Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1870 - 1879

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Kaylynn Loveland believed this was the first newspaper published in Grand Island, however, according to the 1890 Hall County history the first newspaper established wasn't until July 16, 1873 as the Grand Island Times to which it was published weekly on Wednesdays.

Platte Valley Independent
Saturday, July 2, 1870


Grand Island, the county seat of Hall county, is a town of about 600 inhabitants, standing on the Union Pacific Railroad at the west end of the first locomotive division, west from Omaha 154 miles. It has good churches and public schools, a fine steam grist mill, and a resonable amount of business houses of almost every branch, which are conducted by thorough-going and honorable business men. The R. R. company have here good substantial shops and round house, built entirely of brick.

The town society is as desirable as that of any place in the State. The citizens are all of a class who do not consider it dishonorable to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows. Both the town and county officers are men of undoubted integrity who devote their whole time and attention to the furtherance of the interests of the community at large. No county in the State can boast of a more efficient corps of officers.

The United States Land Office, transacting business for all portions of central and western Nebraska, is situated at this place, under the immediate supervision of E. W. Arnold, a gentlman universally esteemed for the obliging dispositon shown to all persons making inquiry concerning any business connected with his office.

The production of the soil, natural and acquired advantages, and good society, unite in making Hall county the most desirable locality in the State, for persons who desire to settle in an honorable, steadily advancing and civilized community.

For information concerning the land in Hall county, address

Grand Island, Neb.

Platte Valley Independent
Saturday, July 2, 1870


Hall County is one of the most properous, productive and thickly settled counties in central or western Nebraska, and is now settling up so rapidly as any county in the State. The county consists of about five hundred and twelve thousand, thre hundred and twenty (512,320) acres of as good farming land as can be found any where in America. It has many od, well established and valuable farms. Considerabe land is yet open to the pre-emption and homestead laws, and many valuable and desirable tracts can yet be bought o fthe Union Pacific Railroad company, at reasonable figures and on liberal terms. No county in Nebraska offers the actual settler grater inducements than does Hall. The inhabitants are all of an honorable, energetic and industrious blend of different nationalities, and from almost every point of the _____?. Excellent public schools are incorporated in convenient points throughout the county, which afford the best of facilities for educating the young. Good grist and saw mills are plenty, so that the farmers experience no difficulties in getting their grains turned into breadstuff or their logs made into building material. Hall county is one of the best timbered counties is the State, though the most of the timber is cottonwood.


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