90 worked in Omaha, St Joseph Mo & Hastings; Oct 18, 1892- owner & opr drug store, Hampton; mayor, serving intermittently 20 years since 1904; pres bd of edn, serving 15th year; Comml Club; Neb Pharm Assn; past mbr Amer Pharm Assn; IOOF 112, mbr since 1891, secy 43 years; past mbr Royal Highlanders, now collector; past mbr MWA; Aurora KP, holder gold medal for active service; pres Neb St Milk Goat Assn 3 years, treas 3 years, engaged in exporting milk goats to Europe & South Amer; English Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res. Hampton.

   FERGUSON, MALCOLM JOHN: Bank President; b Algonquin, Ill Nov 9, 1880; s of John D Ferguson Jr-Jennie Creighton Todd; ed Aurora HS 1900; U of N 1902-04; KappaSigma; m Dora Ann Liedtke 1933, Seward; s Donald M & d Betty Jean by prior marriage; foster d Shirley Jean; 1904-06 emp by lumber co in Seattle Wash; 1906-26 bkkpr & asst cash First Natl Bank, Aurora; 1926-30 with state banking dept as asst receiver of failed banks; 1930 retired 2 years following serious accident; 1932-37 pres Citizens State Bank of Polk; 1937 pur controlling int in First Natl Bank of Marquette, pres; Neb State Bankers Assn; Marquette Business Men's Club; past jr warden AF&AM, Aurora; Scot Rite 32o, Lincoln; Sesostris Shrine; German Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, baseball; res Marquette.


in Nebraska


   FRAIZER, CECIL C: Attorney; b Montpelier, Ind June 15, 1892; s of Alvin J Fraizer-Amelia H Cooper; ed Muncie Ind HS; U of Penn; George Washington U, Washington D C, LLB 1914; Sigma Alpha EpsiIon; m Nelle M McCarthy Oct 22, 1916 Denver Colo; s Theodore J; 1919-21 Hamilton Co dep atty; 1919-city atty, Aurora; 1927-28 mbr sch bd; past mbr exec com C of C; 1927-28 VP Neb St Bar Assn; Amer Bar Assn; dist coun BSA; 1926-29 mbr exec com ARC past pres Rotary; past pres Country Club; during World War enl June 15, 1918 Chicago USN secret service, intelligence dept, Chicago & Great Lakes dist, chief petty ofcr, disch Jan 1, 1919; 1927-35 & 1937-39 mbr state relief fund com, chmn several years; Amer Leg, mbr Lester Harter post & past state comm, 1926-35 mbr Natl Americanism Commission; mbr state advisory com of Rep State Central Com; hobby, politics; off Fidelity Bldg; res 1501 9th, Aurora.

   GARRETT, ARTHUR LEE: Farmer; b DeWitt County, Ill Dec 29, 1869; s of John Benjamin Garrett-Elsie Rebecca Barr; ed DeWitt Co Ill & Hamilton Co; m Mabel Josephine Smith Dec 31, 1891 Hamilton Co; s Cecil Ray, Arthur Forest, Clarence Melvin; d Eva May (Mrs Wayne D Castle), Opal Evelyn (Mrs D G Good), Grace Annette (Mrs J A Clendenen); 1891-96 rented and farmed land owned by father near Giltner, 1896 pur farm sold in 1901 & pur present home N of Giltner; hobby, horses; res RFD 1, Aurora.

   GIBSON, DALLAS S: County Attorney; b Hampton, Neb July 18, 1907; s of Peter Hans Gibson-Myrtle Alice Warner; ed Hampton HS; Midland Coll; U of N, LLB 1932; awarded track letter for 2 mile; Delta Tau Delta; m Lena Mae Sexton May 10, 1936 Bristow; 1932-34 prac law, Hampton; 1935- Hamilton Co atty; after 1st term as co atty, nominated by both political parties; scholarship to Midland Coll for 96 per cent average during 4 years HS; Neb St Bar Assn; Country Club; English Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, art, music; off Courthouse; res 1115 10th, Aurora.

   GROSSHANS, ANDREW: Lumber Dealer; b Odessa, Russia Nov 1, 1867; s of Christian Grosshans-Margaretha Fritshle; ed Sutton; LBC 1888; m Sarah A Harter Nov 17, 1892 Stockham; d Alma Isabelle, Leota Margaret, Marie Augusta; 1873 came with parents to Amer; 1888-92 cash Stockham State Bank; 1892-1901 in impl bus with Henry Grosshans, Sutton; 1901-03 mgr lbr & grain bus for Ia-Neb Grain Co; 1903-05 in coal bus, Kearney; 1905- pres Grosshans Lbr Co, Aurora; Sutton city treas 2 terms; mbr Aurora town bd 10 years; mayor 7 years at various times; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn: C of C; past noble grand IOOF; Country Club; Congl Ch; hobbies, flowers & gardening; off 1312 L St; res 916 14th, Aurora.

   GUNNERSON, JOSEPH EMANUEL: Association Manager; b Hamilton Co, Neb Feb 20, 1884; s of Alfred A Gunnerson-Sophia A Johnson; ed Hamilton Co; m Mabel Murl Brickner Mar 8, 1916 Aurora; s James Howard; 1900-03 in impl bus, Loup City; 1903-07 in impl bus, Aurora; 1907-13 emp by Internatl Harvester Co; 1913-26 mbr firm Gunnerson Brothers, farm impls, Aurora; Jan 4, 1927-Jan 4, 1931 Hamilton Co treas; 1931-33 in gas & oil bus, Aurora also traveled & studied history of Neb Indians, collected approximately 1,500 specimens; 1934-35 mbr Neb legislature; 1935 ent present bus, battery station, mgr Hamilton Co Farmers Non-Stock Co-op Assn; 1937- mbr city coun; past mbr Rotary; secy & treas Hamilton Co Hist Soc helped org; curator Hamilton Co Museum; hobby, Indian lore; off 1013 13th; res 1316 J, Aurora.

   GUSTAFSON, REUBEN CARL: Bank President; b Hamilton Co, Neb Nov 21, 1899; s of Alfred Gustafson- Ida Johnson; ed Hordville HS 1916; Kearney Normal 1916-18; m Norma E Jones Feb 11, 1922 Hordville; d Betty L, Beverly C; 1918-19 bkkpr First State Bank of Hordville, 1919-22 asst cash, 1922-26 cash, July 1926- pres; special state agt, Midland Gen Ins Agency, Minneapolis; 1922-36 mbr city coun; 1922- mbr bd of edn; past pres Hordville Business Men's Assn; AF&AM, Polk; MWA; hobby, books; res Hordville.

   HACKETT, MRS DICY: Homemaker; b Waynesville, Ill Feb 4, 1856; d of Samuel M Hommitt-Susan Hanger; ed DeWitt County Ill; m David L Hackett Dec 12, 1872 Waynesville Ill (dec); s George Hackett; d Maude (Mrs Edward McConeghey), Jessie M (Mrs Andrew Brown), Bessie (Mrs John Leas); 1872-78 lived in Ill; 1878-87 lived on farm east of Council Bluffs Ia; 1887-1919 lived on farm near Giltner; Giltner resident since 1919; Degree of Honor; Woman's Guild, Presby Ch; res Giltner.

   HAGELIN, BERNDT OLOF: Surveyor; b Motala, Sweden July 29, 1893; s of Emil R Hagelin-Amanda Janson; ed Motala Sweden; m Edith Berggren May 10, 1927 Conrad Mont (dec 1937); s Allan Benton; 1910 came to Amer, emp on farm in Hamilton Co until 1917; 1917 enl for World War service, called May 1918 to Camp Dodge then to Camp Mills, O/S Aug 1918, sent to France & front lines, retd to Amer Jan 1919, disch Camp Funston Feb 1919; 1919-30 farmed & emp by water co also in construction work at Conrad Mont; 1930-34 opr of service station, Aurora; 1934- Hamilton Co surveyor; past adjt Amer Leg; Swedish Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, designing; res 4th & G, Aurora.

   HANSEN, FRED EDWIN: Elevator Manager; b Clay Co, Neb Sept 4, 1896; s of Christian Hansen-Anna C Madsen; ed Clay Co; m Verdie Israelson Dec 11, 1921 Hastings: s Fredrick Gerald, Doyle Christian; d Barbara Hope; 1911-14 farmed with father; 1914-16 farmed with brother: 1916-17 with CB&Q RR; Dec 1917 enl San Antonio Tex, 507th air squadron, AS mechanic sch, mechanic first class, Des Moines, disch Feb 1919; 1919-20 in aviation, Minneapolis; 1920-22 in flour mill, Farmers Elevator, Sutton; 1922-26 mgr Farmers Elevator, Sutton; 1926- mgr Aurora Elevator Co, Aurora; past pres Farmers Elevator Assn of Neb; Amer Leg, past comm; past dir C of C; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, gardening; off Farmers Elevator; res 719 13th, Aurora.

   HANSEN, JOHN ANTON: Lumber Dealer; b Sutton, Neb Oct 5, 1894; s of Tony Hansen-Hannah Stephens; ed Aurora HS; football capt 1915; m Mable Marie Jones June 14, 1934 Aurora; s Stephens Gerry; during World War enl Apr 25, 1917 Camp Hamilton, sent to Camp Cody, O/S July 29, 1918 to July 6, 1919; disch July 14, 1919 with rank of corp; 1919-20 emp by CB&Q RR, Aurora; 1920-25 with Grosshans Lbr Co, Aurora; 1925- mgr Grosshans Lbr Co, Murphy; bd mbr & treas sch dist 4; Amer Leg; Comm Club; Federated Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; res Murphy.

   HARROD, CHARLES: Farmer & Stockman; b Hall Co, Neb Jan 30, 1881; s of William Harrod-Eldora Hilton; ed Hall Co; m Maude Ballard July 31, 1911 Grand Island; foster d Genevieve Beatrice; 1906 began buying, feeding & selling livestock in Giltner; 1917 pur farm & estab feed yard E of Giltner; 1917-23 lived on the farm & 1923 moved to Giltner, still maintains yard; has fed & marketed from 1,500 to 2,000 cattle annually for many years; uses 40 to 50 thousand bushels of grain annually, plus approximately 200 tons of prepared feed; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Tehama Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Giltner.

   HARTQUEST, OTIS FRANK: Pharmacist; b McHenry Co, Ill Mar 23, 1871; s of Abraham A Hartquest- Annette Page; ed Central City; Central City Meth Coll 1889-90; m Amber Barnaby Jan 28, 1903 Minneapolis Minn; 1883 came with parents to Neb; 1891-1903 druggist for Harley Drug Co, Lincoln; 1903-06 druggist O E Rector Drug Co, Lincoln; 1906- owner & opr Hartquest Drug Co, Aurora; 1930- dir & VP Farmers State Bank; 1912-34 VP First Trust Co; 1934- farmer, stockman, mgr own farm; 1906-15 dir Aurora Electric Co; past VP Aurora Hdw Co; past dir First Natl Bank; during Sp-Amer War enl 1898 in 3rd Neb vol div US army; past dir & ch mbr C of C; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Tehama Shrine; Country Club, dir & ch mbr; Neb Pharm Assn: NARD; hobby, farming; off 12th & L; res 818 L, Aurora.

   HAWORTH, GLENN ROBBINS: Jeweler & Optometrist; b Hamilton Co, Neb Oct 7, 1891; s of John W Haworth-Eva Bell Robbins; ed Aurora HS; Neb Wes, BA 1914; Northern Ill Optical Coll, DO; Crescent; m Eva Edith Embree Oct 28, 1916 Lincoln; s John Embree; 1916-22 city clk; 1926-30 mbr city coun; 1936 mbr bd of edn; past pres & BSA committeeman Rotary; C of C; past pres & an org Country Club; Hamilton Co Hist Soc; AF&AM 68; trustee, Meth Ch; hobby, golf; off 1208 L; res 1305 11th, Aurora.

   HIGBY, AUSTIN LESLIE: Mortician; b Sheboygan Co, Wis Jan 30, 1886; s of DeWitt E Higby-Ida Louise Gillette; ed New London Wis HS; Worsham Sch of Embalming, Chicago 1912; m Louise Stratton Nov 28, 1912 Adell, Wis; s Eldon Edwin, Warren Harold, Vernon Austin, Wayne Everett; d Geraldine Helen; 1912-38 with Chapman Furn Co, Aurora; 1921- ptr Chapman-Higby Mortuary; past mbr city coun & sch bd; C of C, dir; Neb St & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; Meth Ch; hobby, gardening; off 1028 13th; res 1405 5th, Aurora.

   HIGBY, ELDON EDWIN: Mortician; b Aurora, Neb Aug 17, 1914; s of Austin Leslie Higby-Louise Stratton;



Who's Who

ed Aurora; Williams Institute of Embalming, Kansas City, Kas 1935; 1934-38 appr & mortician McCook, Beatrice & Nelson; 1936 rec Neb state embalmers lic; 1938- with father in Chapman-Higby Mortuary, Aurora; secy C of C; 1936- active in BSA work as scoutmaster; Neb St & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; Meth Ch; hobby BSA work; off 1928 13th; res 1405 5th, Aurora.

   HOHNSTEIN, PETER JOHN: Elevator Manager; b Clay County, Neb Sept 1, 1894; s of John Hohnstein- Elizabeth Yost; ed Clay Co; m Alice Pauley Nov 30, 1916 Harvard; s Willard Eugene, Robert Pauley; foster s Lester Arnold, Clayton James: 1913 with parents moved from farm to Harvard; 1913-14 worked on farm in Clay Co; 1915 with Harvard Fuel & Ice Co; Aug 1915-Sept 1916 with Ia-Neb Grain Co in Harvard, Sept 1916-Feb 1917 mgr Pleasant Dale Branch, Feb-May 1917 mgr Sutton Branch; May 17, 1917- mgr Farmers Elevator Co,, Giltner; 6 years mbr city coun, 11 years mbr bd of edn; Farmers Elevator Assn of Neb; sr warden AF&AM 223; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Tehama Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, football; res Giltner.

   HOLDGRAF, EMIL AUGUST: Merchant; b Aurora, Neb Apr 10, 1888; s of August Holdgraf-Josephine George; ed Hamilton Co; U of N 1908; m Erma Chapman Aug 8, 1917 Aurora; 1909-24 farmed in Hamilton Co; 1924- in furn bus Aurora; Comml Club, past dir; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Aurora.

   HUDSON, JAMES WALTER: Merchant; b Marion Co, Tenn July 20, 1893; s of Jay Hudson-Alice Anderson; ed Marion Co Tenn; Whitwell Tenn HS 1911; m Emma Pedersen Aug 28, 1919 Marquette; d Pauline Emma; 1911-13 rural tchr in Tenn; 1913-15 with Tenn Electric Light & Power Co; July 9, 1915-Aug 1, 1917 worked on farms near Hampton; Aug 1, 1917-June 1928 emp Carl Krogh store, Marquette; during World War enl in U S army June 28, 1918 at Aurora, sent to Camp Funston, Kas then to Camp Dodge Ia, assigned to Co C 313th engineers 88th div, O/S Aug 15-June 5, 1919, disch as private 1st class June 13, 1919 Fort Oglethorpe Ga; Oct 1, 1919- with Marquette Merc Co, became mgr Nov 1, 1919, owns half int; 3 years mayor; mbr city coun; pres bd of edn; mbr vol fire dept past 17 years, chief 4 years; past pres Marquette Business Men's Assn, mbr 20 years; past vice-comm Amer Leg Aurora; past noble grand IOOF, past dist dep grand master; hobbies, horses, fishing, hunting; res Marquette.

   HUENEFELD, EDWIN HERMAN: Farmer & Stockman; b Hamilton Co, Neb Nov 25, 1886; s of Carl F Huenefeld-Elizabeth Bald; ed Hamilton Co; Aurora Bus Coll 1907-08; U of N Coll of Agr 1909-10; m Rissle M Eggert July 25, 1917 Aurora; s Bernard E; d Beth M; lived with parents until 1912 when they moved to Gregory, Ark; remained to manage farm which he later pur & still operates; mbr bd of edn 10 years; past pres & now dir Hamilton Co Farmers Tele Assn; pct committeeman Aurora twp for agrl conservation com; an org Community Co-op Oil Co, past dir & secy; mbr bd of Hamilton Co Farm Bur, 1st pres; past mbr AF&AM; past trustee York Coll; U B Ch; hobby, fishing; res RFD 1, Aurora.

   ISAMAN, JOSHUA ALVIN: Abstracter; b Hillsboro, Ia July 4, 1869; s of Benjamin F Isaman-Mary A Newbold; ed Hamilton Co; HS, Aurora & Mt Pleasant Ia; York Bus Coll, 1887; m May E Salisbury Apr 17, 1895 North Platte; d Frances A, Emma L (Mrs McKinley C Brown); 1873-94 farmed & att sch in Hamilton Co; 1894-96 abstractor, North Platte; 1897-1902 farmed in Hamilton Co; 1902-03 Hamilton Co, clk; 1903- owner Hainer & Smith abstracting bus; 1909- dir Farmers State Bank, VP 1909-29, pres since 1929; 1906-14 city treas; past pres & ch mbr Rotary; ch mbr & past secy Country Club; AF&AM 68; secy Shekinab ch, RAM; RSM; Scot Rite 32o; Tehama Shrine; chmn of bd, trustee Meth Ch; tchr Keystone class of young married couples, never absent in 18 year period; hobbies, collection of guns, modern & antique; off Farmers State Bank Bldg; res 809 N, Aurora.

   JOHNS, HATTIE IRENE: County Treasurer; b Rochelle, Ill Aug 19, 1899; d of Charles M Johns-Mary Isabel Sowens; ed Hamilton Co; LHS; Lincoln Normal, BA 1898; 1898-1900 rural sch tchr; 1900-14 tchr at Hampton; 1914-15 in California; 1915-22 tchr rural schs; 1923-30 Hamilton Co dep treas; 1930- co treas; 1921-31 mbr exec bd Aurora pub lib; ch mbr Aurora B&PW; past state treas; Meth Ch; hobby, home life; off courthouse; res 1019 16th, Aurora.

   JOHNSON, ELLIE MARIA: Homemaker; b Rock Co, Wis Jan 1, 1854; d of Philander Davis-Eunice E Talcott; ed Fayette Co Ia; normal schs of New Hampton & Clayton Ia, summer sessions 1870-71; m Frank Johnson Feb 27, 1874 West Union Ia; s Roy W (dec); Lyle J Earl, Dean; d Maud (Mrs J O Goodwin), Anna Fay (Mrs Hugh Butler), Ruth Erie (Mrs J F Cole); 1870-75 rural sch tchr in Fayette & Clayton Cos, Ia; 1880-1902 with family lived in Crete, husband emp by Crete Mill; has lived in Aurora since 1902, except approximately 4 years at Curtis & Falls City where husband engaged in milling bus; 1886 mbr of Chautauqua & Literary Club in Crete; ch mbr RNA; chmn of internatl affairs, Woman's Club; mbr OES 45 years; 6 years SS supt Congl Ch, tchr Woman's Bible class 5 years; hobbies, books & politics; res Woodbine Apts, Aurora.

   JOHNSON, LEONARD THEO: Unit President Land Bank; b Marquette, Neb Sept 23, 1885; s of Andrew Magnus Johnson-Carrie Peterson; ed Hamilton Co; Aurora Bus Coll 1902-03; m Esther Ekberg Dec 22, 1909 Marquette; 1909-37 farmed; 1937- pres Hamilton Co unit of Fed Land Bank of Omaha; 1909-24 mbr sch dist 76; 1925-33 Hamilton Co commr; dir Consumers Co-op Assn, Kansas City Mo; trustee York Coll; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM, Scot Rite; U B Ch, trustee 30 years; off 1104 13th, Aurora; res Marquette.

   KUPKE, WALTER LOUIS: Bank Cashier; b Murdock, Neb Nov 12, 1910; s of Herman C Kupke-Louise Stohlman; ed Murdock HS 1929; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha, 1929-30; m Eula Martha Schliefert Aug 28, 1932 Louisville; s Walter L Jr, Larry Lee; d Betty Lou; Dec 1930-June 1931 worked with receiver of failed Citizens Bank of Carlisle Ia; July 1931-Jan 1932 bkkpr First State Bank of Hordville, Jan 1932-July 1934 asst cash, July 1934- cash; past secy & treas Business Men's Assn; 1936- mbr city coun, chmn of bd; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, outdoor life; res Hordville.

   LAMPHERE, REX BERNARD: Railway Supervisor; b Humeston, Ia Dec 4, 1881; s of Scott D Lamphere-Alice Carrie Wilson; ed Friend; m Lynn Blanch Dorwart July 27, 1904 Friend; s Wallace L, Jason Eugene; d Elizabeth Mae; 1896-97 emp by CB&Q RR, Englewood SD; 1897-1905 CB&Q RR helper Aurora, advanced to teleg opr, tsfrd to Lincoln as opr & chief clk to the train master; 1906 train dispatcher Sterling Colo; 1907 retd to Lincoln as teleg opr; 1910-13 agt, Pleasant Dale; 1913-16 in claim dept, Chicago; 1916-32 freight service inspector, Lincoln; 1932- supervisory agt in Aurora; past pres C of C; pres Rotary; master AF&AM; past worthy patron OES; high priest Shekinah ch RAM; Lincoln coun R&SM; hobbies, railroading, lodge work; off CB&Q depot; res 715 13th, Aurora.

   LAMPSHIRE, MRS PERCIE PEARL: Manager Telephone Association; b Delaware Co, la Apr 21, 1879; d of Nelson H Moore-Cynthia Sophia Gardner; ed Coleridge; m George Edward King Sept 13, 1896 Climax Springs Mo (dec Nov 10, 1913); s Nelson George; m Isaac J Lampshire May 16, 1912 Aurora; s Lysle James; 1914- mgr tele co, Hordville; grandfather was King Moore, who at age of 12 years was valet to his uncle, Gen George Washington; res Hordville.

   LEBARON, NELSON: Lumber Dealer; b Burlington, Ia Aug 7, 1876; s of George LeBaron-Birdie Trixel; ed Harvard & Adams Co; m Florence Rader Mar 22, 1905 (dec Apr 18, 1911); s Merle L; d Grace H (Mrs Roy G Bieck); m Emma M Stiegemeier Feb 12, 1913 Clay Center; s Wayne N, Eugene F; d Helen M (Mrs Henry Cushing); 1881-88 lived with parents at Harvard; 1888-94 lived on farm in Adams Co; 1894-95 lived in Hastings; 1895-1903 worked on farms in Neb & Wash; 1903 emp by P M Greene in lumber yard at Aurora; 1904 mgr P M Greene lumber yard in Giltner; 1909 pur int in the bus; in 1918 became ptr; during World War served on registration bd; secy bd of edn 13 years; mbr town coun 3 years; past sr warden, now treas AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Meth Ch, mbr bd; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Giltner.

   LUFF, JAMES J: Pharmacist; b Schleswig-Holstein Province, Germany Jan 28, 1868; s of Johan Peter Luff-Anna Christine Enemark; ed Germany & Utica; 1883 came to Amer, worked on farms in Seward & Hamilton Cos until 1887; Apr 1887-Jan 1, 1888 with Cole & Cole Hdw, John Dent & Co Dry Goods Store, Council Bluffs Ia; 1888-89 with Frank Chambers & Co drug store, Hampton; 1889-94 with R K Hughes drug store in Marquette, studied pharmacy & became registered pharmacist in 1891; 1894-95 visited in Germany; 1895- pur & still operates


in Nebraska


R K Hughes drug store in Marquette; secy & treas Marquette Merc Co; UP First Natl Bank; Marquette Business Men's Assn; AF&AM, Central City; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Tehama Shrine; hobby, fishing; res Marquette.

   MABON, CHARLES BARR: County Mimmissioner (sic); b Blairsville, Penn Mar 3, 1875; s of Frank B Mabon-Katherine Ansley; ed Indiana Co, Penn; m Flodie Repine Jan 10, 1995 Indiana Co, Penn; s William Clarence, Robert Clark (dec 1926); d Catherine (Mrs W W Heuermann); m Clara Easdale Sept 3, 1938 Denver; farmed for widowed mother in Indiana Co, Penn until 1890; 1890-91 worked with brother on farm in Hamilton Co; 1891-1910 carp with Penn RR in Penn, 1905-10 asst foreman; 1910-15 farmed on brother's farm, Aurora; 1915-29 ptr with Dr E A Steenburg in farming & stock feeding near Phillips; 1929- farmed indep; 1930- Hamilton Co commr; first to be elec to 3rd year term; 1921-26 mbr consolidated sch bd, Philips; adviser for Central Neb Assn of Co Commrs & Clks to state assistance com & bd of control; WOW; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, raising purebred livestock; off Courthouse; res RFD Phillips.

   McCRAY, CLARENCE CHAMBERS: Jeweler & Optometrist; b Crook, Colo Oct 3, 1888; s of Oliver McCray- Emily S Chambers; ed Kearney Co; trade sch in Omaha 1908; m Ann Mercer Jan 1, 1915 Kearney; s Harold Shirley; d Bernice Emily, Doris Jayne, Gretchen Suzanne; 1909-16 jeweler in Kearney; 1916-17 jeweler in Omaha; 1917-18 jeweler in York; 1918- owner jewelry store, Aurora; 1930-36 mbr, past pres sch bd; Country Club; Neb St Jewelers Assn; Chris Ch; hobby, golf; off & res Aurora.

   MARVEL, PERRY OTTO: Physician & Surgeon; b Penfield, Ill July 31, 1881; s of Thompson Marvel-Margaret Jane French; ed Hamilton Co; Giltner HS 1903; Cotner Coll, premed 1903-05; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1909; Post Grad Med Sch, Ill 1911; Tau Alpha Epsilon; m Lena Josephine Bowers Sept 4, 1912 Filley; s Alden Leroy; d Wilda Maurine; 1909-14 prac med in Aurora; 1914-prac in Giltner; Hamilton Co Med Soc; Neb State Med Assn; chmn village bd, past treas & past clk; secy bd of edn; past master AF&AM; Shekinah Ch RAM, Aurora; Scot Rite 14o, Hastings; OES, worthy patron; past noble grand IOOF; past mbr MWA; Chris Ch; Dem; res Giltner.

   MATHER, MYRLE SEARS: Banker; b Aurora, Neb Sept 19, 1880; s of Fred C Mather-Alice M Sears; ed Aurora HS 1898; U of N 1889-1903; Kappa Sigma; m Bessie L Evans Sept 20, 1905 Lincoln; 1903-05 plant mgr Aurora Electric Light & Power Co; 1905-19 in hdw & electrical bus; 1919-33 in electric contracting bus; sold bus & took over administration of father's est; 1934- VP First Natl Bank in Aurora; 1925-35 mbr Aurora City coun; past pres Rotary; C of C; past pres Country Club; AF&AM; Shekinah ch RAM, past high priest; hobbies, stamp collecting & outdoor life; off First National Bank; res 1112 8th, Aurora.

   MOORE, LILLIAN R: Librarian; b Red Oak, Ia Nov 2, 1878; d of James H Moore-Sarah E Anderson; ed Aurora; librarian since orgn of library in 1907; Federated Ch; Rep; hobby, home life; off Public Library; res 1404 L, Aurora.

   MURPHY, LOUIE FRANCIS: Dean of Women; b Biggsville, Ill Sept 14, 1873; d of Henry A Murphy-Hannah Holah, mother born in London 1846, is still living; ed York Co, Peru HS; PSTC, BA, life certificate 1904; U of N, 1909-10; York Coll summer 1915; came to York Co 1884; 1895-1900 tchr, York Co rural schs; 1904-06 tchr, DeWitt HS; 1906-08 tchr, Wymore HS; 1908-40 contract to teach Aurora HS; 1904- mbr NSTA; Neb St Assn of Deans of Women; past pres & ch mbr B&PW, 1927 del from Neb to natl conv at Des Moines; Womans Club; Country Club; chaplain OES, has held various offices; DUV; Meth Ch; hobby, books; off High School; res 1316 10th, Aurora.

   NEWMAN, CLARK A: Auto Dealer; b York Co, Neb July 28, 1898; s of Charles R Newman-Armita Shuck; ed York HS 1915; Ray's Automobile Coll, Kansas City Mo 1916-17; m Emma Beard Nov 2, 1918 Aurora; s Clark LeRoy, Harlow E, Phillip Eugene; d Betty Ellen; came to Aurora 1917 & estab tire shop; oprd Dodge agency 1919-33; 1922- opr Buick Agency; 1933- Chevrolet dlr; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; past dir C of C; Country Club; Congl Ch; hobby, hunting; off 312 M; res 1608 N, Aurora.

   NEWMAN, MRS EMMA ELIZABETH: Homemaker; b Arcadia, Neb July 29, 1897; d of John Mason Beard-Emma Belle Hagadorn; ed Aurora HS 1913; U of N 1915, life tchrs certificate; Phi Omega Pi; m Clark A Newman Nov 2, 1918 Aurora; s Clark LeRoy, Harlow E, Phillip Eugene; d Betty Ellen; 1917-18 tchr Jr HS, Aurora; 1918- in bus with husband; past ofcr OES; secy literary div Womans Club; secy Hamilton Co U of N Alumni Assn; hobby, reading; off 312 M; res 1608 N, Aurora.

   NEWMAN, HENRY GRANT: Hardware & Implement Dealer; b Hampton, Neb Aug 28, 1885; s of Christ Newman-Mary Hansen; ed Hampton; m Ella Christine Petersen Mar 23, 1905 Aurora; d Hazel Bernice (Mrs John Hasch); 1901-21 worked for father in hdw & impl bus, Hampton; 1921- became owner & opr since father's retirement; mbr bd of edn past 20 years; mbr city coun 6 years; mayor 2 years; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; past jr warden AF&AM; past mbr Scot Rite 14o, Hastings; mbr coun English Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Hampton.

   NEWMAN, JOHN WRIGHT: Dentist; b York, Neb Oct 2, 1886; s of Andrew J Newman-Rebecca Gwartney; ed York HS 1907; U of N, DDS 1911; Beta Theta Pi; m Margaret M Green June 25, 1913 York; s John Wright Jr; 1911- prac in firm Newman Brothers, which brother Otis M estab 1896; alone since retirement of brother 1933; past mayor, 3 years mbr bd of edn; C of C; Central Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; past master BSA, now chmn city movement; AF&AM; Federated Ch; Rep; father (dec 1901) came to York Co 1878 from Indiana & served 17 years as clk of dist court; off Fidelity Bldg; res 1409 9th, Aurora.

   NIELSON, JOHN CHRISTIAN: Tailor & Cleaner; b Hjorring, Denmark Feb 16, 1884; s of Lars I Thomsen- Nielsene Nielsen; ed & served apprenticeship in Denmark; m Julia Jane Marie Frick Sept 21, 1911 St Paul; s Oscar Frick; d Leona Marie, Viola Fern; 1902-04 came to US & worked in Howard Co, near St Paul, 1904-06 tailor, Aurora; 1906-11 tailor in Grand Island; 1911-13 oprd own tailoring bus in Greeley Center; 1913- owner tailoring & cleaning bus in Aurora; 1933-37 mbr city coun; AF&AM; C of C; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Aurora.

   NORDLAND, OLAF JOHN: Managing Editor; b Columbus, Neb Feb 7, 1913; s of Arvid Nordland-Emma Jeppesson; ed Cedar Rapids HS; U of N, 1932-34; 1934 editor Cedar Rapids Outlook; 1935-39 publisher Wolbach Messenger; 1939- managing editor Republican-Register, Aurora; C of C; chmn Wolbach ARC; J P & police judge 1939, Wolbach, youngest in state to hold both offs; hobby, golf; off 1311 L; res 804 L, Aurora.

   NOTHOMB, KATHRYN MARGARET: Homemaker; b White Plains NY Jan 6, 1886; d of Theophilus St Martin-Elizabeth Scully; ed Wahoo HS 1904; Luther Coll, Wahoo; Fremont Normal; m Henry Valentine Nothomb Sept 25, 1912 Wahoo; s Henry Theophilus, Leo Joseph; d Mary Elizabeth; 1906-12 primary tchr, Wahoo; aux VP Neb St Veterinary Med Assn; past pres Womans Club; Fedn of Womens Clubs, past pres, Hamilton Co, past pres dist 4; pres St Mary's Altar Soc; pres York Deanery, Coun of Cath Women; Cath Ch; secy & treas Hamilton Co. Dem Central Com; hobby, travel; res 804 N, Aurora.

   OTTO, LOUIS DIETRICH: Bank President; b Hamilton Co, Neb June 15, 1893; s of Dietrich H Otto-Margrethe Hans; ed Hamilton Co; m Mary Leyrer Apr 6, 1916 Hampton; s Charles L, Darel J, Owen R; d Virginia M; May-Nov 1914 worked in lbr yard, Polk; Nov 1914-Mar 1915 with W H Vogt hdw store, Hampton; 1915-1916 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Hampton; 1916-1920 asst cash, 1920- cash & dir, 1931- pres; past 10 years mbr bd of edn, now treas; 18 years mbr city coun; Comml Club; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; Aurora Country Club; past secy & elder Luth Ch; past VP Hamilton Co Rep Central Com; hobbies, golf, fishing; res Hampton.

   OTTO, RALPH DANIEL: Manager Farmers Union Association; b Bloomington, Ill Nov 26, 1891; s of Samuel B Otto-Mary Basting; ed Aurora, Aurora Bus Coll 1906-09; m Orpha Wilson Feb 19, 1913 Aurora; s Claude Wilbur, Donald Wilson, Merle Lewis; 1909-11 farmed with father near Aurora; 1911-13 bkkpr, Aurora Lbr Co; 1913-17 farmed near Aurora; 1917- opr Farmers Union Assn, Aurora; Midwest Impl Dlrs Assn; past dir C of C; past pres Rotary; AF&AM; OES; Country Club; chmn troop 1, BSA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, boys' activities; off 913 12th; res 619 M, Aurora.

   PENCE, JACOB ARTHUR: Retired; b Woodstock, Va Aug 24, 1860; s of Lemuel A Pence-Harriet Durrow; ed grade sch; m Betty Kinney Nov 19, 1884 Schuyler; s Arthur Jacob, Roy Lester; foster d Helen Gertrude



Who's Who

(Mrs Verne Grosvenor); 4 years in milling bus in Va; 1880-83 in milling bus, Schuyler; 1883-87 opr hdw store; 1887-1908 owner hdw store; 1909-14 in hdw bus, Madison; 1915-24 in hdw bus in Aurora; 1924 sold to son, ret from active bus; 1888-94 city treas, 1894-96 mayor of Schuyler; 1930-32, 1936-38 mayor of Aurora; treas AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; past high priest Shekinah ch RAM; past noble grand IOOF; Meth Ch; hobbles, home, flower gardening; res 1005 9th, Aurora.

   PENCE, ROY LESTER: Hardware Dealer; b Schuyler, Neb Jan 16, 1895; s of Jacob Arthur Pence-Betty Kinney; ed Madison HS; m Daisy McKay Glasner June 17, 1914 Madison; s Roland McKay; d Margaret Jean; 1912-16 in plumbing shop, Madison; 1916- opr Pence Cash Hdw Store, Aurora; 1920-26 secy IOOF; off Pence Hdw; res 1119 8th, Aurora.

   PERSON, JOHN PAUL: Physician & Surgeon; b Funk, Neb June 19, 1912; s of Edwin B Person-Violet N Johnson; ed Funk Jr HS; Holdrege HS 1928; pre-med Hastings Coll, 2 years; U of N, MD 1934; m Janet J Carson Sept 1, 1935 Omaha; d Paula Josephine; interne Uni Hosp, Omaha, 1 year, research fellowship U of N, bacteriological dept 18 mos; Oct 1936- prac in Giltner; Neb St & AMA; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Giltner.

   PETERSON, AUGUST EINER: Merchant; b Oland, Sweden Mar 21, 1866; s of Peter Anderson-Marie Anderson; ed Oland, Sweden; m Adelaid Thomas Oct 15, 1900 Aurora; s Thomas Alexander; d Adelaid Ann (Mrs R W Borden); 1881 came from Sweden to Lincoln; 1881-83 with Bedson Fruit Store, Lincoln; 1883-85 farmed in Hamilton Co; 1885-91 ptr in Peterson Bros Clothing Store, Aurora; 1891-93 worked for Garrett & Co, Galveston, Tex; 1893-1912 ptr in Peterson Brothers Clothing Store, Aurora; 1912- owner & mgr Einer Peterson Store, Aurora; mbr city coun 8 years; past dir C of C; past pres, ch mbr Country Club; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; KP; Rotary, ch mbr; Chris Ch; hobby, golf; res Aurora.

   PORTER, PAUL BANTA: Clergyman: b Hayes Co, Neb July 5, 1890; s of William Lewis Porter-Otie J Banta; ed Hayes Co; Culbertson HS, 1907-08; Sabetha Kas HS 1908-09; York Coll, BA 1915; Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton O, BD 1923; m Nina Gwinn Francis June 26, 1918 Merna; s Donald Paul, Warren Vincent; d Frances Gwinn; 1909-10 tchr, Hayes Co; 1915-19 pastor U B Ch, Swanton; 1918-19 prin HS Swanton; 1919-20 field representative, York Coll; 1921-22 asst in ednl dept of YMCA & student pastor of Yorkshire & Nashville U B Chs in Miami conf; 1922-23 student pastor, Wagner Chapel; 1923-29 pastor U B Ch, Merna; 1929-34 college pastor U B Ch, York; 1934 pastor U B Ch, Aurora; Country Club; C of C; past scoutmaster, mbr scout com BSA; mbr city coun; 1931-34 chaplain AF&AM; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off United Brethren Church; res 816 11th, Aurora.

   REFSHAUGE, PETER JENSEN: Manager Securities Corporation; b Cedar Falls, Ia June 14, 1886; s of Christian Refshauge-Marie Andreasen; ed U of N, 1905, LBC 1906-07; m Elfreida Hansen May 10, 1911 Davey; d Adelaide Elouise (Mrs --- Carlson); 1907-09 asst cash, First Natl Bank, Marquette; 1909-18 cash First State Bank, Hordville; 1918-34 org, secy & treas First Trust Co, Aurora; 1934- org First Securities Corp, secy-treas, mgr; during World War had chg of Liberty Bond & Savings Stamp sales in co; past PT Rotary; past pres C of C; AP&AM org, past pres Country Club; hobbies, creating & bldg, remodeling old bldgs, collecting old lamps, lanterns, carriage lights; off 1220 L; res 905 P, Aurora.

   RODINE, CLARENCE OSCAR: Elevator Manager; b Polk Co, Neb Feb 6, 1895; s of Charles G Rodine- Amanda Gustafson; ed Polk HS, 1912; Neb Central Coll, Central City 1913-14; m Hannah Sundberg June 4, 1919 Polk; s Donald M, Floyd H; Clarence O Jr; 1914-May 1917 emp in elevator at Durant; May 1917-May 21, 1918 worked in Cheyenne Wyo; during World War enl in Neb May 27, 1918 as priv 338th field arty 88th div U S army; O/S Aug 18, 1918-Jan 5, 1919 disch as corp Jan 16, 1919; Jan-June 1919 emp in elevator at Durant; June 15, 1919-June 1921 mgr Farmers Grain Assn in Hordville; June 1921-Jan 1923 with hdw store in Polk; Jan 1923- mgr Farmers Grain Assn, Hordville; 16 years mbr village coun; past 6 years bd of edn, now secy; past secy & 20 years mbr vol fire dept; past pres Comml Club; dir Neb St & Natl Co-op Grain Assns; Mission Ch, Polk; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Hordville.

   RUTHERFORD, CHARLES: Pharmacist; b Bishops Mills, Ontario, Can Dec 16, 1886; s of William Rutherford-Phoebe McCargar; ed Aurora HS, 1906; Creighton, PhG 1916; m Nellie Weaver Sept 25, 1930 Lincoln; 1907-14, 1916-17 worked in drug store, Aurora; 1919- owner & opr drug store, Aurora; during World War, 1917-19 in base hosp 49 Fort Des Moines, O/S 10 mos; C of C; Amer Leg; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, coin & stamp collecting; res Aurora.

   SANDIN, GUSTAF WILHELM: Auto Dealer; b Ramnas, Westmanland, Sweden Apr 6, 1878; s of Andrew Gustaf Sandin-Gustava Erickson; ed Ramnas HS: m Edna Viola Cowling Nov 1, 1900 Marquette; s Gustaf William, Wilber Allen; d Ada Adaline, Freda Jeanette, Mable Beatrice, Phyllis Loretta; 1890 came to Amer, 1890-96 farmed in Polk Co; 1896-1909 farmed near Marquette; 1909-14 in garage bus, Marquette; 1912- in Ford garage, Aurora, one of oldest Ford dlrs in state; 1926-32 VP First Natl Bank; 1928-34 pres Aurora Hdw Co; AF&AM; Tehama Shrine; Scot Rite; Luth Ch; hobby, hunting; off Ford Garage; res 1217 9th, Aurora.

   SAUM, CARL JAY: Manager Co-op Oil Co; b Warrensburg, Ill Sept 29, 1885; s of Frank M Saum-Mary M Kerwood; ed Filley HS 1915; m Rose M Murry Nov 14, 1920 Beatrice; s Virgil K; d Lucile C, Lois E; 1915-17 helper in Farmers Elevator, Filley; 1919-20 opr truck line; 1920-36 mgr Farmers Elevator Co; 1936-37 mgr Farmers Elevator, Odell; 1937- mgr Comm Co-op Oil Co, Aurora; past mayor & mbr town bd, Filley; org & past bd mbr Co-op Credit Assn, Filley; org vol fire dept, Filley; during World War enl Wymore, 1917, O/S July 1918-June 1919, co F 39th Inf, 4th div, disch June 1919; adjt Amer Leg; VFW; C of C bd mbr; past master AF&AM; OES: hobby, raising purebred livestock; off 1318 M; res 1412 11th, Aurora.

   SCHOONOVER, HAROLD McKINLEY: Theater Owner; b Aurora, Neb Apr 5, 1898; s of James E Schoonover-Maude Mattock; ed Aurora HS; m LaVerne Harris June 1, 1925 Aurora; s Jimmy Charles; d Patty Ruth; 1914- ptr of father in Mazda Theater, Aurora, celebrated 25th anniversary July 1939; during World War enl Co H 134th inf, Camp Hamilton, Apr 1917 Camp Cody, disch May 1918; Amer Leg; DAV; past pres & past dir C of C; past dir Rotary; hobby, fishing; off 1115 12th; res 618 K, Aurora.

   SCOTT, THADDEUS MARVIN: County Judge; b Grundy Co, Ill Sept 25, 1869; s of George H Scott-Elizabeth Hardy; ed Loup City HS; Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah, Ia. 1890: Lincoln Normal Coll, BA 1893; m Daisie E Childre Aug 1, 1894 Aurora; s Hardy W, Robert Allan; d L'Marie (Mrs ---- Kemper), Josephine (Mrs ---- Van De Vender); m Lillian Geoble Mar 19, 1920, Grand Island; 1893-94 supt Litchfield schs; 1897-1917 farmed near Aurora; 1898-99 tchr Hamilton Co; 1912-16 two terms in legislature; org Aurora Elevator Co, pres, mgr, dir 1900-18; 1912-19 dir Hamilton Co Farmers Tele Assn; 1919-20 mgr Craft & Edgerton firm, Grand Island; 1920-24 mcht, Aurora; 1922-24 mayor; 1924- Hamilton Co judge; past bd mbr Rotary; past illustrious defender Royal Highlanders; hobby, service to others; off Courthouse; res Aurora.

   SCOVILL, CLARENCE RUSSELL: Deputy County Clerk; b Aurora. Neb July 22, 1884; s of Daniel A Scovill-Elizabeth Leslie; ed Aurora; m Erma A Richardson May 14, 1908 Aurora; s Claud Russell; d Lois Loraine; 1901-12 emp in whol produce bus; 1912-30 owner & opr whol produce bus; 1931-34 asst water commr, Aurora; 1935- Hamilton Co deputy clerk; city coun mbr 8 years; secy Rotary; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; res Aurora.

   SHAFER, JOHN EARL: Dentist; b Galena, Kas Nov 2, 1903; s of John Franklin Shafer-Frances Mae Gwinn; ed Sargent; Comstock; KSTC 1921-23; U of N, BSc 1928, DDS 1930; Xi Psi Psi; m Virginia Helen Gavin Mar 27, 1931 Marysville, Kas; s Larry Gavin, John Allen; 1922-25, tchr, Neb; 1930-36 dentist, Marquette; 1936- prac in Aurora; Neb St & ADA; pres C of C; dir Country Club; AF&AM; bd mbr Meth Ch; hobbies, bridge, research casting: off Farmers State Bank; res 1317 9th, Aurora.

   SHANEYFELT, LYLE JOHN: Merchant; b Rockville, Neb Sept 23. 1910; s of John P Shaneyfelt-Elizabeth T Coulter; ed Aurora HS; m Margaret Ruth Hull June 14, 1933 Aurora; s Richard Lee; d Margaret Ann, Sonja Sue; 1926-29 emp by father in produce bus; 1929- engaged in gen farm produce bus; past pres C of C; Country Club; U B Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing; res Aurora.


in Nebraska


   SINGER, CLARENCE EDWARD: Refinery Agent; b Lushton, Neb Sept 1, 1900; s of Willis Orville Singer-Mary Lucinda Hopkins; ed Hamilton Co; m Gladys Kathryn Bird (dec Feb 1923); s Vernon Eugene; m Jessie Frances Bird June 5, 1925 Aurora; s Garold Gene; d Nadine Dare, Laverna Lee; 1919-21 worked on county roads; 1921-22 worked in Ravenna flour mills; 1922-23 state road patrolman; 1923-24 farmed; 1925 pur & oprd oil stations, Hampton & McCool Junction sold Nov 1925; Nov 1925-Oct 1939 county agt for Sinclair Refining Co; 1939- in bus, Stockton Calif; honorary life mbr vol fire dept; C of C; past noble grand IOOF; hobbies, outdoor life, travel & sports; res Knotty Pine Motel, Rt 1, Box 1160 Stockton, Cal.

   STEELE, E LEE: Pharmacist; b Hamilton Co, Neb Dec 17, 1897; s of John A Steele-Addie M Prosser; ed Aurora HS 1915; Creighton U, PhG 1918; 1918-25 pharm with Dr Thomas in Aurora, 1925 pur int in store, 1933 became owner; VP Neb St Pharm Assn; NARD; past dir Rotary; past dir C of C; Country Club; past sr warden AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Sesostris Shrine; hobby, golf; off 1117 12th; res 901 M, Aurora.

   STEENBURG, DONALD BEJAMIN: Physician & Surgeon; b Aurora, Neb Apr 25, 1890; s of Edmund Arthur Steenburg-Minnie Susan Moore; ed Aurora HS; U of N, BSc 1911; U of Penn, MD 1913; 1913-15 surgical interne, Mass Gen Hasp, Boston; Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; m Ruth Jane Gillilan Feb 3, 1916 Lincoln; s Edmund Arthur II, Donald Benjamin Jr, Houtz Gillilan; d Susan Jane; 1916- prac in Aurora; C of C; pres bd of edn; Hamilton Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; FACS; Country Club; AF&AM; Shekinah ch RAM, Scot Rite, 32o, Hastings; Tehama Shrine; during World war enl 2nd Harvard unit June 1915, served in France in 22nd gen hosp British Expeditionary Force at Dannes, Camiers, disch Nov 1915; mbr Amer Res Med Corps in service of examining recruits; Federated Ch; hobby, farming; off McKee Bldg; res 1107 8th, Aurora.

   STEENBURG, EDMUND ARTHUR: Physician & Surgeon; b Ontario Canada Mar 9, 1865; s of Benjamin Steenburg-Isabella Ann Sills; ed Ontario HS; Rush Med Coll, Chicago, MD 1887; m Minnie Susan Moore June 20, 1889 Aurora; s Donald Benjamin, Edmund Kenneth; C of C; Country Club; Hamilton Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past master AF&AM: past high priest Shekinah ch RAM; York Rite; hobby, farming; off McKee Bldg; res Aurora.

   STEENBURG, EDMUND KENNETH: Physician & Surgeon; b Aurora, Neb Aug 5, 1893; s of Edmund Arthur Steenburg-Minnie Susan Moore; ed Aurora HS 1911; U of N, BA 1915; Harvard Med Sch, MD 1918; surgical interne, Mass Gen Hosp, Boston 1918-19; Boston LyingIn Hosp 1919-20; Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; m Grace Genevieve Hillis Sept 27, 1922 Chicago; s Richard Wesley; d Isabella Ann; 1920- prac med, Aurora; Comml Club; Hamilton Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Country Club; AF&AM; during World War enl in med reserve corps, disch Dec 1918; hobbies, farming, raising livestock; off McKee Bldg; res 1115 9th, Aurora.

   STEVENS, MRS LEOTA MARGARET: Homemaker; b Stockham, Neb Aug 22, 1898; d of Andrew Grosshans-Sarah A Harter; ed Aurora HS 1917; U of N sch of music 1918-22; summer 1923 studied voice, Boulder Colo; m Fred J Stevens July 18, 1928 Aurora; s Robert Andrew; 1919-22 tchr of pub sch music in Crete while studying voice in Lincoln; 1923-25 tchr of pub sch music at Lexington; 1925- 27 tchr in dept of pub sch music, Grand Island; 1927-28 asst supvr of pub sch music in grade schs of Lincoln; past mbr Aurora Womans Club; OES; ch AC PEO; dir of Hamilton Co Womans Chorus 2 years; dir 4-H Club Chorus; choir dir Federated Ch many years; hobby, music; res 915 15th, Aurora.

   SULLIVAN, JOHN TIMOTHY: Clerk of District Court; b Gallatin, Mo Jan 7, 1895; s of Dr Seth E Sullivan- Minnie McClane; ed Davies Co, Mo; m Olive M Hibbs July 20, 1919 Maysville Mo; s Donald E: d Mary Ann; 1912-16 worked for father in livestock & feed bus; 1916-18 auto dlr & salesman; during World War enl Feb 27, 1918 in 354th inf 89th div U S army Camp Funston Kas, sailed for France May 1918, engaged in followiing (sic) battles: Lucey Sector Aug 8-Sept 11, 1918, St Mihiel offensive Sept 12-16, 1918, Ewezin sector Sept 17-Oct 7, 1918, Meuse-Argonne offensive Oct 19-Nov 11 1918, served in army of occupation in Germany Nov 11, 1918-May 1919, retd to Camp Funston Kas, disch with excellent character priv 1st class June 4, 1919; after war June-Sept 1919 in produce & commission bus with B McDonald at Hastings, sold to ptr; Sept 1919-1927 in produce bus in Aurora; 1927-34 in tire & auto accessory bus; 1935- clk of dist court; 1920- mbr vol fire dept, 1923 chief, 1929-35 asst chief; past committeeman C of C; past comm Amer Leg, 1931-38 mgr drum & bugle corps; Country Club; past & present noble grand IOOF; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Courthouse; res 806 9th, Aurora.

   SWANSON, CARL GUSTAVE: County Clerk; b Aurora, Neb June 2, 1894; s of Victor Swanson-Ella Swanlund; ed Aurora HS, 1914; U of N, Coll of Agr 1914-15; m Leta V Yantz Dec 25, 1919 York; s Carl Gustave Jr; d Marilyn Mae; 1914-Sept 15 1915 with First Natl Bank, Lincoln; Sept 16, 1915-Aug 13, 1932 with Fidelity Natl Bank, Aurora; 1920-30 city clk; Aug 13, 1932-Sept 1933 did clerical work for city & private concerns; Sept 1933-Mar 4, 1934 mgr local re-employment office Neb re- employment service; Mar 4, 1934-Jan 1, 1935 clk of dist court by appointment; Jan 1, 1935- Hamilton Co clk; during World War enl Apr 25, 1917 in 5th NNG Co H, later Co H 134th inf 34th div U S army, O/S Oct 13, 1918-Jan 24, 1919 as regimental sgt major, disch Camp Dodge Ia, 1st sgt excellent character Feb 28, 1919; finance ofcr & service ofcr Amer Leg, past comm; secy, treas Central Neb Co Ofcls Assn; C of C; Rotary; treas Country Club; AF&AM; home investigator ARC; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, flower gardening; off Courthouse; res 703 M, Aurora.

   TITMAN, MERTON EDWARD: Implement Dealer b Aurora, Neb Sept 29, 1900; s of Edward P Titman-Phoebe Zehr; ed Aurora HS 1919; m Maude E Pauley May 6, 1934 Harvard; s Gregory Louis; d Gretchen Louise; 1919-21 farmed for father; 1921-28 farmed indep near Aurora: 1928-37 with brother org & oprd impl bus in Aurora; 1937- owner impl bus; 1928- mbr Neb Impl & Hdw Dlrs Assn; C of C; 1937- mbr city coun; Country Club: hobbies, football, fishing; off 1213 12th; res 1001 O, Aurora.

   TOOF, HARRY EDWARD: Real Estate & Insurance Agent: b Hancock Co, Ill July 1, 1874; s of Daniel L Toof-Emily C Burr; ed Aurora H S; Western Normal, Shenandoah Ia; U of N 1897-98; m Sarah MeKern Mar 21, 1900 Hamilton Co; s Vernon D, Robert B; d Emily J (Mrs Glen Wright), Alyda D (Mrs Clair Zehr), Ruth L (Mrs Ray Vetter); 1895-96 & 1898-1902 tchr, Hamilton Co; 1900-10 farmer, Hamilton Co; 1910-18 mgr Aurora Elevator Co; 1919-27 Hamilton Co treas; 1928-34 mgr Farmers Grain Co, Phillips: 1935- ptr of brother in real est & ins bus; past mbr Country Club; C of C; 1927 secy Hamilton Co Fair; secy & treas vol fire dept; 1937- agt HOLC, Hamilton Co; AF&AM 68; Shekinah ch RAM, Scot Rite 14o, Hastings: Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; off Fidelity Bldg; res 907 10th, Aurora.

   TOOF, ROSS BENJAMIN: Real Estate & Insurance Agent: b Hancock Co, Ill Sept, 26, 1877; s of Daniel L Toof-Emily C Burr; ed Hamilton Co; York Coll 1896-97; U of N Coll of Agr 1897-98; m Clara Williams Feb 16, 1899 Hamilton Co: d Vera E (Mrs Charles Glover); 1898-1911 farmed, Hamilton Co; 1912-15 emp in W E Wright Hdw Store, Aurora; 1915-16 worked for Schrandt & Miller Hdw Store; 1916-26 farmer Hamilton Co; 1926 moved to Aurora, supervised farm interests; 1930 org ins & farm rental agcy; 1935- ptr of brother in real est & ins; mbr city coun; C of C; Rotary; ch mbr Royal Highlanders; hobby, home life; off Fidelity Bldg; res 1319 8th, Aurora.

   TROESTER, O M: Physician & Surgeon; b Hampton, Neb Oct 27, 1889; of Jacob F Troester-Elizabeth Schaffert; ed Hamilton Co; Concordia Tchrs Coll, Seward 1903-04; theological coll, Springfield Ill 1906-10; coll at Chicago 1910-11; U of N, Coll of Pharm 1913; Cotner Med Coll, MD 1918; Tau Alpha Epsilon; interne Esther Hosp, Lincoln one year, Dr W E Stewart Hosp, Stratton 6 mos; m Elsie Saeger Aug 1, 1923 Fremont; s Otto Saeger, James Martin, Robert Michael; 1920- prac Hampton; Hamilton Co Med Soc: Neb St & AMA; Luth Ch; hobby, golf; res Hampton.

   TURNER, CLOYD NEWMAN: Bank Cashier; b Elmwood, Neb Mar 30, 1902; s of Oscar S Turner-Ida Remaly; ed Elmwood HS 1922; Neb Schof Bus 1922-23: in Josephine T Sanick July 9, 1924 Council Bluffs, Ia; s James Allan; d Janet Claire; JuneDec 1923 bkkpr Elmwood State, Bank; 1923-Feb 1926 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Marquette; 1926-June. 1928 asst cash Farmers State Bank, when the two banks consolidated as First Natl Bank, June 1928-1934 asst.



Who's Who

cash, 1934- cash; 1927-37 city treas; serving 2nd term as mbr bd of edn, now treas; mbr vol fire dept; past pres Business Men's Assn; steward Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, baseball, football; off First National Bank; res Marquette.

   VOGT, WILLIAM HENRY: Mortician; b Hamilton Co, Neb May 3, 1879; s of John Vogt-Freda Hinrichs; ed Hamilton Co; Barnes Sch of Sanitary Science & Embalming, Chicago; m Bertha Dose Feb 11, 1909 Hampton; s Walter G (dec); farmed with father until 1902; 1902-03 with Huber Threshing Machine Co, Lincoln; 1903-04 machinist's helper UP RR, Grand Island; 1905-20 opr funeral parlor in connection with hdw & impl store, Hampton; 1920-21 in Cal; 1921 funeral dir, Alliance; 1922-25 mgr Farmers Union Co-op, Hampton; 1925 pur funeral home of R A Munson, first funeral home in Aurora; 1936 sold bus & went to Cal, repurchased 1937; past chmn town bd, Hampton; past mayor of Aurora; past dir C of C; past mbr Rotary; Country Club; past mbr Neb Impl & Hdw Dlrs Assn; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Luth Ch; hobbies, golf, reading; off 1103 10th, res 1116 10th, Aurora.

   WALL, SAM FREDRICH: Grocer; b Brighton, Colo Apr 14, 1904; s of William Wall-Dorothy Reach; ed Brighton Luth Sch; m Viola F Brauer May 28, 1930 Polk; 1929-31 opr retail milk route, Brighton, Colo; 1931-Aug 1936 with Friedman Groc & Market in Brighton, Colo; 1936 came to Neb, worked in funeral homes in Hampton & Polk; 1937- owner & opr groc & meat market in Hampton; Comml Club; 1919-31 mbr Brighton, Colo, City Band & 1931-34 mbr BPOE Band; hobbies, fishing, tennis; res Hampton.

   WALL, MRS VIOLA FLORENCE: Mortician; b Polk, Neb Aug 6, 1905; d of Herman G Brauer-Grace Menssen; ed Polk HS 1923; KSTC, summer terms 1923-25; m Sam F Wall May 28, 1930 Polk; 1923-26 rural sch tchr, Polk Co; Sept 1, 1926-Sept 1, 1928 in nurses training Lutheran Hosp, York; Sept 1, 1928-Mar 1, 1929 nurses training in Cook County Hosp; 1929-30 worked in off of Dr J B Williams in Polk, also studied embalming under father in Polk; June 1, 1931-Aug 1932 ent Olinger Mortuaries in Denver for training; took Colo state bd examination & became lic embalmer; Aug 1936 retd to Neb & took state examination & became lic embalmer; Aug 1936- own & opr Brauer Wall Funeral Home; mbr Womans Club; Golden Rod Club; hobby, reading; res Hampton.

   WANEK, GEORGE: Bank Cashier; b Hamilton Co, Neb Jan 17, 1875; s of Frank Wanek-Katherine Talich; ed Hamilton Co; m Winifred Grace Lewis Feb 23, 1903, Hamilton Co; s George Clayton, Frank William; d Wilma Charline (Mrs Leroy Aalborg); 1897-1900 tchr rural schs; 1900-06 with Wheeler Bros store, Giltner; 1906-10 Hamilton Co treas; 1910- cash Farmers State Bank, Aurora; 1910-18 city treas; C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball & sports; off 1228 L; res 920 16th, Aurora.

   WHITNEY, CHARLES LEROY: Attorney; b Shelby Co, Ia Apr 23, 1885; s of Marion L Whitney-Jennie Weatherill; ed Wayne Co; Hartington HS 1904; WSTC 1904-05; Fremont Normal 1905-06, BA & BC; U of N, LLB 1910; adm to prac June 16, 1910; m Leona A Entrekin Dec 27, 1916 Lincoln; s Charles L Jr; 1910-16 prac indep, Aurora; 1915-19 co atty; 1919-26 private prac; 1927-35 co atty; 1935- private prac; past mbr & past VP Co, Attys Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; city council 2 years; past chancellor comm KP; past noble grand IOOF; hobby, outdoor life; Mrs Whitney daughter of one of oldest residents of Hamilton Co, Alfred L Entrekin, who came here shortly after the Civil War; off 1234 L; res 1219 16th, Aurora.

   WILLIAMSON, T A: Farmer & stockman; b Hamilton Co, Neb Jan 25, 1881; s of William J Williamson-Caroline Ostergaard; ed Hamilton Co; Danish Folk Sch, Nysted; m Laura J Jacobsen Oct 5, 1916 Hamilton Co; s Wilber J, Lester O; Allen Dean; Otis K; farmed for father until 1916; 1916- opr home farm now consisting of 680 A, approximately 100 A of alfalfa; mbr sch bd; pres Hamilton Co REA; secy Farmers Co-op Grain & Livestock Assn, Hordville; chmn bd of dirs Danish Luth Ch, Kronborg; hobby, reading; res RFD 1, Hampton.

   WOODARD, JAMES MADISON: Physician & Surgeon; b St Joseph Mo Sept 30, 1881; s of Daniel S Woodard-Sarah Ann Casteel; ed Aurora; U of N BSc 1905, MD 1907; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Rho Sigma; m Mabel Edna Biggs Dec 8, 1908 Omaha; s James Madison Jr; 1907 adm to prac in Neb; 1907-23 prac with father in Aurora; 1923- prac indep; 1914-17 mayor; 1910-14, 1935- mbr sch bd; 1933 dir & VP First Natl Bank; 1912-17 & 1920- med examiner & surg for CB&Q RR Aurora dist; 1913-30 co-ptr Woodard Thomas Drug Co, Aurora; during World War 1917-20 capt & maj med corps 18th inf 1st div, served O/S 17 mos; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; past pres Rotary; C of C; AF&AM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; Scot Rite 32o; past pres & ch mbr Country Club; past pres Sixth Dist Med Soc; secy Hamilton Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; assoc FACP; chmn Hamilton Co, Dem Central Com; hobby, hunting; off 1109 12th; res 808 L, Aurora.

   WRIGHT, CLAUDE JACOB: Postmaster; b Aurora, Neb Aug 10, 1887; s of Ledrew M Wright-Geneva Mowrer; ed Aurora HS 1905; U of N Coll of Agr 1908; m Mabel E Ricker Dec 9, 1909 Aurora; s L Maurice; d Dorothy Maxine; 1907-08 tchr Hamilton Co; 1909-10 hdw bus in York; 1910-14 farmed near Aurora; 1914-19 postal clk, Lincoln; 1919-24 farmed; 1923-24 Hamilton Co, commr; 1925 postal clk, Lincoln; 1926-34 farmed near Aurora; 1933 mbr AAA, allotment com; 1934 tabulator for AAA corn-hog program; 1934- P M; 1926-34 mbr sch bd; Natl Assn of P Ms; dir C of C; Country Club; trustee U B Ch; 1930 secy Dem State Central Com, 1932 Hamilton Co chmn; hobbies, golf, baseball, football; off Postoffice Bldg; res 1404 11th, Aurora.


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