Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1870 - 1879

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

This is the first issue to be published in Grand Island, Nebraska on this day.

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

First Edition

We were instructed as well as amused in witnessing Mr. D. G. Phinister moving the ponderous safes in the Court House, which was executed with such precision that other cities would have been astonished by his practical ingenuity. Judge Platt 's safe weighs 4,000 pounds and the Treasurers safe, 2,542 pounds. Under his command everything moved like clockwork, with the assistance of John Morehouse , who understands the application of knot and tackle.

County Commissioners, composed of Mr. James Jackson , George Cornelius and Edward Hooper , were in session at the court House on Monday the 7th inst., attending to the immediate interests of the county. Very important business was transacted. They are gentlemen of business worth and integrity, and the business of the county could not be intrusted to safer hands. They have adjourned until Monday the 13th of the present month.

Probate Court-July Term. Hon. W. H. Platt , presiding.

Walter Van Pelt vs. Charles Moore , work and labor. Cause continued until September term on affidvit of defendent.

Charles Botsford vs. Harriet Fisher and husband, work and labor. Cause continued on affidavit of defendant until July 18, 9 o'clock a.m. Abbott for plaintiff, Hayes for defendant.

Vogel vs. Hoffman . Settled. Thurmmel , for plaintiff.

Handy vs. Hoffman . Settled.

Patterson vs. Miller . Judgment for plaintiff in sum of $25.00 and costs. Abbott for plaintiff.

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

First Edition


We are indebted to Mr. Eldridge for the following item: A severe and perhaps fatal accident came near occurring at Wood River. A lady and gentleman of our city, while enjoying a pleasant ride on the 4th of July, attempted to cross the river when mistaking the channel on the other side, horse, buggy and riders were intirely submerged in some eight feet of water. Mr. Charles Powell , standing some ten rods above the bridge, observing their pregarious condition, dashed into the river and saved bot lady and gentleman, and brought horse and buggy safe to shore. Honor to whom honor is due, and all honor to the heroic Charles Powell .

Judge Platt has moved his office up to the Court House.

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

First Edition


The new Court house is an imposing structure, located in the centre of Grand Island City. In proportion, 44 x 60 feet, three stories high, and constructed of brick and stone. The officiary of the county took possession of their various offices about a week ago. John Wallichs , County Clerk, William Hagge , County Treasurer, William H. Platt , Probate Judge, John D. Hayes , Superintendent of Common Schools, Ely A. Barnes , County Surveyor, and William Spiker , Sheriff, and all very pleasantly ensconced in their new and commodious offices.

Through the courtesy of our popular Sheriff we had he honor of visiting the county jail, in the basement of the Court House, where we found everything neat and the apartments cool and commodious. Mr. T. Hare , the county jailor, keeps everything under his charge in perfect order, and is very attentive to visitors.

We were also treated to a view of the surrounding country from the cupola of the Court House, which we most candidly admit to be the finest of prairie, wood and stream that we have ever witnessed in the West. We advise all who visit our city, and desire to see the beauties of Hall County in its vast extent of beautiful prairie, to call upon our courteous Sheriff, and with his permission, take a peep from the Court House dome, and we assure them that their most ardent desire for scenery will be more than gratified.

Transcribers Note: The "old" Court House, built in 1872-73 was located where the Pioneer Park is today to which had served Hall County until 1904. The "new" Court House is still standing on the corner of First and Locust Streets.

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

First Edition


has two new boarders, Frank and Joseph Flowers by name, accused with stealing three sets of harness, about the first of this month, from a man by the name of Stevens , of Sherman county. They were captured on ???? Creek, north of Columbus, and brought to this city for safe-keeping. After a preliminary examination before the probate Judge of Sherman county, they were held to bail in the sum of $500, in default of which they will remain confined here, Sherman county having no jail as yet.
The Grand Jury's Report on County Buildings
Grand Jury Room, Hall County, June Term Court, 1873
To the honorable District Court, Third Judicial District, State of Nebraska

The undersigned members of the Grand Jury having examined the Jail and public buildings of the said Hall county would respectfully report:

Condition of Jail too damp to accord with health of prisoners, owing to extreme wet weather, the "newness" of plastering and perhaps somewhat too bad ventilation, and would recommend that the Sheriff of said county be intructed to allow prisoners all access to fresh air consistant with safety until plastering is thoroughly dried, and 2d, that he be instructed to supply prisoners with better and more sufficient bedding than is at present supplied, and to report that other county buildings are in condition satisfactory to members of the jury. In conclusion we would recommend the construction of an area wall about the Court House to protect the main wall from dampness.

    Henry P. Handy , Foreman
    William Eldridge
    George W. Bus??
    W. C. King
    Peter Wiese
    Fred Nabel?
    B. C. Howard
    James Cleary
    A. P. Potter
    C. E. Jerome
    R.S. Buchanan
    J. G. Nagge
    J. D. Schuller
    G. G. McKenzie
    William Wasmer
    W.D. Wilson

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

First Edition


Mrs. Judge Platt , Mrs. H. P. Makeley , Mrs. Edward Hooper , Mrs. D. Morgan and other ladies, will accept my sincere and grateful acknowledgements for their very kind and constant attendance at the sick bed of my daughter, Minnie. --- H. N. Chapman


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