Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1890 - 1899

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

The (Nebraska) State Journal
Saturday, May 28, 1898
Gasoline Stove Fatality.
Death of Miss Sarah Hayman at
Grand Island.
Injuries Prove Mortal.
A Member of the Graduating Class
at the High School
Death Very Much Deplored.

GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 27. ---(Special.) ---Miss Sarah Hayman died at an early hour this morning from injuries received at the recent fire at the home of the family in West Lawn. The case is a particularly sad one, as the young lady was a member of the graduating class of the high school, which held its commencement exercises at the opera house last night. Last Saturday noon a gasoline stove exploded at the Hayman resident. Miss Hayman was standing near the stove at the time and her clothing at once took fire. She was alone in the room at the time and rushed out of the house for help. She had run some eighty feet before help reached her, the fire being smothered by a carpet thrown about her. Both arms, back, and neck were badly burned, but it was believed at first that the burns were only superficial and though extensive, would not be serious. Her absence from the exercises last night and her serious condition, cast a gloom over the class, among the members of which, and the public generally she was held in high esteem. (5:3)

Transcriber's Note: this is not the only article about the tradgy of this young lady, also read the other two from May 27 and June 3, 1898. She was also listed as a graduate from Grand Island High School.

G.I.H.S. 1898 Graduates List

Lincln Jounral Star
Saturday, May 28, 1898

Dr. H. K. Wolfe will give the commencement address at the Grand Island high school. June 3. (2:5)


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