Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

History of Lake Township of Hall County

This page is historical accounts of the precincts, townships, towns or city of Hall County, Nebraska.

History of Lake Township

William Guenther has contributed the following short account of the early settlement of Lake township:

When we first located in Lake township, in 1872, there was nothing to obstruct the view over the rolling prairies. Not a tree was visible. Here and there was a settler, but they were few and the small buildings erected by them were very scarce.

On April 13, 1873, there was a snow storm which I shall never forget. Snow fell continuously for three days. One could not see three feet ahead. The settlers had big losses through this storm. This visitation was soon followed by the grasshopper sieges--several years in succession. The pest devoured all of the corn, oats, and wheat that was planted and in course of maturing. The atmosphere was so filled with them that the sun was no more visible.

Prairie fires were another source of great danger to the early settlers in this township. They sometimes came with such rapidity that it was difficult to get out of their way or start back fires and save what little

property we had. I remember one particular incident well. I was taking a load of hay from my farm to Grand Island. The fire came from the southwest and in an angle with the St. Paul road. Chas. Stolley [probably Charles Stolle] came and called to me, asking me to take him along and out of danger. We were compelled to urge the horses into their utmost speed to get out of range of the advancing fire, and finally made it.

A roster of early land holders in Lake, prior to 1890, shows:

Albert Quendt, John Quendt, David Martin, Wilhelm Guenther, Frederick Otto, Charles Stolle, John Nehls, Peter Mohr, Peter Mohr, Jr., John Mohr, H. Niemoth, John Niemoth, Fritz Suehlsen, Fred Winter, Louis Vogel, Fred Wiegert, L. Buckfinch, C. Buckfinch, A. C. F. Wendt, Henry C. Ahrens, Hans Stoldt, Jac. Lorentzen, J. J. Lorentzen, F. Suehlsen, Herman C. Moeller, Cecil Seibert, John A. Roff, H. C. Moeller, Charles Mettenbrink, Kasper Hongsermeier, J. J. Baumgardner, Adam Windolph, H. E. Kent, E. C. Walker, Charles Niemoth, Fred Spathold, Isak Olson, Alex Thompson, Ernest P. Rogers, C. F. Beyer, Fred Loescher, R. L. Sparks, Carl Diechman, E. J. Ludwig, G. M. Watson.

Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "The Townships of Hall County: Lake Township," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 160-161. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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