Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1910 - 1919

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Daily Independent
Saturday, January 8, 1910
Big House Warming Dance at Storage House
Orchestra Appeared in Regular Barn Dance Attire and Great Crowd of People Has Glorious Time--Didn't Go Home Till Morning

Fully five hundred people attended the house warming at the new home of the Grand Island Storage & Forwarding Company on West Fourth street, last night. The member of the new firm were at a loss to know how to celebrate the completion of the building, when Dick Odam of the Carnation Club came to their assistance and with other members of the club very succesfully arranged for the "Barn Warmin.'"

Though the building was not supplied with a heating plant it did not take long for the merry crowd to warm things up and with the stove that was placed for the event, the building was almost too warm at times. Despite the large dancing room on the main floor of 120x32, it was almost too crowded to dance.

It was about 9 o'clock when everyone was there and became busy. The decorations were in harmony with the occasion, being of a rustic order. Japenese lanterns were suspended from above and, in addition to the strings of incandescent lights, furnished plenty of illumination. Seats were provided around the room, by the use of baled hay and planks. The Popular orchestra of seven pieces was equal to the occasion. The members appeared in their best big overalls and jumpers, and quite a few of the merry dancers wore Ki-Ki suits and displayed red "bandanner" kerchiefs. The affair lasted until the wee hours of the morning, with a large attendance up to the very close, the office department of the building was used as a refreshment stand, and hot coffee, ham sandwiches and doughnuts went faster than hot cakes.

The proprietors were desirous of providing the public with some sort of amusement to signal the completion of their building and in this they were certainly successful.

The members of the firm are William Spangenberg, president; Mat Jarvis, secretary and treasurer; M. M. Blake, bookkeeper and manager; James Sheffield and Henry Jarvis.


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