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This story was written by Euggen A. Upstill and given to Marilyn Calver, local historian who gave us permission to use it. This page may not be copied or distributed or accessed for profit without the written permission of the copyright holder or the owner of this site. Please notify the site owner if you have come across this site as a result of a paid subscription to another site.

Long Pine Light and Power Co.

According to Mr. upstill, The Long Pine Light and Power Co. was sold by S. H. Kyner to W. B. Fresay.
Ater that it was operated under several different names until it bacame Consumer Public Power District
They continued up to 1932.

Mr. Upstill did not date his report, but turned the information over to the City of Long Pine, December 06,1966.

Additional information was furnished by Ira H. Moore, who arrived in Long Pine in April 1884 at the age of 4 years.

The first tank and water system was built by the Railroad. All lines were made of wood.
They eventually rotted out and were replaced around 1912, in prepartaion for the new tank and water in the town.

The first wooden tank was open in the early 1880's. In 1885 or 1886 a roof was put on the tank.
The reason, people were found taking baths in the drinking water!!!!.

This information is furnished by Eugene A. Upstill, who arrived in Long Pine, May 1906 at the age of 12 years.

The first waterworks in Long Pine involved a steam pumping station by Pine Creek that served the reailroad in 1881.
The pumping station was on the creek at the old R.R. bridge. The city was incorporated in 1884 and the Long Pine and the
Railroad shared a dug well until the early 1900's. The Long Pine Light and Power Company(S.H.Kyner)
had a contract with the City and the Railroad to supply water in the early 1900's. At this time if the City water was
delivered to the Railroad, the cost was $ 00.01 cents per 1,000 gallons that the Railroad used.

Water was pumped from the Kelly well that was located near the Power Plant, using two triplex pumps, lineshaft driven.
They used this well until 1932. In 1932 they began using the Seven Springs Project, with 2300 volt motors on two pumps.
The Project was funded by the W.P.A. and consisted of a collection system of seven native springs by Pine creek with a
concrete sistern and pump house. The water was pumped to a storage tank near the tracks.
The Spring System is still being used and serves the community adequately.

Going back a little, when the railroad pumped from the springs (the original system),
line were open, and the water ran by gravity in an open ditch down to the pumping station.

The orignal water storage was a wood tank built in the early 1880's. Later a roof was put on.
That tank was replaced in 1914 by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company with a steel riveted standpipe. The tank is still in service.
Some of the original water transmission lines in Long Pine were six inch wood mains. These were replaced with steel mains during the W.P.A. Project. in 1932.

Bond Histlry of the Long Pine Water System

1887- $1,000 Bond Isssue. Installed first water system

1914- $5,000 Bond Issue. Steel stand pipe put in.

1920- $6,000 Bond Issue. Connection of mains by loops- school being built at this time.

1933- $15,000 Bond Issue. This was used in conjuction with the W.P.A. Project.

They needed no other bond issue until 1967

1975- $40,000 Bond Issue. Additional water main west end of town.

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