Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

History of the City of Grand Island

This page is historical accounts of the precincts, townships, towns or city of Hall County, Nebraska.

History of the City of Grand Island, Page 1


Grand Island takes its name from the older settlement, which has heretofore been treated at such length, and on the island called Grand Island of the Platte.

Here in this city is the seat of justice of Hall County and the center of commercial and manufacturing growth for the Platte Valley in Central Nebraska. Its location is one of the prairie ridges and affords natural drainage; its elevation of 1,860 feet above the sea level renders it free from malarial influences and denies it the rigorous winters of highter altitudes.

This chapter will only treat of the early settlement and civic development of Grand Island. Its city government will be detailed and the development and growth of its public utilities and parks. The part that Grand Island has played in the manufacturing, industial, commercial, and financial achievements of Hall County will be merged in the separate chapters on those subjects that are to follow this one. Likewise will the growth of her churches be included in the treatment of their respective denominations, her schools treated as a part of the school history of the county, the press, professions and social and fraternal institutions be taken up in separate chapters relating to those respective activities.


The fiest track of the Union Pacific railroad was laid here July 8, 1866, and the first construction train run in. This train was drawn by the locomotive Osceola, in charge of George LOOMIS. The engine was captured in 1868 by the Indians six miles west of Plum Creek.

The first building was erected by W. Stephens on the intersection now of Lucust and First streets.

During the fall the railroad house was erected, which was used until the completion of the later railroad house in December, 1875, when part of the old building was purchased by Fred HEDDE and removed to the southwest corner of Third and Locust streets, and another part was converted into a dwelling by P. TOUHEY, and occupied in 1876 by C. W. THOMAS.

The postoffice was established in 1866 with D. SCHULER postmaster,

and about this time the store of M. S. HALL, a railroad contractor, was opened, and the O. K. store was moved into the new town early in 1867 by KOENIG and WIEBE. Henry KOENIG also established the State Central Flouring Mills and the pioneer lumber yard. William R. McALLISTER and C. W. THOMAS also opened their stores the same year.

The original plat of Grand Island was filed for record September 29, 1866, and recorded in Book B, page 13, by Clerk Fred T. EVANS. The document was found by Abstractor William FRANK, at Omaha. Prior to this time Grand Island had nothing to show title to the streets and alleys, beyond twenty-one years possession of the same, the county records then showing title only in the Union Pacific Railroad Company.


In 1872 several meetings were held to discuss matters relative to town organization.

A final meeting to consider the question was held on November 25, 1872, and a report was received from a committee previously appointed, in favor of presenting a petition to the commissioners. George H. THUMMEL, O. A. ABBOTT, A. THORSPECKEN, and Henry A. KOENIG were the members. The persons appointed to circulate the petition were W. H. PLATT, A. THORSPECKEN, and W. C. BUDERUS. On December 10, 1872, the petition for incorporation was granted, and John WALLICHS, R. C. JORDAN, A. THORSPECKEN, H. N. CHAPMAN, and Christian WASMER named as the first board of directors.

The petition to incorporated read and was signed as follows:

"Petition of O. A. ABBOTT et al for incorporation of town of Grand Island.

"To the Honorable, The Board of County Commissioners of Hall County, Nebraska.

"Your petitioners, taxable inhabitants of the town of Grand Island, respectfully request your honorable body to declare the town of Grand Island a body politic and corporate by the name of and style of the Town of Grand Island, and they do also request that R. C. JORDAN, John WALLCHS, A. THORSPECKEN, H. N. CHAPMAN, and Christian WASMER be appointed trustees of said town. And your petitioners will ever pray.

"Dated, Grand Island, Nov. 25, 1872.

O. A. Abbott W. H. Anderson H. Avery P. B. McCarthy J. E. Baldwin G. G. McKenzie
H. Baumann J. Michelson George Boehm W. H. Mitchell Wm. H. Bradford S. P. Mobley
W. C. Buderus A. H. Moses H. N. Chapman John Murry F. C. Churchill Fred A. Nable
James Cleary N. P. Nelson J. W. Cochran C. Obermiller O. Conklin Jens Olsen
J. C. Cornelius Peter Peterson Wm W. Cummings D. G. Phimister August Dodderstein Wm. H. Platt
F. C. Drews C. Probstle D. W. Duncan W. H. Pyne A. Egge John Ratcliff
John Ellis Samuel Remy L. Engle E. A. Richardson J. G. Feller John Riss
Joseph Felt Chas. Rollins A. Frechette Lemuel Rollow Robert Frohberg Dennis Rooney
Christ Gaffner R. B. Sawyer J. J. Gisel Jesse Shoemaker I. Gluck J. Spangenberg
G. J. Greve W. M. Spiker James Hammond Fred Stratmann H. P. Handy H. Stratmann
Nick Harris Claus Thiessen Dan'l L. Harrison H. Thomas Dorr Heffleman C. W. Thomas
H. C. Held S. Thompson C .P. Henderson Gee. H. Thummel Chas. Heusinger K. W. Townsend
H. R. Hirst Jesse Turner Chas. A. Hoffman G. P. Van Dyke Edw. Hooper R. S. Van Wie
B. C. Howard A. B. Veeder D. T. Jamieson T. H. Verpooth Joseph Jennerman C. A. von Wasmer
C. E. Jerome John Wallich R. C. Jordon Chas. Wasmer B. B. Kelley W. H. Wasmer
N. T. Kelley Jay E. White Joseph Kilian Fred A. Wiebe Henry A. Koenig Geo. E. Wilson
John Kraft J. R. Laine George Leger C. E. Lykke John Lyon H. P. Makely

Commissioner's Record No. 2, Page 60.


Grand Island, Nebraska, December 10, 1872. The board met pursuant to the roll call of the county clerk. Present Messrs. HOOPER, CORNELIUS, and JACKSON. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

A petition of the taxable inhabitants of Grand Island being presented to the board of county commissioners andit appearing that a majority of the taxable inhabitants of said town having signed said petition:

It is therefore ordered by said board of county commissioners that the town of Grand Island be declared incorporated by the name and style of "Grand Island", with the following limits: The northwest ¼ and the northwest ¼ of the southwest ¼ of section fifteen (15) and the northeast ¼ and north ½ of southeast ¼ of section sixteen (16) in township eleven (11) north of range (9) west, and the following persons be appointed trustees of said town, towit: R. C. JORDON, John WALLICHS, A.. THORSPECKEN, H. N. CHAPMAN, and Christian WASMER.

The board then adjourned to meet on the 16th day of December, 1872.

John WALLICHS, County Clerk
(Seal Hall County, Nebraska) Edw. HOOPER

During the year 1872 John WALLICHS served as clerk part of the time, and W. C. BUDERUS part of the time.

Beginning with 1873, the officers who have been elected to the City of Grand Island, and those filling appointtive positions have been:


Mayor, John WALLICHS; Council, H. N. CHAPMAN; Louis ENGLE, H. P. HANDY, J. C. CORNELIUS; Clerk, Jay E. WHITE; Judge, W. H. PLATT; Treasurer, Geo. E. WILSON.


Mayor, Edward Hooper; Council, H. N. Chapman, Louis Engle, H. P. Handy, J. C. Cornelius; Clerk, Jay E. White; Judge, W. H. Platt; Treasurer, James Cleary.


Mayor, Edward Hooper; Council, Joseph Killian, W. C. King (no record of the other two); Clerk, John Wallichs; Judge, W. H. Platt; Treasurer, Wm. Hagge.


Mayor, James Cleary; Council, Joseph Killian, W. R. McAllister, W. C. King, Patrick Dunphy; Clerk, John Wallichs; Judge, John D. Hayes; Treasurer, Wm. Hagge.


Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council, Geo. E. Wilson, President, Christian Wasmer, Kaniel Morgan, Patrick Dunphy; Clerk, John Wallichs; Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, Wm. Hagge; Marshal, Peter D. Thomssen; Engineer, Chas. Reif; Assessor, Wm. Wasmer; Chief Fire Dept., Patrick Dunphy.


Mayor, C. D. M. Washburn; Council, Geo. E. Wilson, G. H. Bush, Christian Wasmer, D. Morgan; Clerk, John Wallichs; Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, Wm. Hagge; Marshal, Peter D. Thomssen; Engineer, Chas. Reif; Assessor, Wm. Wasmer.


Mayor, C. D. M. Washburn; Council, Geo. E. Wilson, Pres. (resigned), Chanucey Willse (appointed), Edward Hooper, Christian Wasmer, G. H. Bush; Clerk, Christian Schlotfelt; Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, C. W. Thomas; Marshal, C. L. Howell; Engineer, S. E. Reauch (resigned), Chas. Rief (appointed).


Mayor, C. D. M. Washburn; Council, Chauncey Willse, Pres. (resigned), John L. Means (appointed), Patrick Dunphy, James Michelson, Edward Hooper; Clerk, Christian Schlotfelt; Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, Geo. Cornelius; Engineer, Chas. Rief (resigned), C. E. Hart (appointed).


Mayor, John L. Means; Council, Edw. Hooper, Pres., James Michelson, Patrick Dunphy (resigned), C. W. Thomas (appointed), Chas. Millsen; Clerk, Jos. H. Mullin (resigned), J. H. Gorman (appointed); Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, Charles F. Bentley; Chief of Police, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Engineer, C. E. Hart; Street Commissioner, Patrick Higgins.


Mayor, Michael Murphy; Council, O. U. Wescott, Chas. Milisen, James Cleary, Edward Hooper, H. P. Makely, W. R. McAllister; Clerk, David Ackerman; Judge, T. O. C. Harrison; Treasurer, C. F. Bentley; Attorney, Geo. H. Thummel; Engineer, Hugo Hald; Chief of Police, Geo. Loan, Sr.


Mayor, Michael Murphy; Council, Chas. Milisen, O. R. Wescott, E. A. Barnes, James Cleary, C. L. Howell, W. R. McAllister; Clerk, David Ackerman; Judge, John W. West; Treasurer, Jay E. White; Attorney, W. H. Thompson; Engineer, Hugo Hald; Chief of Police, Geo. Loan, Sr.


Mayor, Jay E. White; Council, F. E. Brogden, Chas. Milisen, Henry Vieregg, E. A. Barnes, J. B. Jorden, D. H. Vieth; Clerk, David Ackerman; Judge, John W. West; Treasurer, A. C. Lederman; Attorney, W. H. Platt; Engineer, C. E. Hart; Chief of Police, Geo. Loan, Sr.


Mayor, John L. Means; Council, N. T. Estes, F. E. Brogden, James Heesch, Henry Vieregg, D. H. Vieth, John Fonner, Chas. Milisen, M. Taylor; Clerk, H. E. Clifford Judge, H. B. Wilson; Treasurer, A. C. Lederman; Attorney, W. H. Thompson; Engineer, C. E. Hart; Marshal, John VanWie.


Mayor, John L. Means; Council< Chas. Milisen, President, M. Taylor, John Fonner, W. R. McAllister, James Heesch, Henry Vieregg, N. T. Estes, W. F. McLaughlin; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Judge, H. B. Wilson; Treasurer, A. C. Lederman; Attorney, W. H. Thompson; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Engineer, E. McNish; Engineer Fire Dept., John A. Matthews; Marshal, John VanWie.


Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council, W. R. McAllister, President, W. F. McLaughlin, J. W. Liveringhouse, Chas. Wasmer, H. J. Palmer, Henry Vieregg, M. Taylor, J. Y. Alexander; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, Henry Garn; Treasurer, J. W. West; Attorney, R. R. Horth; Water Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Street Commissioner, Geo. Clark; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Engineer Water Works, W. C. Van Pelt; Engineer Fire Dept., John A. Matthews; Chief of Police, R. P. O'Neill.


Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council, W. R. McAllister, President, W. F. McLaughlin, W. M. Geddes, W. F. Banks, J. W. Liveringhouse, Chas. Wasmer, H. J. Palmer, J. Y. Alexander; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, Henry Garn; Treasurer, J. W. West; Attorney, R. R. Horth; Water Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Street Commissioner, Geo. Clark; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Engineer Water Works, W. C. Van Pelt; Engineer Fire Dept., John Matthews; Chief of Police, R. P. O'Neill; City Engineer, Wm. Ensign.


Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council W. F. McLaughlin, President, James F. Rourke, W. M. Geddes, Geo. Bartenbach, Thos. A. Oaks, Chas. Rief, W. R. McAllister, Geo. A. Reaugh; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, J. H. Mullin; Treasurer, Jno. W. West; Attorney, R. R. Horth; Water Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Street Commissioner, Geo. Clark; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Jos. Killian; City Engineer, Wm. Ensign.

(Made first class city)

Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council, W. M. Geddes, President, W. F. McLaughlin, Jas. F. Rourke, Henry Schlotfelt, Chas. Rief, Thos. A Oaks, Geo. A. Reaugh, Geo. Bartenbach; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, J. H. Mullin; Treasurer, John W. West; Attorney, R. R. Horth; Water Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Street Commissioner, Geo. Clark; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Geo. P. Dean.


Mayor, Henry D. Boyden; Council, W. H. Geddes, President, Geo. Bartenbach, W. H. Harrison, Gus Koehler, Jas. F. Rourke, Geo. H. Andrews, W. F. McLaughlin, Thos. A. Oakes; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, J. H. Mullin; Treasurer, J. W. West; Attorney, W. H. Thompson; Water Commissioner, A. Berry; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Geo. P. Dean.


Mayor, Henry D. Boyden; Council, W. M. Geddes, President, W. F. McLaughlin, Geo. H. Andrews, Chas. Milisen, W. H. Harrison, Geo. Bartenbach, Gus Koehler, Jas. F. rourke; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, J. H. Mullin; Treasurer, J. W. West; Attorney, W. H. Thompson; Water Commissioner, A. H. Wilhelm; Street Commissioner, Benj. Berry; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Geo. P. Dean; City Engineer, Wm. Ensign.


Mayor, Wm. M. Geddes; Council, Wm. F. McLaughlin, President, John Alexander, A. Cosh, Geo. Bartenbach, Jas. F. Rourke, Edw. Hockenberger, Geo. H. Andrews, Fr. H. C. Miller; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, Madison T. Garlow; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, W. A. Prince; Water Commissioner, C. F. Rollins; Street Commissioner and Chief of Fire Dept., E. C. McCashland; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Martin Powers.


Mayor, Wm. M. Geddes; Council, Wm. F. McLaughlin, President, John Alexander, A. Cosh, Geo. Bartenbach, Jas. F. Rourke, Edw. Hockenberger, Geo. H. Andrews, Dr. H. C. Miller; Clerk, C. W. Brininger; Judge, Madison T. Garlow; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, W. A. Prince; Water Commissioner, C. F. Rollins; Street Commissioner and Chief of Fire Dept., E. C. McCashland; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Martin Powers.


Mayor, W. H. Thompson; Council, H. C. Miller, President, John Alexander, Edw. C. Schourup, Henry Vieregg, J. A. Woolstenholm, Chas. Rief, W. F. McLaughlin, A. D. Owens; Clerk, Carl H. Menck; Judge, Madison T. Garlow; Treasurer, W. R. King, Attorney, Fred W. Ashton; Water and Street Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Chief of Police, Roger Ryan; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Fire Dept., R. T. Hite.


Mayor, W. H. Thompson; Council, John Alexander, President, H. C. Miller, R. H. McAllister, H. W. Potter, A. Cosh, J. A. Woolstenholm, Edw. C. Scho-

urup, Henry Vieregg; Clerk, Carl H. Menck; Judge, Joseph Fox; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Fred W. Ashton; Street and Water Commissioner, Geo. Loan, F\Sr.; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; Chief of Police, Roger Ryan; Chief of Fire Dept., Wm. Scheffel; City Engineer, A. C. Koenig.


Mayor, W. H. thompson; Council, H. C. Miller, President, H. A. Bartling, H. H. Glover, Edw. C. Schourup, J. A. Woolstenholm, A. Cosh, Henry Potter, R. H. McAllister; Clerk, Carl H. Menck; Judge, Wm. N. Gillett; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Elmer E. Thompson; Weighmaster, I. H. Waldron; Water and Street Commissioner, Geo. Loan, Sr.; Chief of Police, Fred Meier; Chief of Fire Dept., Fred Lohman; City Engineer, A. C. Koenig.


Mayor, W. H. Thompson; Council, J. A. Woolstenholm, President, A. Cosh, R. Goehring, R. H. McAllister, H. W. Potter, H. H. Glover, H. A. Bartling, E. C. Schourup; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Judge, O. A. Abbott, Jr.; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, W. S. Pearne; Chief of Police, Fred Meier; Chief of Fire Dept.., R. A. Kelso; Weighmaster, I. H. Waldron; City Engineer, A. C. Koenig; Water Commissioner, Lafe Myers; Street Commissioner, W. F. Martinsen.


Mayor, W. H. Plat; Council, H. H. Glover, President, John Alexander, Henry Mayer, E. C. Schourup, H. W. Potter, R. Goehring, R. H. McAllister, A. Cosh; Clerk, Edw. Hooper; Judge, O. A. Abbott, Jr.; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Fred W. Ashton; Chief of Police, A. B. Partridge; Chief of Fire Dept., R. A. Kelso; Water Commissioner, M. Murphy; Street Commissioner, Wm. Martinsen; Weighmaster, D. Morgan.


Mayor, W. H. Platt; Council, H. H. Glover, President, W. F. McLaughlin, R. Goehring, R. H. McAllister, Henry Reese, E. C. Schourup, John Alexander, Henry Mayer; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Judge, O. A. Abbott, Jr.; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Fred W. Ashton; Chief of Police, Z. B. Partridge; Chief of Fire Department, R. A. Kelso; Water Commissioner, M. Murphy; Street Commissioner, M. Murphy; Street Commissioner, W. F. Martinsen; Weighmaster, D. Morgan; City Engineer, A. C. Koenig.


Mayor, James Cleary; Coucil, R. H. McAllister, President, Goe. W. Broadwell, H. E. Clifford, H. H. Glover, Joseph Sondermann, W. F. McLaughlin, Henry Reese, R. Goehring; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Jude, John L. Combs; Attorney, Madison T. Garlow; Treasurer, W. R. King; Chief of Police, E. C. McCashland; Chief of Fire Department, Thos. M. Dillon; Weighmaster, J. G. Hendrix; Water Commissioner, M. Murphy; Street Commissioner, Adolph Martinson.


Mayor, James Cleary; Council, Geo. Broadwell, H. E. Clifford, R. Goehring, R. H. McAllister, W. F. McLaughlin, Henry Reese, Joseph Sondermann, A. W. Sterne; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Treasurer, W. R. KIing; Attorney, Madison T. Garlow; Judge, Henry Garn; Water Commissioner, Adioph Martinson; Weighmaster, J. G. Hendryx; Chief of Police, E. C. McCashland; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon.


Mayor, James Cleary; Council, W. F. McLaughlin, President, H. E. Clifford, R. Goehring, A. W. Sterne, Edward Dearing, R. H. McAllister, J. A. Kelso, G. A. Leiser; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Madison T. Garlow; Judge, Henry Garn; Water Commissioner, W. W. Waters; Street Commissioner, E. C. McCashlan; City Engineer, C. A. Baldwin; Chief of Police, Philip Loeplin; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon; Weighmaster, J. G. Hendryx.


Mayor, James Cleary, Council, C. P. Birk, Albert Etting, Edward Dearing, Geo. A. Leiser, H. E. Clifford, A. W. Sterne, J. A. Kelso, R. H. McAllister; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, Madison T. Garlow; Judge, Henry Garn; Water Commissioner, E. C. McCashland; Weighmaster, J. G. Hendryx; Chief of Police, Phil Koeplin; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon.


Mayo, Henry Schuff; Council, H. E. Clifford, A. W. Sterne, A. W. Buchheit, Geo. A. Leiser, C. P. Birk, Albert Etting, Edward Dearing, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, Edward Hooper; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, W. A Prince; Judge, Henry Garn; Water Commissioner, W. W. Waters; City Engineer, C. A. Baldwin; Chief of Police, Philip Koeplin; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon; Weighmaster, Benj. Van Buskirk; City Physician, Dr. M. L. Rich.

On March 6th, 1906, a special election was held upon the proposition of a new municipal highting plant, resulting in 926 votes in favor of the bonds and 361 against.

City Attorney Prince was made clerk prot tem during the illness of City Clerk Hooper, and on March 28, Councilman H. E. Clifford was selected as City Clerk vice Edward Hooper who had died shortly before, and Francis M. Milliken appointed Councilman to succeed Mr. Clifford.


Mayor, Henry Schuff; Council, C. P. Birk, Albert Etting, John Schwynn, Geo. A. Leiser, F. M. Milliken, A. W. Sterne, A. W. Buchheit, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, W. R. King; Attorney, W. A. Prince; Judge, Henry Garn. Appointive officers same as 1905, except R. O. Watters, Water Commissioner.


Mayor, Henry Schurr; Council, Elmer E. Clinger, Herman Hehnke, Jr., A. W. Buchheit, Geo. W. Broadwell, C. P. Birk, Albert Etting, John Schwynn, Geo. A. Leiser; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, Fred C. Hannaford; Judge, Bayard H. Paine; Attorney, W. A. Prince; City Engineer, C. A. Baldwin; Street Commissioner, J. E. Hanna; Water Commissioner, R. O. Waters; Weighmaster, John Wallichs; City Physician, Dr. B. R. McGrath; Chief of Police, Frank Hoagland; Chief of Fire Dept., Frank H. Smith.


Mayor, Henry Schuff; Council, Lewis T. Geer, Jas. F. Rourke, Claus Eggers, Geo. A. Leiser, Elmer E. Clinger, Herman Hehnke, Jr., A. W. Buchheit, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, F. C. Hannaford; Judge, Bayard H. Paine; Attorney, W. A. Prince; Water Commissioner, J. H. Miller; Street Commissioner, Daniel T. Dunkel; City Physician, Dr. L. Phelan; Chief of Fire Dept., Gus E. Nuemann; Asst. Water Commissioner, Jas. Nicholson.


Mayor, Henry Schuff; Council, C. P. Birk, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Albert v. d. Hyde, Geo. W. Broadwell, Lewis T. Geer, Jas. F. Rourke, Claud Eggers, Geo. A. Leiser; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, R. L. Harrison; Judge, Bayard H. Paine; Attorney, W. A. Prince; City Engineer, J. C. Lefler; Street Commissioner, Daniel T. Dunkel; Water Commissioner, J. T. Miller; Weighmaster, John Wallichs; City Physician, Dr. L. Phelan; Chief of Police , Frank Hoagland.

Medical members Board of Health, C. A. Roeder, A. H. Farnsworth and Thos. Vallier.


Mayor, Henry Schuff; Council, James E. Hanna, James F. Rourke, Ed Miner, Otto F. Sothmann, C. P. Birk, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Albert v. d. Heyde, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, R. L. Harrison; Judge, Bayard H. Paine; Attorney, W. A. Prince. (Appointees held over.)

Walker W. Hainline appointed vice, Sothman, resigned, February, 1911


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Council, Rasmus P. Rasmussen, Emil H. Vieregg, Albert v. d. Heyde, Geo. W. Broadwell, Jas. E. Hanna; Jas. F. Rourke, Ed Miner, John Knickrehm; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, R. L. Harrison; Judge, E. G. Kroger; Chief of Police, Marion D. Abrogast; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon; Water Commissioner, J. H. Dunkel; Attorney, A. C. Mayer; Weighmaster, John Wallichs; City Engineer, H. W. Kibbey; Physician, Dr. L. Phelna; Drs. on Board of Health, W. B. Hoge, E. S. Dungan, Thos. Vallier.


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Council, Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, Rudolph W. Bock, John Knickreham, Rasmus P. Rasmussen, Emil H. Vieregg, Albert v.d. Heyde, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, L. Roy Brininger; Street Commissioner, Jasper Eggers; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon. (Other appointees held over.)


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Council, Rasmus P. Rasmussen, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Albert v. d. Heyde, Geo. W. Broadwell, Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, R. W. Bock, John Knickrehm; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Teasurer, L. R. Bringinger; Attorney, A. C. Mayer; Engineer, H. W. Kibbey; Street Commissioner, Jasper Eggers; Water Commissioner, J. H. Miller; Weghmaster, John Wallchs; Physician, Dr. L. Phelan; Chief of Police, M. D. Albogast; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon; Judge, E. G. Kroger.


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Coucil Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, R. W. Bock, A. C. Menck, Rasmus P. Rasmussen, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Albert v. d. Heyde, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, L. R. Brininger; Judge E. G. Kroeger. (Appointees remain the same.)

Councilman Rasmussen died in August, 1914, and Rudolph Reher was appointed to fill the vacancy.


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Council, Frederick N. Rask, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Edw. L. Ballenger, Geo. W. Broadwell, Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, R. W. Bock, A. C. Menck; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, Max J. Egge; Attorney, A. C. Mayer; Physician, Dr. L. Phelan; Weighmaster, John Wallichs; Board of Health, Drs. B. R. McGrath, E. S. Dungan and Thos. Vallier; Chief of Police, Jas. Snodgrass; Water Commissioner, John C. McAuley; Street Commissioner, William Pepper; Judge, E. G. Kroger.


Mayor, Chas. G. Ryan; Council, Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, R. W. Bock, A. C. Menck, Frederick N. Rask, Herman Hehnke, Jr., Edw. L. Ballenger, Geo. W. Broadwell; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, Max J. Egge; Physician, Dr. L. Phelan. (Appointees same as 1915.) Judge, E. G. Kroger.


Mayor, J. L. Cleary; Council, Joseph Alexander, John A. Ferguson, Walter Peterson, David C. Sneller, Jas. E. Hanna, August Meyer, R. W. Bock, A. C. Menck; Clerk, H. E. Clifford; Treasurer, Max J. Egge; Attorney, A. L. Joseph; Judge E. G. Kroeger; Water Commissioner, Wm. Pepper; Chief of Police, Fred R. Manderville; Weighmaster, John Wallichs; City Engineer, I. R. Moriarty; Health Board, E. G. Johnson, R. C. Woodruff, A. H. Farnsworth; Chief of Fire Dept., Thos. M. Dillon.

Councilman Sneller resigned and was succeeded by Wm. F. Krehmke.


Mayor, J. L. Clerary; Council, Jas. E. Hanna, Julius Boeck, A. C. Menck, R. W. Bock, Wm. F. Krehmke, Joe Alexander, Walter Peterson; John A. Ferguson resigned in 1918 and was succeeded by Carl V. Willard. These eight are still serving through 1919.

John Wallichs, weighmaster, resigned and was succeeded by H. C. Heath.

Police Judge E. G. Kroger was succeeded January 9, 1919, by Hon. D. W. Hoyt, and he resigned in August, 1919, and was succeeded by W. J. Wilkinson.

Since the City Hall was built the Janitors have been: Henry Schumacher and John Paulsen.

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Page Two of Grand Island History

Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "The City of Grand Island," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 101-119. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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