Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A Dream Land Complete

This page is the reminiscences, narratives & stories of our local pioneers.

A Dream Land Complete

Dreaming, I pictured a wonderful valley,
A home making valley few known could compare;
When lo! from the bluffs to the north of Wood River
I saw my dream picture-my valley lies there.

Miles long, east and west, stetched this wonderful valley
Broad fields of alfalfa, of corn, and of wheat
'Mid orchards and groves the homes of its people;
the vale of Wood River, a dream-land complete.

Nebraska, our mother, we love and adore thee;
Within thy fair borders our lot has been cast.
When done with life's labors and trails and

Contented we'll rest in thy bosom at last.

Cited Source:

Daughters of the American Revolution Nebraska. "A Dream Land Complete," Collection of the Nebraska Pioneer Reminiscences (Cedar Rapids, LA: The Torch Press, 1916). 27-29. Internet Archive, http://archive.org/.


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