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© Copyright 1999 Wendy J. Anderson who compiled and typed this index. This page may not be copied or distributed or accessed for profit without the written permission of the copyright holder or the owner of this site.

Roster of Company A,
First Regiment, Nebraska Veteran Volunteers
Surnames A - K

Last Name, First Name Age Residence
Date and rank when mustered in - when mustered out
Notes on service.
Allen, Edward W. 18 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 Pvt.-12 Apr 1866 Pvt
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865; Dishonorably discharged by sentence Gen. Ct. Martial, S.O. 48, Hdqrs. Dept. MO. 1866
Allen, Howard 35 Plattsmouth, Ne.
18 Nov 1863 - 16May1865
Blacksmith; discharged per telegraphic orders, War Dept., A.G.O. 16 May 1865.
Archer, D. A. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
07 Jan 1864 Pvt.-
Deserted 09 Oct 1865.
Armstrong, Jas. F. (or L.) 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt. - Sgt.
Corpl. 13 Oct 1862; reduced 06 May 1863; re-nlst 12 Nov 1863; Sgt. 01 Sep 1864.
Deserted 12 Oct 1865.
Artman, Peter 26 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 Pvt.-01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Atkins, James 21 Fort Kearney, Ne.
07 Oct 1864 Pvt.-
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865.
Deserted 20 Jul 1865.
Aughe, James E. 25 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Babcock, Azariah 33 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Corpl.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 01 Jul 1865; reduced to ranks; Corpl. 02 May 1866.
Bain, William M. 22 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt - 01 Jul 1866 Sgt.
re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; Corpl. 01 Jan 1864; Sgt. 01 Sep 1864.
Barr, John W. 20 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Bates, Isaac F. 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.-
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; Corpl. 01 Sep 1864; reduced to Pvt. 28 May 1866.
Bates, Israel F. 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Corpl.
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; Corpl 01 Sep 1864.
Bates, James 21 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jul 1864 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Corpl.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865; Corpl. 02 May 1866.
Bates, James R. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.-
re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; bugler 01 Jan 1865; deserted 07 Oct 1865 "charge of desertion removed. See certificate on file."
Bates, Seth R. 19 Plattsmouth, Ne.
03 Oct 1864 -
Deserted 07 Oct 1865 "charged of desertion removed 14 May 1888 (see notice on file.)"
Bates, William H. 21 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 26 Feb 1863 Pvt
Discharged for disability caused by wound received at battle of Shiloh, TN. 07 Apr 1862
Benningfield, J. 47 Georgetown, Mo.
29 Nov 1861 Pvt.-12 Mar 1864 Pvt.
Discharged 12 Mar 1864 for disability
Bewlin, Fred J. 27 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.-
Transferred to Co. B 01 Jul 1861
Bigelow, Joseph H. 38 Fort Kearney, Ne.
18 May 1865 Pvt.-03 Sep 1865 Pvt.

Died 03 Sep 1865 at Big Muddy Station, NE.
Billeter, William T. 23 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Boyce, James K. 23 Glenwood, Ia.
11 Jun 1861 - 27 Aug 1864
Bradley, Elijah 22 Julesburg, Colo.
18 May 1865 Pvt.-01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Brand, John 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Re-nlst 12 Nov 1863; deserted 12 Sep 1865; arrested 28 Sep 1865; restored to duty without trial. Mustered out with Co.
Brown, Benjamin A. 42 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -01Jul1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Brown, Nathan 18 Cottonwood, Ne.
07 Oct 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10Jul1865
Brown, Stephen J. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864.
Buckley, Martin 18 Memphis, Tn.
Never mustered
Enlisted 11 Jul 1862; deserted 08 Oct 1862.
Buoyer, Felix 40 Dawson's Station, Mo.
Never mustered
Transferred to Co. A from Co. C 01 Nov 1862 "(No further record found) Transferred with Mus. Celon Williams."
Burris, Stephen B. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 11 Feb 1862 Pvt.
Discharged for disability at St. Louis, MO.
Butts, William H. 19 Plattsmouth, Ne.
07 Jul 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Cain, Martin 30 Batesville, Ark.
29 Apr 1864 Pvt.-01 Jul 1866 Pvt.

Caldwell, David 45 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Caldwell, Joseph W. 18 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 30 Apr 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865; mustered out per S.O. 45 Hdqrs. Dist. Nebr. 1866
Carmichael, Arthur 20 Plattsmouth, Ne.
07 Jul 1861 Pvt. - 01 Jul 1866 Sgt.
re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; Corpl 01 Sep 1864; reduced 26 Sep 1864; Corpl. 01 Jan 1865; Sgt. 01 Nov 1865.
Carmichael, Jacob E. 23 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 02 Jan 1863 Pvt.
Discharged for disability.
Carrothers, John W. 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Corpl-27 Aug 1864 Sgt.
Sgt. 05 Feb 1862
Carter, Nelson G. 44 Nebraska City, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Catlin,** Colonel H. 25 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Blacksmith; Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865.
Deserted 09 Oct 1865.**
Chalfant, William 21 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; Sgt. 21 Aug 1864; reduced to ranks 25 Aug 1864; reinstated Sgt. 01 Nov 1865
Chapple, James 20 Plattsmouth, Ne.
07 Jul 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Cheney, Winchester 21 Plattsmouth, Ne.
22 Jul 1864 Pvt.-
Deserted 07 Sep 1865 at Sandhill Station.
Child, Everard S. 19 Glendale, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Child, Ranald P. 28 St. Louis, Mo.
Private; transferred from 6th MO. Inf. 1861; re-nlst 01 Jan 1864; deserted 13 Sep 1864; returned 23 Oct 1864; restored to duty without trial; deserted again 02 Sep 1865; returned 25 Nov 1865; awaiting sentence G.C.M. at muster-out of Co. 01 Jul 1866
Clayton, James 44 Rock Bluff, Ne.
18 Nov 1863 - 08 Mar 1864 Pvt.
Transferred from Co. K 01 Jul 1863; discharged for disability.
Collier, John W. 25 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.-01 Jul 1862 Pvt.
Discharged for disability.
Collins, Robert A. 38 Omaha, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 - 09 Jan 1863
Muscian; Discharged for disability; re-nlst 28 Jul 1863 as Principal Musician.
Couch, William R. 31 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Private; trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865; deserted 13 Sep 1865.
Craig, William W. 28 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 07 Jul 1861 Pvt.
Taken out of service on writ of habeas corpus and discharged.
Crawford, John A. 23 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- see note
Discharged for disability 08 Feb 1862 at St. Louis, MO.; re-nlst 09 Nov 1863; deserted 23 Dec 1864; returned and deserted again 21 Oct 1865; charges of desertion removed and discharge ordered to date 21 Oct 1865 per letters War Dept. A.G.O. 04 Feb 1886 and 22 Mar 1886.
Cutler, Martin B. 31 Rock Bluff, Ne.
27 Apr 1864 1stLt-01 Jul 1886 1stLt
Transferred from Co. C., 1st Battalion NE. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865.
Received injury while in the line of duty "causing varix of the right 'femoral vein' and ingunal hernia of the right side."
Daplyn, Wesley 18 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 01 Nov 1865
Darrel, William 21 Nebraska City, Ne.
05 Dec 1863 Pvt.- 04 Sep 1865
Dishonorably discharged by S.O., No. 474, War Dept., A.G.O., Washington
Davis, Andrew G. 21 Plattsmouth, Ne.
07 Jul 1861 Pvt.- 05 Dec 1861 Pvt.
Died 05 Dec 1861 at St. Louis, MO.
Davis, William S. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
01 Jul 1864 Pvt.-
Deserted 21 Oct 1865.
Dawson, Lewis F. 31 Nebraska City, Ne.
05 Dec 1863 Pvt.-
Deserted 05 Apr 1865 at Fort Kearney, N.T.
Decker, Benjamin G. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864. Mustered 03 Jun 1864 at Batesville, Ark.
Donavan, Edward 28 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866
Promoted Hospital Steward and trans. to non-commd. staff 21 Jul 1864
Dougherty, William 26 Brownville, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Ducota, Celestine C. 41 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Re-nlst at St. Louis, Mo., 12 Nov 1863. Mustered 18 Nov 1863.
Dudley, George H. 33 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - Corpl.
Trans. from Co. A., 1st Batln., Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 03 Sep 1865.
Dunaway, Geo. E. 21 Plattsmouth, Ne.
31 Oct 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Corpl.

Earhart, Nathaniel G. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun Corpl.-
Deserted 18 Aug 1862.
Eaton, George A. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
15 Aug 1864 Pvt.- 10 Jul 1865 Pvt.
Discharged for disability
Eldridge, Ira P. 29 St. Louis, Mo.
09 Feb 1862 Corpl?- 03 Nov 1863 Corpl?
Discharged to accept commission in colored reg't by order of Gen. Schofield.
Ellis, Thomas O. 23 Plattsmouth, Ne.
26 Aug 1864 - Corpl.
Deserted 12 Oct 1865.
Evans, George W. 24 Plattsmouth, Ne.
08 Aug 1864 Pvt.-
Deserted 13 Sep 1864. "Bounty jumper"
Fausett, Joseph D. 22 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865. Deserted 01 Nov 1865.
Frost, Frank 21 Fort Kearney, Ne.
never mustered
Enlisted 24 Nov 1865. Deserted 26 Feb 1865 from Fort Kearney, NT.
Gester, Thomas E. 23 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Gillette, Lee P 33 Nebraska City, Ne.
15 Jun 1861 1stLt-01 Jul 1866 Capt?
1stLt. Co. D; Capt. Co. A 04 Oct 1862 to date from 06 May 1862.
Wounded in right arm at Shiloh 07 Apr 1862
Gillette, Walter 20 Fort Kearney, Ne.
07 Oct 1864 -
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865.
Deserted 07 Oct 1865.
Green, Calvin C. 45 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 17 Oct 1862 Pvt.
Died 17 Oct 1862 in St. Louis, MO.
Hagood, John McF. 43 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Sgt-27 Aug 1864 1stLt
Appointed Color Sgt. 11 Jun 1861; 2dLt. 01 Jan 1862; 1stLt. 30 May 1862.
Hale, Stephen M. 18 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
"Hail, Stephen M." on records of 1st Batln. Nebr. Cavalry
Hardwick, George 27 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Tmstr.- 01 Jun 1866 Corpl.
Re-nlst 25 Nov 1863; Corpl. 01 Sep 1864.
Harmell, Acan H. 19 Dakota City, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Harmell, Edward 20 Dakota City, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 11 Sep 1865; returned 16 Oct 1865; deserted again 02 Dec 1865.
Harris, James H. 26 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 11 Sep 1865; returned 11 Oct 1865.
Hart, William B. 40 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Corpl- 08 Dec 1861 Corpl.

Died 08 Dec 1861 at St. Louis, Mo.
Haselwood, John J. 19 Fort Kearney, Ne.
18 May 1865 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.

Haselwood, Wm. S. 24 Fort Kearney, Ne.
18 May 1865 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt

Hemple, Benjamin 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 - 18 Aug 1862
Corpl.; transferred to Regimental Band.
Henderson, Anderson 28 Jacksonport, Ark.
29 Apr 1864 Pvt. -
Deserted 24 Nov 1864; "Colored Cook".
Henderson, Geo. W. 18 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Herring, Delavan S. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 20 Jun 1862 Pvt.
Died 20 Jun 1862 at St. Louis, MO., of fever.
Herring, Hiriam 26 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 - ComSgt
Deserted 06 Sep 1862 at Helena, Ark.
Hess, John 30 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Corpl.- 27 Aug 1864 Sgt.
Sgt. 01 Dec 1863
Hill, Samuel 36 Memphis, Tn.
Never mustered
Enlisted 15 Jul 1862; died 10 Oct 1862 at Memphis, TN of pneumonia.
Holliday, Peter 24 Jacksonport, Ark.
28 Apr 1864 Pvt. -
Deserted 24 Nov 1864; "Colored Cook".
Huyett, Daniel 20 Decatur, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Hyatt, A. J. 18 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt. -
Deserted 05 Mar 1863 at Iron Mountain, MO.
Hyatt, Alvin 45 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 05 Mar 1863 Pvt.
Discharged for disability.
Inhilder, Ubric 22 Plattsmouth, Ne.
18 Jul 1861 Pvt.- 14 Jun 1862 Pvt.
Discharged for disability.
Irish, William W. 25 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 01 Jul 1866 Pvt
Corpl 05 Feb 1862; Reduced to ranks at own request 16 Apr 1863; Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864
Johnson, Jonas O. 20 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 11 Sep 1865; returned 11 Oct 1865; deserted again 02 Dec 1865.
Johnson, Joseph W. 28 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt-27 Aug 1864 1stSgt.
Corpl 01 Oct 1861; Sgt. 24 Jan 1862; 1stSgt 01 Jun 1862.
Johnson, Wm. J. 24 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 25 Jan 1866.
Jones, Henry 21 Nemaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866Corpl
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Karnes, Andrew S. 23 Plattsmouth, Ne.
30 Mar 1865 Pvt.- 15 Nov 1865 Pvt.

Keeze, Francis E. 19 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 27 Aug 1864 Pvt.

Kennedy, William W. 30 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 -04 Sep 1861 Sgt.
Died at St. Joseph, Mo., 04 Sep 1861 "Run over by cars causing amputation of both legs."
Kidder, Albert E. 20 Plattsmouth, Ne.
22 Jul 1864 Pvt.- 10 Jul 1865 Pvt.
Discharged for disability.
Kidder, Daniel E. 42 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Sgt.-17 Jun 1864 Sgt.
Re-nlst 01 Jan 1864;
Died 17 Jun 1864 at Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Kinnamon, Richard 45 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt.- 02 Feb 1862
Appointed Col. Sergt. 11 Jun 1861. Discharged for disability.
Kirwin, John W. 30 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 -
Farrier; trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865
Deserted 09 Oct 1865.
Kitchen, Solomon B. 20 Plattsmouth, Ne.
11 Jun 1861 Pvt. - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Re-nlst and mustered again at St. Louis, MO. 12 Nov 1863
Koup, Frederick 24 Omaha, Ne.
14 Jan 1864 - 01 Jul 1866 Pvt.
Trans. from Co. A, 1st Batln. Nebr. Vet. Cavalry 10 Jul 1865

* - Conflicting information given in 2 or more entries.

** - Please see the Discharge papers of ColonelCatlin for an explanation of the "deserted" status and its subsequentchange.

Intro. to Co. A Roster |Roster: L-Z
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