Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Obsolete Towns of Hall County

This page is historical accounts of the precincts, townships, towns or city of Hall County, Nebraska.

Obsolete Towns of Hall County

In the chapter of "Other Towns of Hall County" listed these towns or communites that are no longer exist in the county.


The community of Abbott is a trading center on the Burlington line between Grand Island and Cairo. Sidings have been placed at Taylor's Spur (the Robert Taylor ranch, more fully described in biographical sketch of Robert Taylor in another part of this work), and local passengers stop there. At that place Mr. Taylor maintains a small store and loading facilities for his shipments. But the town of Abbott sprang up shortly west of his ranch. For more than twenty years there has been a well stocked general merchandise store at Abbott. The proprietor has at most times also been postmaster, and agent for the grain elevator.

About 1900 this store was handled by Reed & Vandling; T. J. Vandling conducted the hotel; Reed & Vandling were agents for Wilson Grain Co.; Nellie Vandling, teacher, and J. A. Reed, postmaster. By 1904 Bert E. Watson was conducting the store, the telephne office, and the elevator for McCloud Grain Co., and Hera Kroger, the feed and livery stable. A Union Sunday school had been conducted in Reed's Hall and the Royal Neighbors Lodge was flourinshing. In 1910 Peter Todsen had the store, hotel, elevator, livery barn, express office, and postoffice. His successor was Frank Hitchler, who has been conducting this group of businesses for some years. [Transciber's note: The above "history" was written in 1919. In 1937 Abbott lost its post office and now there is nothing left of the little village.]


Easton was another post office that was discontinued as it failed to develop into a community.


Orchard post office, upon W. J. Burger's place, was established about the same time (as Spencer), but it dwindled away after Doniphan started.


This town, established twelve miles form Grand Island, came nearer making a settlement than some of the others mentioned. In 1879 it boasted a flouring-mill, operated by E. Bussell. At one time it had in the way of business enterprises, Tovert Johnson's hardward store, V. S. Runel's general store and post office, J. W. Stone's saloon, Mrs. E. M. Runel's millinery store, J. G. Phelp's harness shop, and H. P. Hulett's law office.


A town was planned some thirty-five or forty years ago [1879-1884], to have been the first station out of Grand Island, westward, on the Union Pacific. To this day [1919] the name Schauppsville can be seen, under the paint, on the large barn that stands on that site. Its founder, Schaupp, built a large mill with elevator facilities there and conducted it through the late 'seventies and early 'eighties. He then moved to Grand Island when the hope of a town there was abandoned, and built a five story elevator and three story up-to-date roller patent mills. When this plant burned down in 1886, that fire was about the largest and most disastous in the city's history.


In July, 1878, a post office was established at Spencer, with George J. Spencer as master.


Underwood was the name given to a post office, established on section 28, town 9, range 10, January 16, 1885. Mrs. Cleantha A. Underwood was appointed postmistress, and she established the office in the farm-house of B. G. Underwood, six and one-half miles distant from Hansen depot, on the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad. But this did not thrive and grow into an established community and the post office succumbed to the advance and development of the free rural delivery system.

Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Other Towns of Hall County," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 143-144. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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