Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1870 - 1879

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

The Platte Valley Independent was established on January 1, 1870 by Mrs. M. G. T. Eberhart and Seth P. Mobley in North Platte, Nebraska. On this day was perhaps the first news of Hall County.

Platte Valley Independent
Saturday, June 26, 1870


Lone Tree, Neb., June 19th. ---A meeting was held at this place on the evening of June 18th, for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements for the celebration of the coming "National holiday."

Meeting was called to order by F. W. Moore. On motion J. B. Adams was chosen Chairman, and Ira Prouty, Secretary. The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of making arrangements for a picnic and celebraton on the 4th of July. The following committees were than appointed:

On Programme: Miss Gertie Conrad, Mrs. T. F. Parker, Mr. W. W. Burroughs, Mr. W. E. Marsh and Mr. T. F. Parker. On erection of bower; Mr. H. C. Martin, Mr. Zack Phales, Mr. T. A. Johnson, Mr. W W. Biggs and Mr. W. W. Buroughs. On Ice, Sugar, Lemons, &c.; L. May, Ira Prouty and J. B. Adams. On Tables and Dinner; Mrs. E. Bockes, Mrs. J. G. Brewer, Mr. W. E. Mars, Miss Phales, Miss Gertie Conrad, Mrs. McCarn, Mrs. E. Hilton, Mrs. C. Estaugh, Mrs. Elthourp, Messrs. W, E. Marsh, Zack Phales and J. M. May.

On Vocal Music; Miss Gertie Conrad and Mr. H. C. Martin. On Finace; Messrs. E. Hilton, J. H. Berryman, A. Parks, C. D. M. Washburne and H. C. Martin.

To arrange place for Dancing; Messrs. Isaac Traver, G. W. Moore and W. W. Burroughs.

Mr. E. Bockes was appointed Floor Manager, and also a committee to procure music for the dance.

Mr. Isaac Traver was appointed Marshal of the day. A motion was carried that the citizens of Hall and Platte counties should be invited to be present and take part in the exercise.

Come one and all, and bring your baskets well filled with the good things of life.

Platte Valley Independent
Saturday, June 26, 1870


Who tempted Eve?" asked a Sunday school teacher of a young scholar. The little fellow, after a moments thought, with an air of confidence, exclaimed: "It's the gentleman who lives in h-ll. I've forgotten his name." The only prisoner in the Nantucket jail notifies the authorities that if they don't fix up that jail so that the sheep can't get in to bother him, he'll be blowed if he'll stay in there.

An Illinois reporter, in describing a gale of wind, says: "A white dog, while attempting to weather the gale, was caught with his mouth open, and turned completly inside out." An Irishman who had lain sick a long time, was one day met by the parish priest, when the following converstion took place:

"Well, Patrick, I am glad you have recovered. But were you not afraid to meet God?"

"Och! no, your riverence! It was the meetin' of t'other chap I was afeared uv!" replied Pat.

"Here sonny, hold my horse while I go in this store a munte," said a gentleman in a western town, as he approached a ragged urchin, who was standing on the side-walk.

"Does he Kick?"

"No, he is gentle.

"Does he bite?"

"No, no, he is perfectly docile."

"Does it take two to hold him?"

"No, no, here take the bridle, I am in a hurry."

"Well then, if he don't kick, nor bite and it don't take two to hold him, hold him yourself."


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