Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Unexpected Storm of 1857

This page is an historic mention of the tempestuous weathers of Hall County, Nebraska.

An Unexpected Storm, November 6, 1857

During the last sixty-two years that have intervened since the arrival of the first colony of pioneers in Hall County there have been many bad storms and severe weather disturbances, but only a few stand out distinctly, noted for their severe effects and the loss of life and property entailed thereby.

On November 6, 1857, Lorenz BARNARD and Henry JOEHNK, of Grand Island, and William ROBERTS and Billy PAINTER, of Mendotte, went over to Prairie Creek antelope and deer hunting. When near the pond, due north of Grand Island, Lorenz BARNARD and ROBERTS went up the creek, while the others hunted down the stream. In shooting ducks thy crossed the creek several times, and when it bagan to rain that evening all started for the settlement. Soon not a vestige of dry clothes remained on them, the wind changed to the north, and a heavy storm set in; it grew

colder and colder. BARNARD and ROBERTS found their way home but JOEHNK and PAINTER became lost in the storm, and after dark stacked their guns for the purpose of building up a shelter with the high slough grass. The wind swept away each bunch of grass, and to keep from freezing they had to walk around and around all night. PAINTER, becoming hungry, ate half a duck uncooked, but JOEHNK would not touch the undavory meal. At day-light, the snow proved to be eighteen inches in depth and still falling heavily. So they set out for the settlement where some men had set forth in search of them, but were driven back by the storm. Early that morning JOEHNK arrived, but so worn was he that he could only signify by signs where PAINTER was. The men went forth in search, found the hunter, brought him in, but the hardships of the night proved too much, and November 7, 1857, occurred the first death in Hall County among the white settlers.


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