Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1910 - 1919

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Daily Independent
Wednesday, January 5, 1910
Walks through Snow Barefooted--May Lost Member
Central City Man's Excessive Drinking Proves Mighty Costly to Him--Walks Seven Blocks with Unprotected Feet--Expensive Lesson.

Think of waling about barefooted last night on the streets of the city with the thermometer moving between 10 and 14 degrees below zero! Such was the experience of Rudolph S. Calvin, a young man from Central City, who is suffering at he police station this morning as a result. It will take 24 hours, according to the report of the physician, to tell whether he will lost his toes or possibly one of his feet, both of which were frozen badly.

Calvin came to the city yesterday on No. 13 and from his own report had been drinking. A telephone call was received at the police station from the 1200 block on West Fourth street, at about 11 o'clock last night, to the effect that a man was prowling about the place. The night police went out to investigate but could find no trace of him. Later it was found that a man was at the old lighting plant with both shoes off and with only one of his socks on. Calvin entered the chicken coop at the home of Conductor Quiggle, in the 1200 block on West Fourth street, where he took off his shoes and left them. He then walked east for 12 blocks, with a sock on his right foot and the left one entirely bare and exposed. The police took charge of the young man at the light plant and brought him to the station. The one foot on which he had the sock did not appear to be injured but the other foot has turned black. A brother has been notified at Central City, who arrived at noon and it is quite likely that the young man will be taken to the hospital. Calvin stated to the police that he guessed this would teach him a lesson. He admits that it was a costly experience.


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