NEGenWeb Project Resource Center
On-Line LibraryNebraska State Gazetteer,
Business Directory and Farmers List
for 1890-91BROWN COUNTY
Ainsworth Capay Grace Halsted Johnston
Johnstown Long Pine Mabelo Midvale Pineglen Winfield
Prepared by Charlotte Morton, November 1999
Additions by W&N Wever, November 1999
page 42Ainsworth, the county seat of Brown County, on the line of the F.E. & M.V. RR is a place of importance in a commercial sense. The adjoining lands are good, its citizens are enterprising and the town has every prospect of success. Its population is 800 and increasing with a healthy growth. The courthouse built in 1888 was a brick bldg. cost $10,000. The opera house cost $5,000. The First National Bank erected a two-story brick bank building in 1889. A flour mill, a creamery, two banks--Bank of Ainsworth and First National, three hotels and three newspapers-Ainsworth Journal, Ainsworth Star, and Home-Rule, are among the business enterprises. The churches are Baptist, Congregational and Methodist.
Ainsworth, Creamery Co. J H Rogers sec and mgr.
Ainsworth House, W H Orcutt prop.
Ainsworth Journal, B A Miller prop.
Ainsworth Star, Thomas J Smith pub.
Alder, L K, atty
Altschuler, Alex, atty.
Astschuler & Pennell, abstracters
Altschuler & Rippey, real estate, ins.
Aner, Elias, wagonmaker
Ash, E F, restaurant, confectionery.
Ash, James M., billards
Baldwin, W H, farm machinery
Bank of Ainsworth, capital $16,000 J H Rogers pres, R S Rising cashier
Barnes, C F, postmaster
Bartlett C & M furniture
Bartlett, O C, justice
Bisbee, H R atty
Blair, L G, photgrapher
Campbell, C E Rev, Pastor M E church
Chaney, S G, hardware, pumps and windmills
Chase, B M, justice
City Hotel, W H White, prop.
Collins, M E, Mrs., & Co. millinery
Cornish W A, county surveyor
Crane, O H, phys
Davison & Mastick, grain, coal
Davisson, Nathan, meat market
Day, Sawyer, & Sullivan, blacksmiths
Delanoy, J A, notions
De Long, T W, Rev, pastor Congregational church
Douglas, James A. drugs, notions
Eells, Charles B, merchant, taylor
Ellenwood, Albert C. blacksmith
Ely, Wm B, phys
Emo, Frank J, barber
Excelsior Lumber Co. J B Finney pres
Finney, J B, pres. Excelsior Lumber co.
First National Bank, F B Tiffany pres, J B Finney Vice-pres, C G Alton cashier, Frank Boyd asst cashier.
Funk, Z T, genl mdse.
Hedges, Will G, Livery
Hitchings, Mrs. & Hunter, Miss, dressmakers
Home Rule, Robert Wilbert editor, C W Potter mgr.
Kingery, John M. real estate, ins.
Landis House, J. Landis prop
Landis J, prop, Landis House
Lathrop Adello B, drugs
Lewis, A D, nursery
Logan, R M, atty
McAndrews, P D, atty
McCord W D, lumber, grain
Magraw, Joseph, livery
Marsden, Charles H, paints, painter
Martin & Rathburn, carpenters
Miller, B A, prop, Ainsworth Journal
Mosely, Adelbert, livery
Munson & Ackerman, genl mdse
Myers, Charles, barber
Nesbit, R M, genl mdse
Nicholson, John, dentist
Norris, H G, Mrs. millenery
Orcutt, W H, prop, Ainsworth House
Osborne (The) Mrs N J Osborne, prop
Osborne, M J, Mrs. prop The Osborne
Paine & Rogers, real estate, insurance
Pennell L H, capenter
Pine River Roller Mills, Robt Martin mgr, flour and feed
Pollock E J, mgr City Drug Store
Pratt John, restaurant
Remy, George O. phys.
Rightmire, James A, saloon
Rodwell, L A, sta agt, F E & M V R R
Schienost, Albert, Boots and shoes
Seals, Ella Miss, dressmaking
Sisson, Fred W., hardware, Shoes, harness
Smith, Thomas, J. editor and pub. The Ainsworth Star.
Spencer, John C, harness maker
Spencer, W E & Co. boots, shoes and gents furnishing and goods
Stephenson, F A, painter
Swett, A R, & Son, flour mill
Thill, John, meat market
Thompson, M V, jewelry
Wamsley, W P saloon
Warner A D, drugs and clothing
White, Marion, cigar mfr.
White, W H, prop City Hotel
Whittecar, Wm. carpenter
Woodward & Co. genl mdse
Wyvel, John F, hardware, implts.
Capay, a postoffice in the extreme northeastern part of Brown county.
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Grace, a recently established postoffice in Brown county.
Halsted, a rural postoffice in the northwestern part of Brown County. Population 20.
Dingman, J S, Mrs. postmistress.
Halsted, J M, justice
Johnston, a pleasantly located village in the western part of Brown county, has a population of 150. It is 10 miles north of Ainsworth, the county seat.
Johnstown is in the western part of Brown County and has a population of 150. It is 10 miles west of Ainsworth, the county seat, and is on the F. E. & M. V. RR. The town made a great stride in a business view the last year, having gained second place in the county for the shipment of hogs and first place for the shipment of poultry, game and eggs. The town contains a two-story school building, in which is conducted a graded school. The Methodist and United Brethen have each good church buildings in which regular services are held. The Bank of Johnstown has a capital and surplus of $10,000, with a very good line of deposits. There is a grist mill of 60 barrels capacity, and a corn meal mill, both run by water power, of which there is a unlimited supply all the year round. The Germans have erected a church building about seven miles northeast of town. at a cost of $1500. The G.A.R. have a post here.
Allen,T S, blacksmith
Barnes & Porter, genl mdse
Coleman, W W pumps windmills
Coryell, Wm. blacksmith, agl implts
Eichar, Geo,furniture
Farleigh T.D., Dr., Drugs
Fast, Daniel genl mdse
Holt A.G. sta, tel and ex agts
Hoefs & Son, props Evergreen Grist Mill
Hoyt, S J, saw mill.
Johnstown Bank, C Scattergood pres, A Scattergood cashier
Johnstown Lumber Yard, C Scattergood prop
Koontz, S W, postmaster
Micheel Henry, Livery
Moore Edgar, picket fence mfr.
Pfeifer, John, hardware, grain and hog shipper
Pelsters, F W, genl mdse
Porter, Alton, C., pedigreed hogs
Porter, J H, prop, Clifton Hotel
Reed, Hoet, & Fauver, cold storage, buyers of game and poultry
Scattergood, A, justice, notary
Scattergood A W. atty
Wood, L D, prop meal mills
Long Pine, lies in the northeastern part of Brown county, nine miles east of Ainsworth, the county seat, on the F. E. & M. V. R. R., and has 700 inhabitants. Cereals of all kinds are raised in the adjacent country. The Chautauqua Assembly have 120 acres of naturally beautiful and well arranged grounds, on the Long Pine river. In connection with the assembly is a museum containing several thousand interesting geological,
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Long Pine continued
botanical and other specimens. In addition to the excellence of the surrounding country the city itself has valuable interests and industries. Among them are two roller mills, one burr mill, one saw mill and several hotels, a newspaper, the Long Pine Journal, and an opera house, besides there are several churches and societies, and a fire department with a hook and ladder and a hose company, good schools and substantial water works.
Adams G B, sta and ex agt.
Baker Bros, genl mdse.
Bates, J B, phys.
Berger J, genl mdse.
Brown County Bank, C R Glover pres, Fred Whittemore cashier.
Bull Cline, banker, genl mdse and lumber.
Butler Bros, blacksmiths.
Castle J C, hardware.
Chautauqua Roller Mills, C R Glver prop.
Colburn J P, barber.
Collins W W, mgr W U T Co.
Commercial House, C Rapp prop.
Cory W, shoemaker.
Courtright W J, atty and notary.
Depot Hotel, O J Showers prop.
Donohue W H, restaurant.
Dunn M R, saloon
Dunn N V, Miss, millinery.
Dwinell The O J Showers prop.
Enos A F, editor Long Pine Journal.
Exchange Bank, Cline Bull, prop.
Glover C R, prop Chautauqua Roller Mills.
Green E P, phys.
Hallderson C Mrs, laundry.
Hess W L, hardware.
Hoyt George M, cigar mfr.
Ingalls J F, jeweler.
Ingersoll F H, drugs.
Kayser Philip, harness.
Kyner S H, prop Pine Valley Roller Mills.
Laverty J Mrs, millinery.
Learn W W, dentist.
Long Pine Journal, A F Enos editor.
Lowe G W, genl mdse.
McKnight H P, phys.
Madden J J, hotel.
Malloy M B, atty, notary.
Mead J M, furniture, undertaker.
Miller L Mrs, bakery.
Mygatt S N, pres Pine River Roller Mills.
Patten H & Co, dyer and laundry.
Pine River Roller Mills, S N Mygatt pres.
Pine Valley Roller Mills, S H Kyner pres.
Rapp D, prop Commercial House.
Reeves A, flour and feed.
Ringsreid N O, blacksmith.
Salings James, livery.
Scott J, phys.
Shower O J, prop The Dwinell and Depot Hotels.
Smith & Dougherty, livery.
Smith George A, postmester (sic).
Sullivan Timothy, shoemaker.
Thomas J H A, drugs.
Totman & Johnson The Misses, dressmaking.
Upstill Alfred, groceries.
Walker D D, real estate.
Welbs, George V, justice.
Whittemore F A, justice.
Mabelo, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Brown county 12 miles north of Ainsworth the county seat.
Midvale, a post office in the southwestern part of Brown county, 21 miiles south of Ainsworth, the seat of justice.
Pineglen, a postoffice in the northeastern part of Brown county, 14 miles from Ainsworth, the county seat.
p551Winfield, a postoffice on the Niobrara river, in the northwestern part of Brown county, 18 miles north of Ainsworth, the county seat. Arabia is the nearest railway station.
Miller H G, flour mill, saw mill and postmaster.
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© 1999 for NEGenWeb Project, Charlotte Morton, B&N Wever, T&C Miller