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District 5
Porter Valley

TeacherDates TaughtNotes
Hazel Klingman1915-1916
Mabel LeGate1916-1917
No Records1917-1918
Mabel LeGate1918-1919
Miss Verona Bunn1919-1920
No Records1920-1922
No Records1922-1923
Anna Shaner1923-1924
Elsie Burian1924-1925
Walter Ballard1925-1926
Carol Vlasnik1926-1927
Dorothy Day1927-1929Taught 2 years
Mildred Davis1929-1930
Martha Miller1930-1933Taught 3 years
Ruth Fink1933-1934
Edna Bejot1934-1935
Violet Clark1935-1937Tasught 2 years
Alice Alberts-Bammerlin1937-1938
Geraldine Gaylord1938-1939
No Records1939-1954
Gayleen Scholtes1954-1955
Mildred Blomquist1955-1956
Lena Kenyon1956-1957
Mrs. Marlene Arent1957-1958

1958 - 1959 School became 5J and an attendence center.
Enrollments are turned into Woodlake, Nebraska on August 31, 1959. The records show this.
The Students are from Cherry County, but the school is still in Brown County.
This school was closed on June 16, 1960.

If any one has any information, stories or pictures of the teachers and students of this school it would be appreciated.

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