Dawson County NEGenWeb Project

Part of the Dawson County NEGenWeb Project

Level, Nebraska

A special Thank-you goes to Kathy Hall for finding the following information:
  • Many lists of early Dawson County communities overlook Level, a small farming community in the northwest corner of Dawson County. Only maps published between 1884 and 1904 show it. This page attempts to put Level back on the map.
  • The Name: According to Perkey's Nebraska Place Names, the name was "probably descriptive in origin."
  • Population: The population was listed as 30 in Cram's Standard American Atlas of 1889, making it larger than Congdon, Humpback, Velte or White Rabbit, and nearly as large as Willow Island.
  • Post Office: The Level post office was established June 18, 1884 and discontinued April 29, 1904. At least part of that time, the post office was in the home of Ernest Eri Peck, two miles west and one and a half miles north of the Walnut Grove Church. Ernest's daughter, Dr. Gladys Peck Croman, said the post office was in the home of her grandfather Rufus H. Peck. A 1904 plat map showed it on the property of Gust Maline.
  • Residents: Farmers with Level addresses listed in the 1890-91 directory were:
    Gerhard and Jno Aden
    Charles W. Adle
    H.C. Albers
    N. Anderson
    B. R. and T. J. Barton
    A. O. Berg
    Jno, Martin
    R. and Wm Black
    Alfred Block
    N. and Wm S. Brownfield
    G. B. Campbell
    D. W. Daggett
    G. L. Ditto
    Wm. Drinkwater
    Thos Durland
    Jno Frerichs
    Henry Garralts
    Henry Geiken
    Hilbert Griken
    P. S. Hammond
    Geo H. Haye
    D. R. Henud
    John Hunnel
    Aug Isaacson
    Dick Jenkens
    Cornelius Jansen
    Swan Johnson
    Rolf Junker
    H. E., F. R., J. T. and E. M. Kirkpatrick
    John Lammers
    H. C. Lauer
    J. H. Lemmon
    R. C. Love
    C. H. McCaurl
    A. D. McGrew
    F. A. and Jno McNeal
    Gust and Jonas Maline
    Jno Morrow
    Chas Norstrom
    Nels Olson
    E. E., H. C. and R. H. Peck
    A. P. Peterson
    James Purdy
    G. A. Rhodin
    W. W. Ristine
    Lars Sandquist
    P. W. Sealander
    Wm. Sherman
    Gerd and Henry Sitorius
    Geo Stimson
    Herman Strate
    Geo Thomas
    E. Totten
    Riley Vedder
    Elias and Henry Wahl
    Carl Westpahl
    Alf Wickland
    Sherman Wilson
    C. Youngberg
  • Sources:
    * Burlington Route Map of Nebraska. 1886. Compiled from the official records of the government and railroad offices. Library of Congress state map collections.
    * Cram's Standard American Atlas, 1889. Railroad and County Map of Nebraska, Geo. F. Cram, Engraver and Publisher, Chicago.
    * Dawson County Platbook, 1904, Township 12 N. Range 24 W.
    * Galbraith's railway mail service map. 1898. Library of Congress state map collections.
    * Nebraska State Board of Transportation. 1889 Railway map of Dawson County. Library of Congress state map collections.
    * Nebraska State Gazetteer. Business Directory and Farmers list for 1890-1891, J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 1890.
    * Perkey, Elton A. Perkey's Nebraska Place Names, J&L Lee Co. Nebraska State Historical Society, 1995.

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