Dawson County NEGenWeb Project

From the "IMMIGRANT ISSUE" of the Lincoln State Journal Sunday 5 June 1887.
This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status and attract new residents. A special 'Thank-you' to Bill Wever for finding and providing this article.


   Located in Dawson County--on the Union-Pacific Railroad--One Hundred and Eighty-Three Miles From Lincoln--Population Five Hundred.

   This place is in Dawson county, on the famous 100th meridian. The main line of the Union Pacific railroad from Omaha west passes through it. The growth of this place during the last two years has been remarkable. The population is now above 500 and is increasing rapidly. Two years ago it did not exceed seventy-five.

   At the present it has four general merchandise stores, two drug stores, one harness shop, two hardware stores, one restaurant and confectionery, one barber shop, two lumber yards, four livery and feed stables, one flour and feed store. three implement stores, two hotels, two boarding houses, two meat markets, one furniture store, one dealer in pumps and windmills and one repair store for the same, one bank, one saloon, two blacksmith shops, one newspaper and printing office and one millinery store.

   It also has two lawyers, two physicians. and two churches, one Methodist and one Christian. There are also three real estate agents. The town also has one grain dealer operating a handsome and well arranged elevator. There is also one dealer in coal and one stock dealer and shipper. The town is justly proud of a new flouring mill having a capacity of hundred barrels per day. It is not completed yet, but will be in a short time and put into operation. All lines of business here a profitable. All are doing well and are very hopeful. It would indeed, be very difficult to find a town in the state no larger than Cozad that is doing the business it is.

   This town surely has a bright future. Its situation and surroundings warrants this belief. It is situated on the fertile Platte river valley, about one and one-half miles north of the river. The valley at this point is about twenty-three miles wide, and the sun never shone on a finer, more fertile tract of land. Here abundant crops of corn are raised and all kinds of grain are raised. It is surely a paradise for farmers. Water in abundance and of a superior quality can be had all over the valley at depths varying from ten to sixty feet The town now has a tributary to it a strip of country ten miles east and west, and thirty miles north and south making three hundred square miles. Most of this territory is on the valley. Land in this territory is cheap yet and when it is settled up and cultivated will support a large, thrifty towns. The growth of the country will make Cozad, in a few years, a good town. Here is a fine field for capital. There is not only room for more business houses and business enterprises, but an actual demand for them. Cozad, with its fine site and beautiful surrounding country, affords at this time rare opportuntities. It is believed that many will avail themselves of these opportunities in the near future.

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