Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Old Dodge School of Grand Island, Nebraska

This page is a collection of old vintage postcards and photograph of the pastimes of Hall County, Nebraska

Old Dodge (Former High School) School

Old Dodge School (Old High School) in Grand Island


The Old Dodge School was located at 2nd and Walnut Streets in Grand Island, Nebraska. It was once the old high school of the city before the larger high school was built.

"A new one-story frame building was built on block 81, the Dodge school site, and formally opened on September 19, 1870, by a dedication that took the form of a dance with a supper, at the Railroad hotel. George McKenzie became principal of this school at a salary of $784 a year. The building cost $2,895, and the district incurred a total indebted ness of $3,000. To cover this debt Governor Abbott prepared written school bonds, which were sold to Seth Lee of Cameron township."

History of Hall County Nebraska (1920) (p. 351)


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Hall County NEGenWeb Project © 2018 | All Rights Reserved
Matthew D. Friend © 2005 - 2006 & 2010 - 2018 | Kaylynn Loveland © 1997 - 2005 & 2007 - 2010
Created By Matthew D. Friend © 2018 | Last Updated: Friday, April 13, 2018

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