Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1890 - 1899

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Independent
Thursday, January 9, 1890

They do say.....
.....that a public library is about to be established.
.....tha E. E. Thompson took in New Year's in our burg.
.....that 48,000 sheep are being fed right around Wood River
.....that M. J. Garret drew Baldwins's gold watch New Year's Day
.....that both Sunday schools had a grand blckboard last Sunday.
.....that the Ladies Guild nette $48 on their Christmas dinner and supper.
.....that everybody in five miles of Wood River has or has had La Grippe.
.....that Billy Randall and family of Gibbon, spent New Year's Day with R. Wescott.
.....that even the doctors agree for once, and like the rest, take a dose of La Grippe.
.....that Eva Green is clear behind reporting weddings, so many of them marry during the holidays.
.....that the Odd Fellows made the holidays happy for several poor people, who were in no way related to the order, by the distribution of flour, fowls and clothing. Practical religion, that.
.....that Rev. Storms came up and united W. F. Thompson, brother of our county superintendent and Miss Lettie Brittin, daughter of our post-master, in the bonds of matrimony Jan. 1st, at 7:30. That the wedding was immense, and many fine presents were received.
.....that about fory visiting members mostly from Gibbon took to Odd Fellows lodge her New Year's night, and that two were initiated, a 1st and 2d degree conferred and new officers installed, and a genuine old Odd Fellows supper eaten. That Odd Fellows and Workman lodges do boon exceedingly.

Grand Island Independent
Thursday, January 9, 1890

Died at her home about 4 miles north of town on last Tuesday, Lizzie Sprague, aged 16. She had been somewhat sick for several months. Her parents were absent in Colorado, and when she was taken with a dangerous attack a few days ago, they hastened home to care for her. Her mother arrived just before her death, her father not until afterwards. Rev. Harper conducted the funeral at the M. E. church. It is sad to see one departing thus in the morning of life, but:

"My Lord has need of these flowerets gay"
The Reaper said, and smiled:
"Dear tokens of the earth are they
Where He was once a child."

They shall all bloom in fields of light
Transplanted by my care,
And saints, upon their garments white,
these sacred blossoms wear."

And the mother gave, in tears and pain,
The flowers she most did love,
She knew she would find them all again,
In the fields of light above.

O, not in cruelty, not in wrath,
the Reaper came that day,
"Twas and angel visited the green earth
And took the flowers away."


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Matthew D. Friend © 2005 - 2006 & 2010 - 2018 | Kaylynn Loveland © 1997 - 2005 & 2007 - 2010
Created By Matthew D. Friend © 2018 | Last Updated: Friday, April 27, 2018

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