Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1910 - 1919

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Daily Independent
Tuesday, January 11, 1910
Oscar Johnson Whirled About With Serious Result
Walked, However, to Stock Yards Hotel Despite Sever Injuries--
Was Alone at Time of Accident--May Recover

At about 2:30 o'clock this morning, Oscar Johnson, an employe of the Union Stock Yards Company, was very severely injured at the pumping station of the yards.

All that is known of the details of the accident is that the friction clutch sometimes slips and it is supposed that this happened upon this occasion and that Johnson went to start the engine, that it started away with a jerk and that he was caught in the wheels in some manner. The extent of the injuries would so indicate.

However, Johnson was able to walk to the stock yards hotel where help was immediately summoned and at an early hour this morning Drs. George and Clyde Roeder attended the injuries in the operation room of the St. Francis hospital. The skull was crushed, a piece of the bone penetrating the brain, one arm was badly fractured, the bone being severely crused, there was an injury to the hip and many bruises about the back.

Johnson was a decidedly game patient. After the proper care had been given the head and while the surgeons were bandaging the arm he became conscious for a time, and remarked lagonically that he supposed the surgeons were determined to keep his arm in the positon it was forever, judging from the manner in which they were tieing it. He was asked by the company's attorney, R. R. Horth, how he felt and observed that he might go out husking corn tomorrow

Johnson is a young man. Both of his parents are dead. A sister lives at St. Edwards and another at Burwell. Both have been communicated with and one of them will arrive on this evenings train.


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