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Rehbein Grave

Located on the Merlin Scholtes Ranch 5 miles south and 1/4 miles west of the hiway at Nenzel, NE. Marked by bushes and rocks.

Rehbein, Gusta(dau of Frederick & Louise Kruger Rehbein)18801892

This story supplied by Martin Nollette & Marvin Larabee.

Frederick Carl Rehbein & Louise Kruger Rehbein homesteaded at Nenzel, NE. They came from Pomerania, Germany. The trip took 35 days. They lived in a section house at Crowell, Ne. Carl worked as a section hand for 50 cents a day. When he worked over time he got 10 cents an hour. The family only had $20 when they left Dodge County in 1885 and moved to Nenzel, Ne in Cherry County. They homesteaded on 160 acres at that time approximately 5 miles south of Nenzel, Ne. Final proof advertised Nov 20.1889 on #HE2603 for SE 1/4, Sec. 8, Twp.33, R32W.

The children:Herman (1873-1950), Gusta (1880-1892), Gustoff(1881-1956), Marie(1882-1968), went to shcool three months in winter in a little log house, had split logs for seats and used same for desks and sat straddle on a split log. Gus was 9 years old when he started school. had to walk 2 1/2 miles through the sandhills. A few years later they built a better school house.

They held Sunday school and Methodist church in the school house. They held literary and spell downs. One shcool visited other schools and had to go 15 miles in a bob sled when snow was on the ground. Used lumber wagons when the road was good. Half of the pupils went horse back to surprise parties too. Opprotunity was good if you wanted to over take hardship.

The same year they moved, Louise saw some wagons coming. She was glad to see more immirgrants coming, but instead it was 50 Indians. Gus and Gusta crawles between the feather bed so the Indians could not see them. The Indians stayed a long time and it got hot between the feathers and they peeked out. The Indians hollered HOW-HOW and that frightened them all the more.

Gusta Died at age 12 from a rattlesnake bite which she got while driving cattle to the river to water each day. There were no cemeteries at that time, She is buried on the homestead south of Nenzel. She died in 1892. The mother, Louise Kruger Rehbein is buried in the Lavacca Cemetery near Gordon on the river.

In 1895 Frederick, step son of Herman, son of Gustoff, and a daughter Marie left the homestead and moved back to Dodge County. Gustoff's impression of Dodge County at that ime were neighbors were too close and too muddy there to suit him. If fahter said he would move back to Cherry couonoty, he would be ready to go back.

Herman moved back to Cherry county in later years and lived on the river south of Merriman. Herman is buried in Gordon, NE. Marie Rehbein married John Behrens and moved to Ainsworth, NE. She died in 1968. She is the grandmother of Marvin Larabee.

  This cemetery information by Martin Nollette Jr & Marvin Larabee

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