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Early Attempts to Divide Cherry County

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  Early Attempts To Divide Cherry County Found in Several Newspaper Files.

Petition presented to county fathers October 7, 1896.

On motion the petition of certain persons of Boiling Springs and other precincts to submit a proposition to the electors of Cherry County to move the county seat to Cody, was rejected, for the reason that the petitioners have not complied with the requirements of the Statutes for such cases.
On motion the petition of certain residents of the southwest part of Cherry County, to submit a proposition to the electors of Cherry County to cut off certain territory from Cherry County and attach the same to Grant county, was rejected for the reason that the board is of the opinion that said proposition can not legally be submitted to a vote until the general election of 1897.
Petitions ask to divide Cherry County, August 1911.
Although petitions were filed to divide the county, form two new counties, and attach part of southern Cherry County to Grant and Hooker counties, no further information could be found, nor could a list of those signing the petition be found.
The petition asked that about a eastern third of Cherry County remain as defined; that a new county known as Lake County begin at the southeast comer of Township 28 N, Range 31 W, north to the north line of Cherry County and west to the West line of Range 35W. The southern part of Cherry County between Range 31 and 35 of the new Lake County to be attached to Hooker County.
Another new county to be known as Green County would begin at the south east corner of Township 25N, Range 36W, north to the north line of Cherry County and west to the west line of Cherry County. The southern part of Cherry County bordered on the east by Range 36 north to the southeast comer of Township 28 and west to the county line would be attached to Grant County.
Last of controversy apparently January 15, 1920.
A proposal that has agitated the people of Cherry County at different times for several years past, bids fair to become again a burning question and one that in all probability will be voted upon in the near future.
Introduced by Festus Carothers of Grant County and referred to Committee on State and County Boundaries. Relating to the Division of Union of Counties.
Proposal to amend or revise Section 3 of Article X to read as follows: Section 3: No county nor part of the territory of any county shall be added to an adjoining county without submitting the question to the qualified voters of both counties, nor unless approved by a majority of all the qualified electors of the territory affected, voting on the question. When any county shall be added to another all prior indebtedness of each county shall remain a charge of the taxable property within the territory of each county, as it existed prior to consolidation. When any part of a county is stricken off or attached to another county, the part stricken off shall beholden for and obliged to pay its proportion of all the liabilities then existing of the county from which it is taken; but shall not be liable for any prior liabilities of the county to which it is attached.
Found in several early newspaper articles.