Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

GIHS Graduates, Class of 1890

This page is a history and demographic of the early schools of Hall County, Nebraska.

Grand Island High School: Class of 1890

GRAND ISLAND, NEB., June 24. ---(Special.) ---The commencement exercises of the Grand Island high school will take place at the opera house next Friday evening. The graduating class numbers twenty-one. Fourteen girls and seven boys, as follows (see list below). . . . A very interesting programmed has been prepared. ---The Nebraska State Journal Wednesday, June 25, 1890. (2:6)

Abbott, Orthwan Jr. Means, Madge Platt, Donald
Anderson, Harry Miller, Leoidas Rief, Anna
Balmat, Pearl Murphy, Mable Searson, Charles
Burket, Julia Mutton, Josie Sharon, Rose
Garrett, Anna Nissley, Victorena Towne, Victor
Irvine, Nellie Norris, Hattie Whitney, Edith
Mathews, Kate Philsbury, William Whitney, Myrta
Cited Source:

“Grand Island Commencement: GIHS Class of 1890,” Nebraska State Journal, The (Lincoln, Nebraska). Wednesday, June 25, 1890, p. 2 col. 6. Provided by Newsapapers.com.


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