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McMurtrey Cemetery
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McMurtrey Cemetery

This cemetery was laid out by Charles M. Kime in the spring of 1897 when his father in law, Mr. Bartley passed away. His son, Levi Kime, was buried in June of that same year. Charlie Kime thought he had laid out the cemetery on his own land, but later survey proved it to be across the fence on what is now the McMurtrey Ranch.
Section 11, Range 35, Township 29.

People buried there are:

Merrick, Baby 06-14-1913 06-14-1913
Mr Bartley(buried in the spring) ?? 04-19-1897
Farnham, ?? (Father of Eric Farnham) ?? ??
Garroute, Floy(4 year old boy) ?? ??
Kime, Levi(infant son of Charles M. Kime) ??06-?-1897
Kime, L.M. ?? 1907
Merrick, Clarence (baby) ?? ??
Russell, I.N.(father of Albert & George Russell)????
Wengander, Annie (baby) ????

This information given by Mrs. Dora Cronin and Mrs. Erba McMurtrey.
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