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This is an article which was published in the Ainsworth Star Journal and contributed by Marilyn Calver.

Permission was obtained for reposting of this article from Ainsworth Star Journal, local newspaper in Brown County, and editors Rod & Kathy Worrell.
A big thank you to those contributing articles and permission to move this project forward.

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Picture contributed by RuthAnn Steele

Lakeland Sod High School-Monument

A truly unique spot in Brown county has been recognized by the placing of an attractive stone marker.

The Lakeland High School, the only sod high school that is known to have existed, is the site of the stone marker located (on Elsmere road at the Long Lake recreation turn-off).

The marker was put up by the Brown County Historical Society and was made possible by an anonymous donor, with the cooperaton of Ainsworth Monument Co.

The marker , which was erected last Friday, Sept 26,1975, is to be formally dedicated next summer.
It was a bicentennial project of the Brown County Historical Society.

The Society also has plans for a metal marker to be located along Hiway 20.

The sketch shows not only the high shcool but also the barn and the two privies located on the grounds.

The barn was necessary because although the school was used from 1934 until 1941, most students rode horses to school.

During the peiod in which the school was used, it had 3 teachers, Elmer & Mary Holm (1934-1937), Russell Dymdahl (1937-1938) and (1939-1941),
and Gary Grissell, (1938-1939).

Graduates and other persons who attended the school are attempting to form an alumni associaton which would be one of the more unique alumni
groups in the nation.

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