Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1940 - 1949

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Daily Independent
Friday, Apri, 8, 1942

Special Message from President Jeffers Is Part of Ceremony

The largest flag available in the city was raised on a pole at the Unin Pacific shops this morning and at the same time cards, bearing a special message from President W. M. Jeffers, were distributed to employes. The card is a duplicate of a pster which has been adopted by the railroad. It pictures an overall cald father and small son leaving a shop area. The son is inquiring, "Daddy, ain't yhou got a uniform?" and the father is preplying , "Yes, son, this is my uniform."

At the bottom is the message, "The railroads are the first line of defense - Keep 'em rolling." In one corner at the top, in Jeffers handwriting, are the words, "My sentiments, W. M. Jeffers.

Grand Island Daily Independent
Friday, Apri, 8, 1942

From the office of the car department this morning came the following statement:

We, the Car Department gang, have sons and relatives wearing the uniforms of the army, navy, and the air force. "We at home are wearing our uniform 'overhalls' and doing our bit to 'Keep 'em Rolling'. We have bought defense bonds and are buying more bonds out of our pay checks monthly, 100 per cent strong.

We clubbed our dimes, quarters, halfs and dollars together, enthused by our president's message, and bought the flag which will be proudly flying daily from the roof of our car shop. Mr. Jeffers has reminded us that the railroad is the 'First Line of Defense' and we must 'Keep 'em Rolling.'

"We are proud of our flag and our president's sentiments. We look up to our flag and remember Pearl Harbor and Colin Kelly. We realize we must do our bit to furnish equipment to ship the necessary materials to Bataan and other parts of the world to help our sons, our relatives, our country and to help ourselves to continue to live as our families have been brought up and are accustomed to live.

We realize there are others in overalls who are doing their part. We are not bragging but are enthused by that daily reminder, 'Keep 'em Rolling.


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