Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1890 - 1899

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

The Omaha Daily Bee
Sunday, March 30, 1890
Like Everything Else They Are of the Very Best.

Grand Island, Neb, March 25. ---(Special to The Bee.) The educational advantages of Grand Island are of the best. The value of school property alone is $175,000. There are six school buildings, four of which are fine brick and stone structures, and two frames. There is a corps of thirty-five teachers under the supervision of City Superintendent R. J. Barr. The high school course is an advanced one and includes the higher understudies, all of the natural sciences and three years of Latin and German. Pupils graduating from this high school are admitted to the state university on diploma in connection with the schools there is also a night school for the convenience of those who cannot attend during the day.

The Dodge school [occupies] a block in the second ward. It is a twenty-room brick and stone building, including five recreation rooms and a large physical and chemical laboratory. It is heated by steam, has seventeen teachers, and all grades, including the primary and the high school.

The Howard school in which all branches up to the high school are taught is situated in the first ward and occupies a block. It is a fifteen-room brick and stone building including three recreation rooms. It has twelve teachers and is also heated by steam.

The Warner school in the second ward occupies a half block, is a two-room brick and stone building, and has two teachers and primary grades.

The Platt school is a two-room brick and stone building occupy a quarter of a block in the Fourth ward, has two teachers and the chart and first primary grades.

The Evans school is a one-room frame building, occupies a quarter of a block, has one teacher and primary grades.

The Handy school in the Fourth ward is a one room frame. For primary grades and occupies a quarter of a block.

Great interest is manifested in the schools and no expense is spared in making them first class in every particular.

The State Security bank building, a brick with cul-stone front, is an elegant structure, and would do credit to Farman street in Omaha. It is now early completed and will soon be ready for occupancy.

The Grand Island & Wyoming Central railway condemned a right of way last month for a belt line around the city, and work on the grade is soon to be commenced.

The various alliance organizations in this county are making things hum. The Cairo boys have incorporated and are now shipping from four to ten carloads of corn per week.

There are dozens of strangers on the streets daily, seeking locations for enterprises of various descriptions, and the idea is prevalent that Grand Island will have a rapid growth this coming summer.


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