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District 6
Mortor School

TeacherDates TaughtNotes
Nora M. Lee1915-1916
Beatrice Morter1916-1917
Hazel Hershey1917-1918
No Recordss 1918-1919
Goldie Chase1919-1920
George Fessant1920-1921
Melda Devlin1921-1922
Harriette Admire1922Teacher taught 03-21-1922 to 05-05-1922
Aradelle Engstrom1923-1924
No Records1924-1926
Leona Harr1926-1928Taught 2 years
Helen M. Wirt1928-1929
Margaret Kidd1929-1930
Helen Allen1930-1932Taught 2 years
Miss Rauscher1932-1933
Dortha Gilliland1933-1934
Golda (Goldie) Morter1934-1935
Georgine Ujick1935-1936
Blanche Cuplin1936-1937
Getha Pratt1937-1938
Nettie Pratt1938-1939
Mary Stine 1939-1940
William Morton1940-1941
Margaret Marshall1941-1942
Gwenda Hulshizer1942-1944Taught 2 years
Florence Kinney1944-1945
Wilma Hall1945-1946

If any one has any information, stories or pictures of the teachers and students of this school it would be appreciated.

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